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  1. CStyles45

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    ONE more day!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. CStyles45

    OK - So BOG really is good

    Check everyday on the site. It should be very soon. We just got ours for Aug 3rd.
  3. CStyles45

    BWV - In Aug at 7 mo?

    I'm staying in BWV this Aug and I was able to book at the 7 month window.
  4. CStyles45

    BLT fireworks

    If I rented DVC points am I eligible as well or only the owner of the points? Thanks!
  5. CStyles45

    Member won't add Dining Plan on rented points - help!

    I can't contact the member directly, it is handled through the company. I wish it was as easy as both of us calling DVC at once, him "adding" the DDP and me reading off my CC info. Alas, I've decided not to pursue it further and just pay out of pocket for all the meals. I know how much I was...
  6. CStyles45

    Surprise Disney Trip

    Surprised my DD by just saying we were going to the beach for vacation. Flew down to MCO and surprised her right before we got on the DME. She loved it!
  7. CStyles45

    Member won't add Dining Plan on rented points - help!

    It was through a well known site that handles DVC rentals. I don't want to mention them just yet. I'm going to call them later and see if they can help before I go mentioning their name in a bad way.
  8. CStyles45

    Member won't add Dining Plan on rented points - help!

    I looked at my contract last night. It didn't outline anything specific about it. They added on DME for me no problem a few months ago so I don't see what the deal is. I can't fathom why someone wouldn't help out another family.
  9. CStyles45

    Member won't add Dining Plan on rented points - help!

    Hey everyone. I need some help. This is the first year anything like this as happened. I rented points through a well known source to the forum. Now I'm finalizing things for our upcoming trip. Call the company to get the DDP added on comes back that the member won't do it for me! :( I have no...
  10. CStyles45

    Entered ticket info. Said 30 days for FP+ but should be 60?

    Yes. The resort is linked with my days and check in info. Yea like right now I can book FP+ for any of the next 30 days even though I won't be there. Good to know. TY!
  11. CStyles45

    Entered ticket info. Said 30 days for FP+ but should be 60?

    Hello everyone. I recently added my tickets to MDE for our upcoming trip in August. When it did it said I was eligible for only a 30 day window on FP+. We are staying at Boardwalk Villas and I know it should be 60 days out. If I go into MDE and select the FP it only shows calendar options for...
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