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  1. OKWBamaJim

    Drowning in pop century hotel.

    Lets talk on experience about some people. Their favorite time to swim in the pool is during a lightning storm. It is amazing how many people get angry when you tell them lightning is in the area, and they dont get out of the pool..... We are talking a simple pool closing issue.... Prayers...
  2. OKWBamaJim

    Disney launch 'Limited Time Magic' for Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort in 2013

    I am never negative about seeing special things in the park, but this was crap. Where was the fun? The girls got pictures, but it just lacked. The cast at the 360 was not impressed either. One of the young ladies at the pavilion said that when they saw what they were getting, even the management...
  3. OKWBamaJim

    New Fanstasy Land - effects not working.

    At least they have spent millions on the new RFID systems. That way, when they do crach, they can slow you down from doing anything. Please Dear GOD, do not let them put those things on the crap-holes! Then it will be more than the kids going potty in the flower beds. -Bama
  4. OKWBamaJim

    Monorail Shut Down

    Through some of the railies I know that are working tonight, they say the rails coming back online. Said another construction vehicle hit the power lines...... -Bama
  5. OKWBamaJim

    Monorail Shut Down

    Sad to hear....we had an issue with some flooding back in the 90's that brought them down, back when the "new" trains were coming online. Can't say enough that this famous Disney Icon deserves more..... Shhhhh, I think I heard Walt roll over in his grave again...... Bama
  6. OKWBamaJim

    When does the excitement kick in for you?

    I never left.............LOL! If you really follow Walt, you never get tired of the's still humid and rainy but we are seeing little hints that Fall is right around the corner. I love hearing the excitement from the guests before they arrive, I am sometimes jealous. BUUUUUUTTT, I...
  7. OKWBamaJim

    How long has Expedition Everest looked like this?

    LOL! And I thought the nieghbors yard up the street looked bad...... I am with the person who said "Extreme Makeover"...waiting on someone to yell for them to MOVE THAT BUS!! LOL!! -Bama Jim
  8. OKWBamaJim

    T-Rex Cafe

    Thats awesome. Please let the folks know when you go, cause I live a few doors from one of the managers and he has nothing but hard nights and long hours. Loves his job, though. And man can that guy cook!! 100% T-Rex!
  9. OKWBamaJim

    Princess Merida meet 'n greet

    Got to catch Merida and the boys Labor Day. I am surprised that I am hearing from you they are going away on the 9th. The Photopass girl said that last Monday was the last day. The brothers were awesome and funny!!!! Three daughters love it!
  10. OKWBamaJim

    Goodbye, monorail drivers.......? Sorry if already posted.

    I am very happy to see that this is a topic, that warrants my first post on one of my FAVORITE sites, is so popular!!! ***brown noser*** I am enjoying hearing from all sides. Tom Morrow, thanks for the insight. I was leaving out the other talented "dont want to talk with the people, just get...
  11. OKWBamaJim

    Goodbye, monorail drivers.......? Sorry if already posted.

    The talk of the rails has been going automated even before I started in 88. I have two gripes. One, the condition of the current rails which have exceeded their time on that already historical beam, and then the current attitude of the monorail cast. Rails had several guest interaction areas...
  12. OKWBamaJim

    Goodbye, monorail drivers.......? Sorry if already posted.

    Well, at least they can sit and talk on the PA system.....(REALLY??) -Jim rails driver 88-91
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