Trip Report ‘Tis The Season For More Disney! *COMPLETED*

Fa la la la la
la la la LA

But let’s be honest.
Which season isn’t the season for more Disney?
In 2017 I have been fortunate to experience winter, spring and summer in the world.
And now the holidays!
Since December is such a festive time of year at the parks, I think two trips are in order....don’t you?

Trip #1
Tuvalu and Em
When: December 1-4, 2017
Where: Port Orleans Riverside
Why: A Jingle BAM Birthday 2.0


Join us as we attend our first MVMCP, wander around World Showcase like a couple of newbies, meet a forum friend and intentionally watch LOTS of fireworks....did we get to Illuminations this year?

You’ll have to wait and see.


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We enjoyed our primo Soarin’ seats and when our flight was complete it was time for FP #2.


Em had taken some great pictures of the holiday decor on our trip so I only took a couple more.

A cotton wreath!

Love the giant ornament in the left corner of the window!

While on the boat I was able to move up the time for FP #3, enabling us to bypass the 15 minute standby wait.


We sat in the front car.

It is always fun for me to notice something new on an attraction I’ve ridden dozens of times. Today it was the TV Guide that Figment is holding in his upside down house. The cover states: All Figment All the Time. :hilarious:

(You can scold me for real this time @krause as I didn’t take a picture of it. Really!)


Well-Known Member
We enjoyed our primo Soarin’ seats and when our flight was complete it was time for FP #2.

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Em had taken some great pictures of the holiday decor on our trip so I only took a couple more.

A cotton wreath!
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Love the giant ornament in the left corner of the window!
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While on the boat I was able to move up the time for FP #3, enabling us to bypass the 15 minute standby wait.

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We sat in the front car.
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It is always fun for me to notice something new on an attraction I’ve ridden dozens of times. Today it was the TV Guide that Figment is holding in his upside down house. The cover states: All Figment All the Time. :hilarious:

(You can scold me for real this time @krause as I didn’t take a picture of it. Really!)

Haha well if we make it onto Figment tomorrow I’ll take one for you :joyfull:


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After saying farewell to Figment we took the path of roses to the World Showcase Promenade. Well it used to be the path decorated by various color rose bushes on either side.....but over the years the bushes got heavily trimmed back or removed entirely :jawdrop: to make room for playscapes and food booths for the various Epcot festivals. < Sigh >

I was able to score an early lunch ADR at Le Cellier at 180 days and both Woody and I had been looking forward to it. Last year at this time we tried the prix fixed lunch option which had just been introduced ~ appetizer, entree and dessert for the low (well, Disney signature low) price of $49. We had the cheddar cheese soup, filet and maple leaf chocolate was our best meal of the trip! I returned in May with my mom and while I ordered the same, she enjoyed salad, a burger with lobster and creme brûlée. meal of our trip! I periodically checked the menu over the last several months hoping the prix fixe was still offered and it was.


We had about 20 minutes until our ADR, so I was bound and determined to find the Chip and Dale wreath which had eluded Em and me during our ornament hunt!


Woody busied himself taking pictures (Canada may be his favorite pavilion) while I went down to the Kidcot station near the entrance to O Canada. It was the one location we’d missed a couple weeks ago. My eyes scoured every inch of that shady area. A CM noticed me and said I had just missed the movie. I told her I wasn’t interested in the movie but was looking for the Chip and Dale wreath. She smiled and said “keep looking up.”

Okay, someplace high. I climbed the stairs leading up to the falls. I double-checked every area. And I took a picture of these planters because they were beautiful.

I reunited with Woody outside the gift shop. He asked if I’d found the wreath and I shook my head.
“How about inside the store?” he suggested.
“Em and I looked through this store three different times and didn’t see it,” I replied. “But we may as well go inside.”
As we stepped over the threshold I remembered to look up.


This wreath was WAYYYYY up high. No wonder we’d missed it!

I zoomed in and sent this pic to Em.

VICTORY! I captioned it.

This super sleuth (and her sidekick) were now ready to partake of the spoils in Le Cellier.


Well-Known Member

I can honestly say I had never had smoked turkey for breakfast. Being a turkey junkie (and the fact that WL has a smokehouse just below our room) meant that was about to change.

Notice the “Hard-Boiled Hen Eggs” sign? I recently read a funny article about composing (hoity toity) descriptions for menus. The author specifically mentioned the current trend of referring to eggs as “hen eggs”, as if eggs were produced by something other than a hen and needed clarification. :hilarious:
Mortadella must be "hoity toity" for olive loaf?! :depressed:


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The hostess checked us in and said our table would be ready in a few minutes. I spied a bench and went to sit down.


How lovely!

Yet my anticipation was soon deflated when we were led to a table thisclose to other diners (the woman next to me shared my bench and we practically rubbed shoulders) instead of a more private booth. Tables that close together are awkward ~ we could hear every word of their conversation and could have easily stuck our forks into their food and tasted it.

This experience was not starting off well.

Then we were handed the menu.

Notice anything?

There was no prix fixe option. Thinking perhaps it was on a separate menu, I summoned our server.
“Don’t you have a prix fixe lunch?” I asked.

She was curt with her reponse. “That was a limited offer during Food and Wine.”

My blood pressure began to rise. I wanted to blurt out: “No it wasn’t! I wasn’t even here during Food and Wine! My husband and I had it last December. My mother and I had it in May. And according to the menu on Disney’s site it was available all through the summer and into the fall!”

But in that split second I saw the look of desperation in Woody’s eyes. The one that said, Please don’t make a fuss. And I knew I had to put on my big girl britches and let it go.

Instead these were the words that came out of my mouth: “Oh. Okay.”

I knew I could order the soup, filet and dessert a la carte but in addition to the hefty price differential ($76 vs. $49) the portion sizes would be larger and I would not be able to finish all of it. I really wanted soup and wish there had been a choice of cup or bowl, but bowl was my only option. I decided to pair the soup with the wedge salad.

Woody meekly asked, “Is it okay with you if I order steak?”

Knowing he sensed I was already unhappy with our table and the menu change, I mustered a smile and said, “As long as I can have a couple bites!”

The arrival of pretzel bread lightened my mood. I had to stop myself from eating an entire stick before my soup came.

Hmmm.....does Le Cellier only cater to men?

My soup arrived moments later and I starting dunking that pretzel bread!

So yum! I ate two-thirds of the bowl and Woody finished the rest.

Our server brought my iceberg wedge salad with Woody’s filet.

Menu description: Lemon Pepper Cucumbers, Toy Box Tomatoes, Edamame, Applewood Smoked Bacon, Pecorino, Avocado Green Goddess

As I began to taste this salad, every negative thought I’d had about Le Cellier melted away. The flavors blended perfectly together and the bacon? Heavenly!! The best bacon I have ever had! While it was a “hearty” salad it was by no means “heavy”. I loved every forkful.

Woody’s filet came with mushroom risotto. (Take note @Doc Disney and @blgauger and all you other mushroom risotto fiends!)

Oh. My. Goodness. I didn’t think any restaurant could match California Grill’s filet but this one did! I had my two bites and allowed Woody to savor the rest. He said the risotto was excellent too!

Happily satisfied, I did not think we’d want dessert. But our server handed us dessert menus and the peanut butter chocolate raspberry cake caught Woody’s eye.

However it came with coconut ice cream. Woody despises coconut.

But I don’t.

When our server returned I asked if the ice cream could be placed in a separate dish. She obliged.

The ice cream was a refreshing end to my delicious lunch. Woody was able to polish off the cake.


Le Cellier put me in a happy place after all, though not in the way I expected. I still hope the prix fixe lunch returns, but I learned I can make do if it doesn’t. :hungry:


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Mortadella must be "hoity toity" for olive loaf?! :depressed:
From Wikipedia: Mortadella is a large Italian sausage (a product of Bologna, Italy) made of finely hashed or ground, heat cured pork, which incorporates at least 15% small cubes of pork fat, principally the hard fat from the neck of the pig.

Yes, definitely :depressed:

I understand your pain or at least irritation of the Disney bus letting you off in the non-Disney bus area. Last time I was there that happened to me too except it was in the rain!
What’s up with this?!! 😡


Well-Known Member
Friday, con’t

The bus we wanted had just pulled up when we got to the bus stop. Two other couples besides us got on and the six of us had an exclusive ride to Epcot. That part of the journey was nice ~ not so nice was getting dropped off in the charter bus area in furthest section of the lot. Not sure why a Disney bus stopped there....and it made for a long walk to the front gate.

We entered the park just after 9 am and noticed there was no line at the iconic giant golf ball. “It’s a walk-on, let’s do it!” I said to Woody.

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We entered the building and immediately stopped. An English-is-not-our-native-language family of six was in front of us and refused to step onto the continuously moving platform, despite being motioned to by a couple of cast members. Their delay ultimately caused the ride to shut down. (I wonder if something similar happened the day you got stuck in line, @RedNoseMickey?) With the platform at a standstill, they awkwardly tried to board the same car. Meanwhile, another CM motioned for me and Woody to step around them and board a vehicle a few cars ahead.

We had plenty of time to snap a selfie while the family eventually figured out six people do not fit in a vehicle designed for four.
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However, it was still another five minutes until the power rebooted and we were able to begin our time travel. Thankfully we were able to exit the attraction without incident....but for all we know that family, afraid of moving platforms, is still riding the continual loop inside SSE.

As we made our way over to the Land, we passed a couple of women wearing rose gold ears and I pointed them out to Woody. Once inside I saw a few more and whispered: “There’s another. And another.” I was trying to prove to Woody how popular these ears are. Over the next three days it became a game between us who could spot the most rose gold ears....causing Woody to ultimately proclaim: “Do they sell any other kind??!!”

Our first FP of the day. Look, no line!
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Which concourse would it be?
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We were sent to A. We made it all the way down the ramp without stopping as the gates were being loaded. The CM at the bottom of the ramp told us to go on we did....but there was no room for us in any of the gates.

A different CM apologized and said, “Wait here and I’ll put you in B1 next flight.”

We’ll absolutely wait for the best seat in the house!
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Yeah right, I'm not buying this story about Soarin'. To me it's pure "Shirley treatment".

Unfortunately, it seemed that Shirley wasn't very popular in Canada; but all's well that ends well!

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
my family says I cannot pull off a hat of any kind ~ this includes ball caps and Mouse ears. It makes them laugh. I do not like to be laughed at.

Same here!

Secondly, I do not get the obsession of rose gold anything.

And I was just about to say that lol.

Last year at this time we tried the prix fixed lunch option which had just been introduced

When I think I remember what you had for lunch last year, I’m too into Tuvalu TR’s. 🤪


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Woody and I needed to walk off ALL THOSE CALORIES and what better way than along the World Showcase promenade?! It was a pretty afternoon, which may have accounted for the sea of humanity that had the same idea. :in pain:

So we decided to break up our stroll by stopping to listen to a few of the Holiday Storytellers.

First up was Perè Noël in France.



He had the children in the audience was so sweet to watch.

Moving on to Morocco....while not exactly a “storyteller” there was a middle-aged belly dancer who was shaking her stuff amidst a few young girls which I found awkwardly disturbing. (Let’s just say the German Hooters gal was tame in comparison!) I could not bring myself to take a picture so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

In Italy we saw the enchanting La Befana....a storyteller much more appropriate for kids.

Woody had trains growing up and he always likes to stop and watch.



Doc Disney

Well-Known Member
Woody’s filet came with mushroom risotto. (Take note @Doc Disney and @blgauger and all you other mushroom risotto fiends!)
Confidential to @Doc Disney ~ Nevermind the shout out for Le Cellier’s mushroom risotto.....just read in your TR that you don’t like mushrooms.....:facepalm:

I loveeee the California Grill mushroom risotto so I think I would like the Le Cellier one as well - its looks incredible. Small mushrooms are totally fine with me but that festival stand risotto I had was full of HUGE mushrooms and stalks :hungover:
Le Cellier is on my list! I've said it before but no one in my family is willing to go there :cautious: My sister and brother in law had a supposedly "terrible" meal there and won't go back and my Mom doesn't really eat meat or creamy soups or anything they have....:joyfull:. I'm sure my Dad would love it but I guess we can't leave my Mom behind :joyfull:


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Le Cellier is on my list! I've said it before but no one in my family is willing to go there :cautious: My sister and brother in law had a supposedly "terrible" meal there and won't go back and my Mom doesn't really eat meat or creamy soups or anything they have....:joyfull:. I'm sure my Dad would love it but I guess we can't leave my Mom behind :joyfull:
There is a chicken dish.....and there’s always the poutine, I know your mom likes fries. 😉

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