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  1. S

    Security at Disneyland Paris

    That would be a good idea, except: Disney Village is open to everyone, like locals, who did not visit the parcs, are able to enter the DisneyVillage. So checking everybody who is going into one of the parcs (which should be possible, because there are queus anyway to enter the parc), doesnt...
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    Security at Disneyland Paris

    Well, like stated before, not EVERYbody is going to the Disney Village after parc closure. But still, i think, at least half of all the people are going through the Disney Village. So that is approx. 20.000 people, in less than an hour. And all the time, i have never seen more as 8 security...
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    Security at Disneyland Paris

    Geez, let me think, why dont they check all the people who are entering Disney Village after the park closes..??? Maybe because it simply is, impossible, to check 30/40.000+ people who all come out at once, just after parc closing. I think it is just not possible to check EVERYBODY who comes...
  4. S

    How long to spend at DLP?

    One advice from my side: If you go, make sure to use the fastpasses and when you are inside the studios: You'd better go into Rock and Rollercoaster and other attractions while Moteurs de Action is busy. In this case a lot of people are watching the show and the queulines at the other...
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    One Mammoth List of Questions From a First-Timer!

    It never gets THAT hot...?? :hammer: Ow dear, are you saying it is even hotter over at WDW??? :lookaroun
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    One Mammoth List of Questions From a First-Timer!

    Are you kiddin me...??? :cry: I believe it was free, damned, i payed for my food, while i could have gotten it for free..... :lol: Our touroperator site, said it was for free, they tricked us!!!
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    One Mammoth List of Questions From a First-Timer!

    For the transportation, i have a site here where you can type the both adresses, so "CHARLES DE GAULLE and RER MARNE-LA-VALLEE CHESSY": This is what it came up with: TAKE THE RER B AT AEROPORT CHARLES DE GAULLE 2 TGV AT 11H03 DIRECTION...
  8. S

    Well a lot of rides are both in French and English. Offcourse the main language is French, but they do deliver headphones with English translation and in some cases there are tv's with English subtitles and even English spoken. Space Mountain for example has a view English spoken videos present...
  9. S

    New Space Mountain Trains

    Rumors are that train 2 is allready replaces with a new one, but so far i have not heard about someone who rode it (on forums) But the news is true. And Vekoma rules (Dutch you know :sohappy: :p )
  10. S

    What ia this like?

    You SHOULD go to the Studios because Rock 'n Roller Coaster is definitly worth seeing. And you have to see the park for yourself to judge if you like it or not. I loved the Studios and next time i go (next week, with mr duhastmich) i definitly will visit the Studios again.
  11. S

    Tinkerbells Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks (complete)

    This movie had not been up yet. I have not been online for a very long period :) As soon as i have found a new free FTP server i will upload it to my new site. It is a free site and the last one was closed too, because i made misuse of there service or something like that. But i will...
  12. S

    French/English @ Studios

    My native language is Dutch and my knowledge of the English language is rather poor. (I made a test to get into University and i had 24 of the 68 questions Good (Allmost got me into level 2 out of 4, still have to start level one though :( , but thats another story :) ) Writing is possible...
  13. S

    Tinkerbells Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks (complete)

    I got this error, so i will put it up on an other site soon: The page you are attempting to access has been removed because it violated Angelfire's Term of Service.
  14. S

    Tinkerbells Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks (complete)

    I filmed this on the 14th of July. This is the complete show, it is rather small, due to limited host capabillities. New url will follow soon Enjoy :D At the moment of posting, i just noticed this: The site will be available again in approximately 3 hours! Due to excessive bandwidth...
  15. S

    My first time....HELP!!!

    Here is something i wrote also in the "Disneyland Paris" topic. It contains a few tips about the parc. (and a few bonus grammar faults, but hey its free ;) ) If you are going to stay at DLP, i suggest you go for at least three days. Last 13 to 16th july i was in DLP and i was there for four...
  16. S

    One Night Stays

    all the hotels have two days and one night possibilities. So it must be possible, but as said before, its possible that on a few occasions it wont be possible such as 31 december. (ow men the lovely fireworks, i loved the 14th July show this year. A true delight that was :) )
  17. S

    Air Conditioning

    Well, a lot of guys i 'll find there, but i dont think i will find them beautifull. And knowing most of them are just a bunch of stupid English/Dutch tourists (no offense, but most English and Dutch tourist are very annoying over at Spain) i wont find what i want that quickly. But you have a...
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    Air Conditioning

    Only looking at the picture (and if its really you) i would say, OW YEAH :)
  19. S

    Air Conditioning

    Yeah, and the problem is, i am one of those Dutch young tourist too. But i guess the Spanish people can tell, which one are the bad ones. I will go to Salou and Port Aventura summer 2004, if everything is going as planned. I have seen a beautifull Spanish senorita last Teusday at...
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    Air Conditioning

    The rude people could have been Dutch Tourists too. I know a lot of them, also using the 'pardon et moi' saying to get to the front of the line. I think its just the 'European Way' of living. There are rules, but its possible to do a lot before people will stop you. But, as you said, the...
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