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  1. LilSuzy

    Deputy charged with breaking into car at Disney, stealing kids' money while on duty

    This is what went through my mind, because unfortunately I do this....:( Guess I will think twice about that now.
  2. LilSuzy

    Quick pic from our Disney trip in October

    Believe it or not dh got more attention from cast members, guests, AND characters! They LOVED his Indy costume....he was definitely a hit :lol:
  3. LilSuzy

    Quick pic from our Disney trip in October

    Thank you Sam!
  4. LilSuzy

    Quick pic from our Disney trip in October

    DH and I had such a great time when we went this past October, I figured I upload at least a few quick photos of us dressed up for the MNSSHP :animwink: Enjoy!
  5. LilSuzy

    Thank You Rodney at AS Movies

    Thank you Rodney, at All Star Movies Resort, for going all out, and help make our experience 1000% better :wave:
  6. LilSuzy

    Why no forum for WDW WITHOUT kids?

    We have kids, but DH and I's trip in 2 days is KIDS free!!!!! So I would like a forum that's KID FREE just for our vacations that are adults only :)
  7. LilSuzy

    2 days!!!!!!!!

    I am just so excited that I can't even think! I havn't even packed! I have a 1/2 day of work left, gotta pick up my costume from the dry cleaners, 2 loads of Laundry left, take my kids to dance and catechism, go to the bank, grocery shop.....did I mention I havn't packed yet?! LOL we leave in...
  8. LilSuzy

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    Sorry about the large image, I don't know how to make it smaller.... :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  9. LilSuzy

    How Many Days for You... (Part 6)

    :sohappy::sohappy: :sohappy::sohappy:
  10. LilSuzy

    Sleepy Hollow Ride at Fort Wilderness?

    Of course you can go on a hayride even if you're not staying at Ft Wilderness! We are staying at All Star Music and are taking the bus to Ft Wilderness, then to to Guest services and they will take us to the destination for the haunted hayride! I found this on the Disney site...hth :wave...
  11. LilSuzy

    Girl Has Priceless Reaction To Disney Birthday...

    I'm such a :cry:! I loved it!
  12. LilSuzy

    Sleepy Hollow Ride at Fort Wilderness?

    Yes it is! Hubby and booked a ride next week! :sohappy: you can call disney guest service to book this....hth
  13. LilSuzy

    Well guys, we're coming to Orlando on Wednesday

    YAY!!!! We will be there as well! Only for a short time while you and your wife are there (Oct 20-25th) but maybe I can stop by and say hello! :wave:
  14. LilSuzy

    Halloween version of Mickey's PhilharMagic

    That would be another GREAT way to get into the Holiday spirit, weather it's Halloween or Christmas! :wave:
  15. LilSuzy

    Funny meet n greet character photos!

    I found these of Ellen Degeneres website. Does anyone have more to share? :ROFLOL: they are #47, #61 & 141 Wonder why it won't let me post the actual pics?
  16. LilSuzy

    MNSSHP....What are you going as????

    DH and I have finally decided. He is going as Indiana Jones and I as Snow White.....12 days!!!!!! :sohappy:
  17. LilSuzy

    Roll call October 2011

    We are down to 12 days!!!!!!!!!!! :sohappy:
  18. LilSuzy

    VIDEO - Wishes Magic Kingdom 40th Anniversary edition

    Very nice thank you for sharing :wave:
  19. LilSuzy

    Your photography is beautiful and inspiring. I enjoy them very much! Thank you

    Your photography is beautiful and inspiring. I enjoy them very much! Thank you
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