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  1. W

    is "Ali" the same guy as Frankie?

    thanks! I was just hoping someone there might be a cast member or regular at DHS!
  2. W

    is "Ali" the same guy as Frankie?

    thanks! I was just hoping someone here might be a cast member or regular at DHS!
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    is "Ali" the same guy as Frankie?

    Hi all, I am just back from the World where I saw AIE for the first time. We went when there was a warm-up guy named "Ali". As I watched him do his thing, I wondered to myself just where I may have seen this guy before as his movements, vibe and mannerisms seemed very familiar. Then I...
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    Latest News/Rumors : Shanghai Disneyland

    "whereas the Shanghai based company will be providing the piece of land." hahaha LOL :ROFLOL: :ROFLOL: Looks like the jokes on Disney! Good luck!
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    Mickey's Magic Show

    Hi can anyone tell me where this "Mickey's Magic Show is being performed? I am in WDW right now and have not seen it advertsied anywhere. Thanks, Wendell
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    Latest News/Rumors : Shanghai Disneyland

    Both of my parents were born in China and I have many relatives that I know would clerarly not be interested in attending or going to a shopping mall, apartment building, office tower or even theme park built on or near a former cemetery. There is just too many superstitions that go with it...
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    Soldout on 1stFeb06, over 1000 guests unable to get in

    I have been to both the Florida and California parks many times during the holidays over the past 20 years. Truthfully, there have been a few times where these parks have reached capacity as well and people were indeed turned away as a result. However, while many were disappointed, I have...
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    Disneyland's spell fades in expectant Hong Kong

    Okay, I'm going to try this again and I hope no one gets irritated this time... Here are the great things about Hong Kong Disneyland that I didn't get to say in an earlier thread: The train service to the park is very timely and efficient. The souvenirs and trinkets offered in the...
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    Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney

    Hi HKDisneyland and thank you for your response! I was glad you could understand that my "comments" are a subjective opinion. In the rational world, most comments generally are. At the same time, I also understand that it is not necessary for you to agree with any comments or observations...
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    Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney

    Gosh, I re-read my post and also had my friend read it and we're not sure if it was racial as you say. However, don't despair, I fully appreciate that you are entitled to an opinion. It just seems like there's no room for anyone else's observations here including ones that may be counter to what...
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    Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney

    My apologies. A friend of mine on this Forum said that your Avatar only says "Earning my WDWMagicEars". This is very different and I apologize for mistakingly holding you to a Disney Cast Member standard. Thanks for your understanding, Wendell
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    Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney

    In a previous post HKDisneyland writes: "I suppose if you didn't come to this park, everything would be just fine!" Actually, quite to the contrary. I was very interested in seeing this Park and possibly disproving all of what was reported in the media regarding the guest conduct in this...
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    Interesting Article on Manners at Hong Kong Disney

    With all due respect to Corrus I was visting family in Hong Kong this past October and I had the opportunity to visit HKDL while I was there. Having experienced the park on October 12 first hand, I can say the article in question is absolutely accurate. I am a Chinese-American born in San...
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