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    Tower of Terror female narrator

    It is Linda Hunt. She was also the voice of "management" in the HBO show Carnivale. She is also the narrator in the "GOD OF WAR" video games.
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    Brazil Pavilion in Epcot?

    I wish they had BRAZILLIAN TOUR GROUP THREAT WARNINGS posted before we booked our trips. There is no other group of international tourists that are nearly as annoying at the world. Seriously, during my last trip I had two problems with Brazillian tour groups. One was during a three hour wait for...
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    The end of Cranium Command?

    Would CRANIUM COMMAND be dated if it was still open today? Yes it would. But there are plenty of dated attractions in EPCOT that are still in operation. An Embrassamet to EPCOT? Hardly..... Imagination Pavillion and how IT stands today is an embrassament to EPCOT, along with most of the films...
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    The end of Cranium Command?

    August 2010 trip we looked for the entrance door to the old FOOD ROCKS area and we couldnt find it. For the best, that area is very busy. I would love to explore the River Country area or Discovery Island. Honestly- I would be too nervous, I would not want to get banned from the property...
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    The end of Cranium Command?

    Does anyone know if the attraction is physically still in there or has it been disassembled? During the flower festival in 2008 I was able to sneak down the Cranium Command exit hallway and walked into the show room- the show was still in there and looked as if it was ready to start the next...
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    Treasure Planet

    I didn’t think that Treasure Planet was terrible, but it was similar to the type of film that Atlantis was. If Disney wanted to make action based animated films, they should have marketed them properly. They were both marketed as if they were going to continue the classic type of Disney film...
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    Rango...good or bad????

    It was very good (IMO), not Disney-like but everything does not have to be. It had fantastic animation design. I found it to be very original in its design while playing homage to several different film genres. It was also very well acted by the voice cast. I would rank it below a Pixar effort...
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    Any news on The Tiki Room?

    "They made a billion dollars off of Pirates over the last decade, you'd think somebody in management would be trying to figure out how to get a lengthy AA dark ride in every land in every park." Krack I have been a reader of this site for six years and I just registered so I could support...
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