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  1. Enchanted Broom

    Acceptance Rate

    You do have to be enrolled for classes. However, you can be a part time student and get into the program (I'm a part time student at a community college, and I applied again and will be heading back for my second program in May). Different colleges can have different qualifications for their...
  2. Enchanted Broom

    Finding Roommates Fall Advantage 12' Internship

    Well, forums are a good start, so you've already got that going for you. :3 I've seen Facebook groups for incoming CPs. They probably have one for your program time and you could try to find someone there. If I remember correctly, they also have the opportunity to apply for roommate...
  3. Enchanted Broom

    Misspellings in the Parks

    Oh, okay. :3 Nice to know that there's a reason behind it. I really ought to know details like that that since I worked there. ^_^'
  4. Enchanted Broom

    Misspellings in the Parks

    You can find something a bit odd at the Maharajah Jungle Trek in the Animal Kingdom. There's a sign next to the entrance that explains the "history" of the Jungle Trek and has the name of the village on it. It's spelled Anandapur (which is the correct spelling). Then there's a sign above the...
  5. Enchanted Broom

    WDW Solo Trip - Ever Done it?

    I've never done an entire "solo trip," but when I was a CP I used to go to the parks alone all the time. Most of my friends had different schedules, so most of the time you either had to wait for a day when someone else would be off, or you could go alone. Everyone I knew liked to wait until...
  6. Enchanted Broom

    Your Favourite Attraction at the World in Epcot?

    Maelstrom. :3 Though I may be biased, considering I have Norwegian ancestry. :P I also love the Japan Pavilion. I always tell myself that I'll only be in the store for a little while, but then I end up being in there for an hour or so. ^_^'
  7. Enchanted Broom

    Ride(s) you will not go on...

    I won't ride Rockin' Roller Coaster. It's not the ride itself, I did ride it once as a kid and I liked it. It's that I have trouble with the g force (since the ride shoots off so quickly at the beginning). I can't ride coasters that start that way. I black out. :( Which is why I've never been...
  8. Enchanted Broom

    Custodial Team 2012!

    Congrats! And hey, that's the role I got too! (I'm Fall Advantage 2012) :3 I've only good things about Custodial, so I'm excited about it. I've done the program once before and knew a few Custodial Cast Members (one lived in the same apartment I did), and they seemed to like their roles...
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