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  1. Elaine Custodio

    Single and ready to mingle at WDW?

    Just wondering...Any solo travelers who might be open to meet new people in the World? I apologize if there's already a topic.
  2. Elaine Custodio

    When Disney makes you look crazy

    Lol, awesome. Someone asked me for my ipod on our trip to Vegas and, guess what? Disney songs! We were in girls group though, we had a BLAST! That was actually one of our funniest moments: You just CAN'T HELP BUT YELL that chorus, and I remember this family who pulls next to us and start...
  3. Elaine Custodio

    What's Exactly Wrong in Fantasmic!?

    Lol, they are quite terrible. And it's the SAME FREAKING SHOW EVERYTIME! I mean, c'mon! At least switch the lame jokes or the singalongs! I usually get there 80 minutes before the show (yes, I'm one of those people...) and rather delete stuff from my camera than watch those two... Last time I...
  4. Elaine Custodio


    Thanks :) I still love the show though and would hate to see it go, as much as I loved Carsland. I should read the whole topic though, to see if there's anything but speculation about it...Last time I went to HS it could really use some more rides...Not at the expense of my beloved LMA, of...
  5. Elaine Custodio


    I'm new here, so maybe someone will explain to me what's with all the HATE towards LMA??? I LOVE THAT SHOW! Incorporating THAT into Carsland...wouldn't it work?
  6. Elaine Custodio

    One of those Zip-a-dee-doo-dah days...

    One of those Zip-a-dee-doo-dah days...
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