One Mammoth List of Questions From a First-Timer!


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Been to Disneyland? Check.
Been to Walt Disney World? Check.

Been to Disneyland Paris?.......

Time for a new trip! But before I go hoppin' over to Paris, I've got a lengthy list of questions for anyone from the States who has visited the Paris resort:

-Travel Dates: What's the best time of the year to visit, considering both the weather and the crowds?

-Transportation: I can get myself on the right plane and make it through the Paris airport, but what's the best thing to do as far as getting from there to the resort?

-Language Barriers: How difficult is it for somebody with only the most basic grasp of the French language (despite four years of classes, I can barely remember how to say "hello") to communicate with Cast Members at the resort? I'm talking hotel staff, restaurant servers, cashiers, etc. How fluent in English is the staff (and how willing are they to speak in it -- I've heard stories of French folks who speak English perfectly but choose not to do so when Americans engage them).

-Lodging: Right now it looks like only the Value or Mid-Range resorts are in my capacity. I like the theming of the Value resorts, but I've heard that (like their WDW counterparts) they can often be crowded and/or noisy. Is this true? Would the Sequoia or Newport Bay be worth the extra cash?

-Currency: What kind of currency does the resort accept, and how are the prices comparable to those of the US resorts?

Any and all input is appreciated!


New Member
I’m English, but hope I can help with some answers.

I went during school term time, can’t remember the month (It was about six or seven years ago). The weather was cool, and one day it was raining. A web search should give better answers about Paris weather and holidays.

France has a good public transport system (when they are not on strike). There is a train station literally outside the park entrance, so I would guess that might be worth investigating.

My French is not too good. The cast wear badges, which include flags displaying the languages they speak. By and large there were no problems with language. The stories of the French refusing to speak English when they are able are not without some truth. There are also cases where they refuse to help you when you try to speak French. However, I think that generalisation is now drifting into history. My folks took a short break in Paris (not for Disney) some months back and they encountered only helpful and friendly locals.

I stayed in the Mexican themed hotel. It was neither noisy nor crowded. Mind you I went off-season so I would expect it to be so.

France now uses the Euro. I don’t know what the prices are now, but when I went they were pretty steep. I would assume they have dropped in order to get more guests in.

Have a great trip

Pat X

New Member

I am a WDW, DL vet too and finally made it to Disneyland Paris last New Year's. I went during a busier time of year. (new year's obviously). During our entire trip, it was generally cloudy and rainy. Don't know if during the winter it tends to rain a lot or not, but it did on my trip. Iyt was also strange being in a disney park when its cold! You usually don't have to worry about that in FL or CA!

You can take the French subway right to the resort. You will have to take it into the city and then connect to another train. It wil be faster just to get car service or shuttle to take you. If you do take the metro, when you walk out of the Disney metro station, the DL Hotel is right there and the Disney Hotel bus stations are right outside the station as well. So is is convenient.

As for the language barrier, DL Resort was the one place I didn;t worry about trying to speak the local language and felt most at ease. I just spoke english or "AMERICAN." My wife is fluent in french so outside of the resort, I let her do the talking. You should see Paris too, its an awesome city.

I can't comment on the hotels. We actually stayed at the Hotel Elyssee in Val D Europe which is one stop away on the metro line, but would've preferred of course to stay in an official Disney hotel. If you go during the summer, be careful which hotel you select, some don't have air conditioning.

Do check out both parks, I enjoyed them both. :sohappy:


New Member
Some answers ;-)

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,

let's try to answer at least some of the questions...

Travel Dates:
depends on what you want to see.
For the full experience come in July and August. Only then the Disneyland Park is open till 11.00 pm - and the park is just a dream come true at night! Totally different from the experience during the day. Also in July and August there is Disney's Fantillusion which is an outstanding night time parade, plus nightly fireworks. Also in July and August there are numerous extra shows and street performers plus great weather. Naturally this is also a more crowded time, but if you come during the week it is not too bad. Just be aware Cheyenne and Santa Fe both don't have air conditioning (just a fan on thei ceiling) and no pools.
October has a quiet impressive Halloween experience but this also means you won't see Frontierland as it is supposed to be.
November/December even so ratehr cold and occassionally rainy are in my mind the most beautiful time of the year with a truely magical christmas season (Lights of Winter Arches over the Main Street). Also Fantillusion is performed daily during this time and there are some rather short nightly fireworks. As all year round except July/August the Disneyland Park closes at 8.00.
January: Christmas is over, Fantillusion is still on daily, and the crowds are the lowest of all year, but it is also rather cold.
February: normally time for a special festival (e.g. this year Lion King Carnival), Fantillusion is still on nightly, a bit more crowded than January but still rather empty.
March: numbers pick up slightly, Fantillusion still on daily, nothing special, in fact usually one of the two big theaters in the Disneyland Park is dark at that time of the year to change to the summer show.
April: the spring/summer starts in the park, which means no more Fantillusion. Thin crowds
May/June: crowds way below July/August, rather nice weather more and more shows open, especially on weekends, but no Fantillusion once again.

You will arrive most propably in Charles de Gaulle - from their you can either take the RER (=train) to Paris, change there on another RER which takes you straight to the station in front of the parks, only a few meter from the station for the free buses going to the Disney Hotels. You could also hire a car or take a cab (both options rather expensive if you don't want to use the car during the next days; also you could hire a car for that on site in the resort if you want to explore the country side). Also there is the option to take the TGV a high speed train that only takes about 10 minutes to the same station the RER stops in at the resort - the TGV leaves from the airport too and is the fastes option but slightly more expensive than the shuttle buses. The shuttle buses operate between the airport and the resort. They drop you off right at the door of your Disney Hotel. You can find more info here:

Language Barriers:
unfortunately most of the newer badges don't show the flags anymore - but no need to worry I'd say 98% of all CMs speak English and are very helpfull if you approach them in English. The information material in the parks and the hotels is available in English and French just as the menus in the restaurants, shows and attractions are designed to be entertaining no matter wether you understand French or not or offer an English soundtrack via headphones. There are also guided tours available in English.

if you want to choose between the Santa Fe and the Cheyenne the later most propably will be more fun as it has a lot more cozy feeling about it as no cars are allowed to park between the buildings and it recreates a western town. Both hotels have no pool or air conditioning, but ceiling-fans.
The Sequoia Lodge (and other Disney hotels) do have air conditioning and pools, which might be a quiet important decision maker if you come during July/August when it can get REALLY hot. Also the later hotels are a lot more comfortable and have a way better breakfast and better restaurants. If you want to you can still enjoy the bars of the Cheyenne or Santa Fe as they are just a two or three minute walk away along the river and are much cheaper than the bars in the better hotels for the same drinks(!). If you come in the winter season the Sequoia Lodge is the most cozy hotel with its national park lodge feeling.
No matter which hotel you choose make sure to take the free Fantasyland Breakfast at least on one day. You can get that one during the check in. It allows you into Fantasyland one hour before official park opening with usually some rides already operating and includes the breakfast buffet in a restaurant in Fantasyland. Especially Cheyenne and Santa Fe guests have the advantage that for them this offer is free too even so the breakfast in the park is on the level of the Sequoia Lodge, so better than in their hotels.
If your budget is very tight take a look at the new hotels in Val d'France while on property they are not operated by Disney, are not really themed and have their own shuttle bus - their advantage they are a lot cheaper than the Disney hotels.

As everywhere in France the Euro is the currency, but you can also pay with your credit card, so no problem. Also there is an exchange service in both parks, the Disney Village and the hotels.


Sweet Laker

New Member
For the transportation, i have a site here where you can type the both adresses, so "CHARLES DE GAULLE and RER MARNE-LA-VALLEE CHESSY":

This is what it came up with:


-Language Barriers: Not a problem at all, most of the CM's speak proper English. I don't speak much French at all neither and i can make myself clear with ease. So nothing to worry about. As far as i know they are willing to speak English also, but i am Dutch, so there might be a difference, dont know that.

Lodging: Personnally i would say Sequilla lodge and New Port Bay are worth the extra money. The things i like best, compared with Cheyenne and Santa Fe, is that at SL and NPB there is Airco in the room and there are swimming pools. They also look a little more like 'ordinarry' hotels.

Santa Fe and Cheyenne are more themed in that way, it really looks like the Wild West or Mexico and they are less 'ordinarry' looking. What i dislike (expecially during the summer) is the lack of airco and a swimming pool. I have been at all hotels, except Sequilla Lodge (which i will be staying at coming summer) and i must say, i liked all of them if i dont look at the airco or swimming pool. The beds are all ok, only the rooms at NPB where larger compared with SF or Cheyenne. But whatever hotel you pick, it won't disappoint you, at least not if you expect the same things as i do. Everybody is different so you should check out the site that has been given to you (dlp-guidebook) to look what suites you best. ;)

The hotels can be crowded indeed. There were queus when i last visited Santa Fe (end of February 2004) but that was early in the morning, the later it gets the less crowded it will be. At least for all the times i have been there (counts for all the hotels i have visited)

One last thing, if you stay more as one night, make sure to take the: "Goodmorning Fantasyland"! This means; breakfast at Fantasyland. So between 9 and 10 you can enter the parc and go to one of the restaurant, located at Fantasyland. I have done this my last visit and it is very nice to do so. And, i does not cost a cent/penny more. And the atmosphere is just much more; Disney.


New Member
Originally posted by Sweet Laker [/i]
For So between 9 and 10 you can enter the parc and go to one of the restaurant, located at Fantasyland. I have done this my last visit and it is very nice to do so. And, i does not cost a cent/penny more. And the atmosphere is just much more; Disney.

Well ehm we payed a few Euro's more at the travel agency for this breakfast. It wasn't much but, it costs extra.

Sir Mickey´s

New Member
hi there,

Well as an Disneyland resort paris fan :king: .. hope to give you some tips..

-Travel Dates:
Well, that´s what you want to see in the Parks..
are u a Christmas Nutt ??... go in November and the beginning of December.. then the christmas decorations are up ( not as much as in WDW or DL ) and the crowds aren´t that high...
Are u a Halloween Nutt ?? Go in october or september.. There are some special night´s where there are some extra shows and stuff like that..
Are u a Sunlover ?? Well uhmm that´s difficult.. July and Aurgust are sunny, but with those beautiful european summers ( yea right :lookaroun ) you never know... But the opening hours are long and the evenings are beautiful, but also is the busiest... but compare to WDW or Dl.. this is a piece of cake..
So make your choice... when u go .. every time there are different things to see and explore.. My reccomendation is in July or August.. you see the most.. everything is up and running... but can be crowded somethimes..

-Transportation: Disney has his own transportation to the hotels.. little busses that go from the airport to the hotels.. it isn´t for free, but what is these days :hammer:

-Language Barriers: Well, that´s a discussion that goes on and on.. Some castmembers speak english... some don´t .. but most of the time you can make yourself understandible.. so you don´t need french...

-Lodging: The cheap hotels in disneyland resort paris aren´t like their WDW counterparts.. they aren´t noisy or anything, but they are cheap because they haven´t got any extra´s, just a plain room and that´s it.. when you want more like a swimming pool or airco ( that by the way isn´t a must in Europe.. it never get´s That hot :animwink: ) than you have to go to the somewhat expensive hotels.. but it´s just what you want.. i´ve stayed in all off the hotels.. and Loved New port Beach.. not because of his swimmingpool or something.. but just the theme and so.. i´am a themeing nutt :wave:

-Currency: The resorts accept Euro´s ( 1 dollar is 0,8261 on 8-3-2004 ) and accept all major creditcards. The costs of Disneyland resort paris hotels go pro person.. not for 1 room.. so when you are with 4.. the room is cheaper pro person...

Hope tis helps a bit.. you also can visit ( but i think you found that website allready :animwink: )

Sweet Laker

New Member
Originally posted by duhastmich17
Well ehm we payed a few Euro's more at the travel agency for this breakfast. It wasn't much but, it costs extra.

Are you kiddin me...??? :cry: I believe it was free, damned, i payed for my food, while i could have gotten it for free..... :lol: Our touroperator site, said it was for free, they tricked us!!!

Sweet Laker

New Member
Originally posted by Sir Mickey´s
Lodging: The cheap hotels in disneyland resort paris aren´t like their WDW counterparts.. they aren´t noisy or anything, but they are cheap because they haven´t got any extra´s, just a plain room and that´s it.. when you want more like a swimming pool or airco ( that by the way isn´t a must in Europe.. it never get´s That hot :animwink: ) than you have to go to the somewhat expensive hotels.. but it´s just what you want.. i´ve stayed in all off the hotels.. and Loved New port Beach.. not because of his swimmingpool or something.. but just the theme and so.. i´am a themeing nutt :wave:

It never gets THAT hot...?? :hammer: Ow dear, are you saying it is even hotter over at WDW??? :lookaroun

Sir Mickey´s

New Member
Originally posted by Sweet Laker
It never gets THAT hot...?? :hammer: Ow dear, are you saying it is even hotter over at WDW??? :lookaroun

Yea it get´s hotter :rolleyes:
Ok, tis year it was also hot in europe.. well, but that´s not every year (thank god :lookaroun )


Originally posted by Sir Mickey´s
Yea it get´s hotter :rolleyes:
Ok, tis year it was also hot in europe.. well, but that´s not every year (thank god :lookaroun )

When my hubby and I went to DLP, it was HOT (we went in June). And I mean HOT. I think the were going through a heat wave, so I hope it's not usually like that.

Also, we got our park tickets along with our train tickets at the train ticket desk in Paris. I'm not sure if they still do that.

I was lucky on the language part because I could speak some German, my hubby could speak some French and most of the CM spoke English.


New Member
Originally posted by duhastmich17
Well ehm we payed a few Euro's more at the travel agency for this breakfast. It wasn't much but, it costs extra.

If you paid more, you were ripped off I am afraid. It clearly states in all the Disney Literature, that if you stay in Santa Fe, Cheyenne, Sequoia Lodge or Newport Bay that this service is available for free. If you are thinking of a character breakfast in the park, that an entirely different matter, there is a Supplementary charge for that, but I can assure you, that I am 100% sure of, Good Morning Fantasyland Breakfast is at no extra cost.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by UKColinR
If you paid more, you were ripped off I am afraid. It clearly states in all the Disney Literature, that if you stay in Santa Fe, Cheyenne, Sequoia Lodge or Newport Bay that this service is available for free. If you are thinking of a character breakfast in the park, that an entirely different matter, there is a Supplementary charge for that, but I can assure you, that I am 100% sure of, Good Morning Fantasyland Breakfast is at no extra cost.


We stayed in Sequoia, and the Good Morning Fantasyland was free. Just had to get some vouchers from reception when we checked in.

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