Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

So.. I debated back and forth on whether or not I should write a trip report! Bringing back all my Disney memories is bittersweet, I wish I was still there! However, I do not want to forget anything about my wonderful, amazing trip so here goes! Hope you enjoy :)

I went to Disney from July 14-23, got stuck in Orlando so we didn't really leave until the 24th, with my best friend. This is my fourth trip to Disney and this was her probably 14th, haha. We had never been on vacation together, but we are inseparable at home, so we knew we'd have no problems!! I'm an Ariel lover, Disney World obsessed fan, who comes on these forums WAY TOO MUCH :) My name's Nicole and the girl with the brown hair is my best friend! :) Her favorite princess is Aurora, and is pretty upset there isn't a sleeping beauty ride, or show, or really anything in Disney World! We had tons of plans, we wanted to do the cupcake challenge, where you eat a different cupcake everyday, we wanted to drink around the world, we had a ton of things on our must do lists. Disney here we come!

Day One:

Our flight to Disney was at 6:00 AM from Newark so we had to be at the airport around 4 AM! We TRIED to go to sleep early, but all our adrenaline and excitement made that impossible! Finally around 10 PM we fell asleep, and set our alarms for 3:15 AM to go to the airport. When my alarm went off, I was a little cranky and wondered why we picked such an early flight, but then the excitement of going to Disney World crept up, and I was fully awake.


I'm the blonde!

Our flight there was super fast, and we arrived at 8:40 AM. We planned this right! We'd have a full day!! Off it was to find the magical express, did I mention, my friend and I are directionally challenged.
We went all the way downstairs and saw a bunch of Disney cruise buses only to find out we were on the wrong side of the airport, the magical express in on the B side just so everyone knows :) Back up the stairs and off to the other side we went.

We found the magical express area right away, and since it was early, it wasn't crowded at all! I remember when I went to Disney in November the lines being super long, but the lines were really short when we arrived! We hopped right on the bus, and we were off! Driving through the Walt Disney World sign gave me goosebumps, I could not believe I was really here! My level of excitement increased with each big purple sign with Mickey ears on top we passed.


Stop one was Old Key West Resort, stop two was Saratoga Springs, and stop three was our new home, Port Orleans French Quarter! I had never stayed here before, but just seeing the signs saying "Welcome Home" made me all teary-eyed. I'm such a Disney sap.

We checked in immediately, there was no lines at all, and since I had done the online check in, our room was ready! We were in building 4, room 4309, near the bus stop and food court. We had a garden view, and the room was so pretty! We couldn't have asked for a better room!

We quickly unpacked our carry-ons since our luggage hadn't arrived yet, and then began exploring! We each packed all our headwear in our carry-ons, so for our very first day we decided to wear matching minnie-ears. While we unpacked, we watched Stacey! What kind of Disney trip is it if you don't watch her must dos! Unt pretzel, unt beer!

We walked along the Sassagoula River, checked out the pool area, and checked out the food court. This resort is BEAUTIFUL. It's small and easy to get around, and the landscapers were even the friendliest people. They offered to take our picture in front of the fountain. Thanks again!

After we made our way full circle around our resort, it was off to Magic Kingdom! It was around 1130 AM when we hopped on the first Disney bus to the parks! Hearing the themed music, where the horns are blaring to welcome you to the Magic Kingdom, made me instantly emotional! We put our key to world card up to the new Mickey turnstiles, watched Mickey light up green, and were inside! AHHHH!!!

We hurriedly picked up our photopass and continued on. That first walk down main street is still a blur in my mind. As soon as I saw that castle, I realized I was truly here, my happiest place on earth. The tears started welling up in my eyes, I could not believe it! After months of visiting these forums and looking at everyone's pictures, it was finally my turn! I was so happy and overwhelmed and then BAM the "move it, shake it, celebrate it" parade started going on. I swear it's like they were celebrating our arrival :) We both were laughing and dancing, and waving at every character that passed by. It was the best entrance I've ever had.

We couldn't decide what we wanted to do first, we had no plan! So we started wandering! We took as many photopass pictures and we could, and then decided to head to new fantasyland. We both had last visited in 2011, so we were excited! On the way, we saw a Tiana, and there wasn't a line, so we had to meet her right away! She was extremely nice, and really pretty!

New fantasyland did not live up to my expectations, I guess because the huge mine train is in the middle of everything. It kind of takes away from the whole immersive experience. I think I may have rathered they open everything up at once, instead of in stages. Don't get me wrong, all the detailing in this area of the park is one the reasons I love Disney World so much.. they truly go that extra mile.
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Literally sprinted to dinner. Why does Mama Melrose have to be clear across the park! We had done the Fantasmic package at Mama Melrose. We dodged raindrops as best we could, there was no way we were missing our last dinner! I was so excited for Italian, usually that's my go-to food choice, but I didn't have much at all this trip! I'm upset I didn't get a photo of the sign outside, but it was pouring! Disney was crying because it knew it was our last night! :)

Mama Melrose is gorgeous inside! It's like a real Italian restaurant. It reminds me of a nice place you'd find in NYC with authentic Italian mama's type cooking. I was blown away by how pretty it was inside! I was no expecting much because I always read mixed reviews on this table service, but I was so surprised! I think Mama Melrose may have just been added to my must do restaurant list. I loved it!!

To get rid of my rainy spirits, I ordered a wine flight. YUMMY!!

And Sangria! Wooo, last night party!!

To start off I had the mixed greens salad. As soon as I saw on the menu that it contained artichoke hearts, I was sold! It was really good. I usually only eat iceberg lettuce, but this salad may have changed me. I know, iceberg is the least nutritious. Take me here for dinner every night and I'll have no problem eating my greens!

For dinner, I had the penne vodka with grilled chicken. My friend had the chicken campanelle, I believe? I got to sample and it was delicious. I love penne vodka and I always try to experiment with new things, but I wanted to stay more on the familiar side tonight. It was my last dinner in Disney this trip and I wanted it to be something I loved. I finished my whole bowl! It was a lot of pasta, but I managed!

For dessert we got the sampler, and I really don't remember how it was! I was so full from my dinner I sampled a little of everything, but I was about to explode. I just couldn't eat anymore. I wish I could go back and save more room for dessert, the picture looks so good. I'll never learn!

After dinner, it had finally stopped raining! We came outside and it seemed so bright! Mama Melrose has that dark atmosphere so it felt like we were vampires when we walked outside. You know the feeling when you see a movie in the day and you come outside into sunlight? Yeah, that's kind of how it was! We saw Star Tours had no wait, so we jumped in line!

My friend and I know nothing about Star Wars, but she was picked as the rebel spy! I was cracking up the whole time because they flashed her picture across the screen and it was the greatest picture ever. She was not paying attention at all when they took it, and it came out hysterical! I never realized how intense that ride is! It was fun, even though I had no idea about the different lands we flying through! It's a great simulator and I will definitley be riding again!

We headed across the park and waited for the next show of The Little Mermaid. I was in heaven. I love this show! It's so cute. I could see it over and over again. When Ariel gets legs, I just melt! A little girl was sitting behind us telling her dad that the real Ursula comes out in this show. It was adorable. She kept screaming to Ursula.

We then wandered around and tried to get into the last American Idol of the day, but we were too late and they didn't have any seats left. :( Oh well! At least we saw it once, but it would have been cool to see the grand finale! Next time I want to be sure to see the 7 PM show!

We watched the Monsters DJ for a bit, but still no monsters came out! There were street performers and dancers everywhere but I didn't spot Mike or Sulley! We took a photoshoot with the hat again.

We then headed over to Fantasmic and let me just tell you, do the Fantasmic dinner package! It is so worth it! You do not have to wait in that crazy line and you can show up only 30 minutes early. It's worth it!! DO IT!!! If you plan on seeing Fantasmic during your trip, I would certainly recommend this package.

We thoroughly enjoyed the pre-show entertainment and got right in on the action!

Doing the wave!

Everyone was holding up something that lit up and it looked amazing! My camera stinks so the picture isn't as good as it looked in real life!

And here comes my idol!



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My dream is to one day meet Prince Eric. But taking stalker-type photos of him will have to do for now! I didn't remember much of Fantasmic, I'd only seen it once before back in 2006. I liked the water projections, and the music just was so Disney! My ringtone is now the song from Fantasmic. I enjoyed the fact that is has the villians theme... it's so different than anything else! Wishes, Illuminations, and Fantasmic all are amazing in their own unique ways. You really do have to see all three! Oh AK, here's hoping you get a night time show :)

I fell even deeper in love with Mickey during Fantasmic. I keep rooting for him. He's so dang cute. I wanted to give him a hug! I love you Mickey!!!!!

I loved when they all come out together, I swear there were tears in my eyes. Just seeing Steamboat Willie up there, and thinking how it was all started by a mouse just made me so emotional! Can I make it through a night time show without crying?!

Sorcerer Mickey is my favorite. Just look at how handsome he is! I think I may have lost my mind.

We then headed out with the masses and went straight to the new pirate show. We didn't want to wait long for this, and the next show was in 10 minutes so we figured we couldn't do any better than that! It is a cool show, I just wish you could sit! I love that Jack Sparrow's in it, and the ship looks so real! They shoot off cannons and pick someone from the audience to hold the skeleton key. It was a nice litle show. The themeing inside was also very well done. I enjoyed it. You are just standing there for 10 minutes though, so just know that ahead of time! If you want to sit, it's not the place! Our feet were tired, but we didn't mind! I liked this so much better than Narnia.

We crossed the walkway and took a trip into the movies. This ride never gets old!

The second showing of fantasmic was beginning so we thought it's be a perfect time to head back into the Twilight Zone. We needed one more elevator ride to be satisfied!



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The Tower of Terror is just one of those rides that gets better at night. There's something about riding that elevator in complete blackness that thrills me. When those doors open and you look out at the night sky and see Hollywood Studios all lit up, you feel a moment of beauty before you're dropped 13 stories. It's impossible to explain in words.

We got front row. What a perfect ending!

Hollywood Studios had extra magic hours, so we wanted to stay until the park closed. Even though we had to be up bright and early, we were making the most of our last night! You can sleep when you're home!

We shopped for awhile and I went picture happy.

I had wanted to take these pictures all week, but someone was always there and we never felt like waiting. The park was emptying out, and we finally got our shots!

Disneyland here I come!

We trudged back to our hotel and finally got in bed around 1 AM. We watched Stacey and packed before we fell asleep.. such a sad chore. I hate taking my things out of those drawers.. those are my drawers! Our room looked so depressing without our things thrown about, our pictures beautifully displayed on our dresser, our clothes every which way. That room was my home! It was wear I happily laid my head every night. I woke up in the best moods every day, no matter how early, because I was waking up in Disney World. My crowns, my ears, it was all so upsetting putting into my suitcase. I didn't want to pack, but I knew I had to. I kept trying to push the thought of leaving to the back of my mind.. I didn't want a dark cloud over my last day. We still had a full day ahead of us!

Day 10

We woke up around 7 and got ready, did a final check over the room to make sure everything was out, and waved good-bye to room 4309. We went and checked our luggage at the front of the resort and got ready for a full day at Epcot! The magical express wasn't coming for us until 6:40, so we had a full day of fun left to go! We planned this right!

We got there before the park even opened! Score! We took more photopass photos.. are you sick of these yet?!

We knew what we had to do first, Test Track! We finally were going to experience the new version! We grabbed a fastpass before we hopped in the standby line. Why ride it once when you can do it twice?!



Well-Known Member
You are too sweet! Thank you so much for reading! I love sharing my Disney magic because I come on these forums when I have the Disney blues. Have so much fun on your upcoming trip! I'm jealous!! And you will probably have awesome wait times.

I have always been obsessed with Ariel. I think she realized it this trip though! LOL

We really want to get a picture of her with her fin but I think I read somewhere that her grotto in MK is going to be in refurb when we get there :(

I think out of all the princesses she's the one I want a picture with most! Also dying to meet Gaston!

Also I totally agree on ToT it's SO much better at night! It just adds to the creepy atmosphere, although my favourite ride ever on it was in Paris (I'm from Ireland so not that far for me) it was just before the park closed and the CM was soooo creepy with his french accent, it was only me and my boyf in the entire elevator... really really creepy!
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Active Member
What a great review !! If everyone could have you happy and positive outlook it sure would make Disney and even happier "Happiest Place on Earth" :) Thank-you for sharing your review, it has been fun to read along especially since we leave in 23 days.


Active Member
I am so glad that I am not the only one who tears up at all these things!!! You nailed it on the head, you can just feel the Disney love, it's like magic! There is NO WHERE else I would rather be then WDW!!! Any day, every day, as long as my family were with me :) Somehow, I don't think they would have a problem with that!!!


We need time for things to happen.
This trip report keeps getting better and better.
The reason?


You guy are just tearing EVERYTHING UP:

  • Food
  • Drink
  • Photos
  • Parks
  • Water Parks
  • Rides

Tearing them all the eff up!

Rain be damned! You don't care.

I don't even like the Grand Floridian, but the way you described seeing it for the first time and your impression of it, actually made reconsider my position on the joint.

You're enthusiastic and positive about everything and it's infectious. It's the exact opposite feeling I get when I go into the news and rumors threads. ;)

Anyway, if I haven't been clear I'm having a great time following along. ;)


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We really want to get a picture of her with her fin but I think I read somewhere that her grotto in MK is going to be in refurb when we get there :(

I think out of all the princesses she's the one I want a picture with most! Also dying to meet Gaston!

Also I totally agree on ToT it's SO much better at night! It just adds to the creepy atmosphere, although my favourite ride ever on it was in Paris (I'm from Ireland so not that far for me) it was just before the park closed and the CM was soooo creepy with his french accent, it was only me and my boyf in the entire elevator... really really creepy!

If you're going to Florida, Ariel should be in her grotto! Her area just opened up so I doubt they will refurb it so soon! I loved meeting her in her fin :)

And what a cool experience with your boyfriend! I love when they go all out into their character. It makes it so much more memorable.


Well-Known Member
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I am so glad that I am not the only one who tears up at all these things!!! You nailed it on the head, you can just feel the Disney love, it's like magic! There is NO WHERE else I would rather be then WDW!!! Any day, every day, as long as my family were with me :) Somehow, I don't think they would have a problem with that!!!

Thank you! There really is no where else in the whole world quite like it!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
This trip report keeps getting better and better.
The reason?


You guy are just tearing EVERYTHING UP:

  • Food
  • Drink
  • Photos
  • Parks
  • Water Parks
  • Rides

Tearing them all the eff up!

Rain be damned! You don't care.

I don't even like the Grand Floridian, but the way you described seeing it for the first time and your impression of it, actually made reconsider my position on the joint.

You're enthusiastic and positive about everything and it's infectious. It's the exact opposite feeling I get when I go into the news and rumors threads. ;)

Anyway, if I haven't been clear I'm having a great time following along. ;)

I absolutely love your reply! Thank you so much for reading along! We seriously had the best time and I loved every minute of my Disney trip. If you look for things to complain about, you will find them. If you live in the moment and live emotionally, Disney is the happiest place on earth.

The news and rumors threads are pretty depressing. I will never understand why people who feel so much negativity about Disney World still feel the need to constantly discuss it. Who knows? I personally feel that whole section of the forum has become an advertisement for Universal.

Thanks for reading!! :)


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Test Track had about a 10 minute wait, the shortest we'd seen all trip! Go early! You will not have to wait! Waking up early really pays off.

I like the new queue so much better. I remember waiting in line for the old test track for about 2 hours one of the first times I went to Disney. It kept drizzling off and on so they kept stopping the ride, but my friend and I were determined to wait it out. Eventually we got on. It was a neat ride, but I wasn't that impressed. Also, the old music in the queue used to drive me insane. It wasn't even music, it was like the sounds of different tools put together into a song. I thought I was losing my mind after listening to it for so long, I swear I used to hear it in my sleep days after the trip. It made me crazy!! And it still makes me cringe, LOL!

Back to present time, the new waiting area is so much better, and I love seeing the awesome cars! We didn't mind waiting at all because there was a lot to check out. Such cool rides!

We then were called into line to go into the design room. You used your key to the world card to save your design to. We of course, made the most beautiful car. We were cracking up at how ours looked compared to everyone else's. Purple with stars on a monster truck. It was a definite winner. We made it have the largest engine we could find. I still chuckle looking at this. No wonder I'm not a car designer!

Designing your car is a really cool feature, we were laughing and having the best time. It is a really great addition. I love how the attractions are becoming more personal.

We then scanned our card before entering our ride vehicle, we couldn't wait to see how the purple monster did. The ride is now very Tron-like, I think it's so much better than the old one! It seemed longer to me, and more thrilling! I like when you go really fast around the curves, so much adrenaline! We were not prepared for the outdoor part at all! You are in the dark for a few minutes and when you break through the doors to go outside the sun just hits you so intensely! I couldn't keep my eyes open they kept squinting and tearing! My friend and I were both hysterically laughing because we couldn't see a thing. I thought for a good minute I may have went blind. The outside is the best part, you really go super speedy!

Our monster truck didn't do so hot in the ratings, though we did get first for power. Efficiency, not so much! It's fun to cheer along with the people in your vehicle, and to see who's car is who's. I really liked the new test track!

We shopped around in the store for a little while after, I bought all new antenna toppers for my family. My dad is currently driving around with pirate mickey and I have a mickey bar ice cream! We had about 10 minutes before our fast pass was good, so we took some pictures by the sign.

And we're off for round two! We tried to make a totally different design, and tried to be really efficient this time! Our car is still pretty comical.

We planned to keep our sunglasses on the whole time, so we wouldn't go blind when we made it outside. Everyone was looking at us like we were fools because the whole ride is basically in the dark! I wear my sunglasses at night! We were definitley prepared for this go around. We saw everything outside, it was awesome! And we knew right where the camera was.. look at that skill! The guy next to us is holding his nose, so funny!

All that screaming made us thirsty, so we headed off to club cool!

We tried every flavor, you had to circle around to find some countries. I went to Costa Rica in January and had the same soda! It brought me back! I liked Mozambique the best I think! This is such a fun Epcot activity, everyone needs to try the sodas at least once! And it's a place to get a free drink! What beats that?

Here's my friend trying Japan, I don't think she liked it! LOL

And I think this is Mexico?

Here I go getting ready to taste the Beverly! The last time I was here, I think the machine was broken because I remember it not tasting so bad. I didn't understand why everyone made such a big stink about it. Well, it was definitley fixed this time because let me tell you.. THAT STUFF IS NASTY!! Do Italians seriously drink that? What is wrong with their taste buds?! LOL.. no offense people! But seriously?!

Now it's my friend's turn! I think she was afraid after the face I made...

We had such a wonderful time sampling sodas. A CM came out and told us the new thing to do is to put a little bit of each in your cup and then drink it. He told us to start filling and he'd be right back. We did as we were told and waited... and waited.. and waited... but he never came back! I think he was tricking us because that did not taste good! We felt bad, but eventually we had to sample it! Who knows if he ever came back, or if we were on a hidden camera and a bunch of CMs were getting a kick out of us. LOL.. oh Disney!

My cup runneth over... :)



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We then hurried to World Showcase because we saw in the times guide that Mulan would be meeting right away. She was our last princess to find! We were so excited! We would successfully complete one of our missions. Next time, I will finish the cupcake challenge. I promise!

Mulan was really sweet. I never met her before. I feel so accomplished now! We put in work to find all these wonderful ladies! We chatted with her for a bit. :)

We backtracked to Norway because we needed to ride Maelstrom! There was absolutely nobody in line! When the world showcase first opens, it's seriously dead! A good tip if you don't want to wait. We had the whole boat to ourselves and it made the ride so creepy! Seeing the big trolls and having your boat go backwards, it really freaked us out! I didn't realize how awesome this ride was. I guess you don't really take in everything when you are in a boat full of people. We paid attention to every detail.

I love that Norway has a ride, I wish more countries did. It stinks that Mexico and Norway at the two with boat rides and they are right next to each other.. they should be more spread out! I want the ratatouille ride in France, a gondola ride in Italy, and the Mt. Fuji rollercoaster they were originally going to build in Japan. The world showcase is perfect as is, but more countries and attractions would only enhance it. :) Hey Disney.. you need an imagineer?

We were starting to get hungry and we realized we had 2 quick service meals left and no table service meals remaining. We had made ADRs for Restaurant Marrakesh in Morocco but we decided to cancel our reservation and use up our remaining quick serves. At the time, I was completely fine with our decision, but now I kind of wish I ate in Morocco! I wouldn't say I regret what we did, because there would have been no way we could have fit in two meals. If we didn't use our quick serves they would just go to waste, and what was the point on paying out of pocket for Morocco? Next time, I will get there!
I always read such amazing things about this restaurant and now I wish I had tried it! Oh well, let's start planning my next trip...

On our way to lunch we spotted Mexican Donald! I love Mexican Donald!!!!

He was such a flirt!

We used our last meal at La Cantina.. again. Yes I know, shame on me for repeating! But it was just so good!!!! This time I got the empanadas and my friend got the nachos. We shared. Both were delicious. This may be my favorite quick serve in Epcot.. gosh it's just so hard to decided! Everywhere I ate was amazing. Why do I write these things late at night when I'm starving?! OMG FOOD.

We were so full, what else is new. This should have been the title of my trip report.. So Full in Disney World, Cannot Move for 10 Days. We crossed the way and made our way indoors. We took a leisurely ride on the Grand Fiesta Tour. I love when you float by the big pyramid. I think the San Angel Inn restaurant is stunning.. the atmosphere is just over the top. I would love to go there on a nice romantic date.. ahh dreams! I ate here my first ever trip to Disney World and remember the food being very spicy. I think I drank 10 sodas that dinner. I also remember ordering flan, even though everyone told me not to. A vanilla pudding custard thing, what could be bad about that?! Don't get the flan. It's GROSS! Why don't I ever listen?

After our ride, we still wanted to relax so we ventured into La Cava del Tequila. This is such a cute little bar! I ordered a blood orange margarita and it was so good! It was strong too! Usually you expect the drinks to be watered down. It wasn't! The people working we so nice and friendly. My friend and I just sat and talked for awhile, it's amazing you can be sitting in a bar in Mexico, while in Epcot! Disney is truly amazing.

The people next to us ordered queso, and it looked so delicious but I just didn't have room for it. I want to try it so bad! I must visit here on my next trip with an empty stomach.

Next I had the cucumber margarita. It was so different! It was really refreshing and tasted just like a cucumber! I usually always have fruity, girly drinks but this was a nice change of pace. Again, it was kind of strong but it was delish! It tasted exactly like a cucumber.

We must have been in La Cava for at least an hour.. but soon it was time to go back into the world! I was very tipsy at this point! Hey, ya gotta live it up on your last day! And I can't help the fact that I'm a lightweight!



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After Mexico, we spent awhile in China. We looked around all the shops and just goofed around. Two margaritas can make a girl really silly! We also saw Reflections of China. Another new thing for me! My list of new things to try is getting smaller and smaller! The video was really interesting! I really wish I could just travel wherever I wanted whenever I wanted! It was nice to watch and learn a little bit more about China and it's culture. I love the World Showcase attractions, they are amazing and educational. I appreciate them so much.

The sign said tomb warriors, but of course I stood right in front of it, so you can't read it! I look more jacked than Gaston! But shhhh, don't burst his ego! Haha!

I love all the hats they have!

I found my new apartment. When can I move in?!

Oh hey, no big deal. You want us to stay in disney 10 more days, that's fine with me! That was basically the gist of the conversation that I had...with myself.

A Chinese pole! YAY! :)

I found another pole in my travels! I really don't know why taking pictures with poles was a theme for me. Who knows!

There was a photopass man in Germany but he was walking away so we ran to catch up with him. We found him finally in Italy. He said it was only him and another man in France that take the photopass pictures. Too bad there's not one in each country! Oh well! We got you for now! Muhaha!

Even though it looks so cloudy, when you took off your sunglasses it was so bright and the sun hurt our eyes! We only got one photo without our sunglasses!

We wandered around Italy for awhile, they have such pretty things. I wish I could buy everything!

Watched some drummers in Japan for a little. There's always something going on in the World Showcase! It's so entertaining!

I love you World Showcase!


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