POTC - New additions?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
OK, I only went to this site because someone sent me the link, LOL, and I'm surprised no one here has posted about it. I take everything this guy says with a huge bucket of salt, but:


According to Hilly, there will be new projections debuting at POTC on May 20th, based on the new film. Anyone else hear anything about this?

Might have to go check it out after I'm done with Star Tours that morning.


New Member
Interesting! I wouldn't be so surprised. The projection is not a hard thing to change and they would want the ride to tie in to the release of the movie. We are doing half a day at Hollywood Studios on the 20th for opening of Star Tours and the evening in Magic Kingdom so I will be interested to see if this actually happens.
I feel like every time I see someone post something from this site, my sodium intake sky rockets :drevil:

however, I do think it would be interesting to see Blackbeard on the ride in some form, just hope they don't have to get rid of Davy Jones to do it


Well-Known Member
Again, I ask our "Jim Hill Grain of Salt" people to cite precedent?

People need to read his articles with the appropriate context. In this particular article he clearly stated the source of the information (Ian McShane), and then interpreted what McShane said.

Much of what Jim Hill does is speculate, but he does so with excellent information to lend credibility to his speculation. If people are unable to understand the difference between educated speculation and incorrect information that's their own fault.

If things posted on JimHillMedia.com should be taken with a grain of salt, so too should things officially announced by Disney. Their track records are comparable.


Premium Member
Again, I ask our "Jim Hill Grain of Salt" people to cite precedent?

People need to read his articles with the appropriate context. In this particular article he clearly stated the source of the information (Ian McShane), and then interpreted what McShane said.

Much of what Jim Hill does is speculate, but he does so with excellent information to lend credibility to his speculation. If people are unable to understand the difference between educated speculation and incorrect information that's their own fault.

If things posted on JimHillMedia.com should be taken with a grain of salt, so too should things officially announced by Disney. Their track records are comparable.

I know you work with Jim Hill, but there is a large back catalogue of him writing stories that do not turn into reality. I personally don't read his stuff, but over the last 10 years or so we've had many many Jim Hill stories on the forum, and a large number of them came to nothing. He's great at creating a buzz about himself and promoting his site. Any rumor posting from anyone should be taken with a grain of salt. Disney are great at changing plans, as we all know.


Premium Member
I wouldn't count on it at WDW considering their track record.

WDW in recent times are getting very much onboard with tweeks to existing offerings. All the work at the Mansion, Pooh, the Cars 2 promo events, the Pirates and Phineas meet and greets.


hmm i feel like Disney should probably wait for criticism on the movie before they put in additions. then again, that hasnt really stopped them before, and the blackbeard addition seems like it could be easily removed if needed.


Well-Known Member
hmm i feel like Disney should probably wait for criticism on the movie before they put in additions. then again, that hasnt really stopped them before, and the blackbeard addition seems like it could be easily removed if needed.

Just a projection... Should be fairly easy to swap out.

I'm really impressed by the amount of changes to attractions lately. I'm glad that they are updating something with 100% current stuff. It used to be five years before we had a hope of seeing something be updated after the fact, and usually they waited too long and it was no longer relevant.
I'm trying to think about what "waterfall" he's talking about? I suppose if its meaning the first drop, they could put it on the wall where the skull is that talks to you. But not sure about where to put it at WDW. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Well, I like Davy Jones as a character, so I hope he doesn't get 'swapped out".

How about another simliar effect before the small drop, with Blackbeard?
That wouldn't trouble me.

Although--let's wait and see how iconic his character is. I'm hopeful, but will wait to make judgement when I see the film.


I vote for an Al Swarengen projection!


Well-Known Member
Although--let's wait and see how iconic his character is. I'm hopeful, but will wait to make judgement when I see the film.

Well, ignoring the film completely, I can't think of a pirate as iconic or well known as Blackbeard, so I think his appearance in the attraction could work well no matter what.

I have to say if they do want to add film tie-ins I'd much rather them use the fog curtain projection than consider adding any more animatronics to the main show.


Active Member
Here's all you need to know to understand Jim Hill ...

His best sources are in WDI and they use him. Undoubtedly they are Imagineers. 95% of the information they feed him is excellent - "We are building X. It will go in Park Y. It should take Z amount of days."

However, the times that they feed him bad information is so obvious you don't need to be the FBI to realize when it has happened. Whenever he posts a story about an attraction that "might be coming soon" or that "is strongly being considered" that is almost always something you and I will never see in the parks. This is because one of Jim's "sources" just got his project turned down by upper-Disney management and now they are making a last-gasp effort to build public opinion in support of their design so that management considers taking a second look ("Well, there seems to be a lot of buzz about Ride M on the internet, maybe it'd be more popular than we think.")

The last really good example of Jim Hill being used as a useful idiot was The Monsters Inc Coaster - which, as you might have noticed, has been over a year since it became public, used all the appropriate code words ("might", "still not sure", etc) and hasn't seen two pieces of metal bolted together yet. Other examples include, Beastly Kingdom, Night Kingdom, and all the extended M&Gs for FLE (any observant person knew those M&Gs were gone the instant Hill went on podcasts saying "here's how wonderful these M&G designs are that are still under consideration ...")

All of that being said, the other 95% of Jim's information is typically very accurate. If he says they have started building something, they have. If he says something will be built, almost always it will.


New Member
I'm trying to think about what "waterfall" he's talking about? I suppose if its meaning the first drop, they could put it on the wall where the skull is that talks to you. But not sure about where to put it at WDW. :shrug:

Must have been a while since you've been, as the skull is gone. Instead there is a fog waterfall upon which they project Davey Jones from the movie and he says a number of different lines. This is before you see the skeleton at the helm and the small waterfall drop.

It is my belief that if they are adding a Blackbeard projection it will be replacing Davey Jones.

EDIT: Wait, you might be talking about Disneyland. Is the skull still at Disneyland???


Active Member
Yes I agree with some of your points but monsters inc and night kingdom were not his fault. They were all but done deals, then the economy tanked and it has been a slow recovery ever since. Some of the insiders here have confirmed this a while back from what I remember.


i feel like black beard does not fit into the water fall as well as davy jones (jones is like a ghost of the sea, it would make sense that he appeared in the waterfall), but i will have to watch the movie before any final judgments


I vote for a Frontierland makeover.

Only if they include Wu...but I guess they would have to really doctor his dialogue.....

Back on topic. I think changing the Davy Jones projection to Black Beard seems simple enough. Also probably able to randomize which one you see making "Every ride different" hmmm that could almost be a new marketing ploy. lol

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