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  1. B

    5 more nights.

    Well we are almost packed. We are just charging our camera batteries, and just double checking our routes and see how fast we can get from SC to Orlando. We still haven't ironed out how were are going to tell them. We happened to keep it a :zipit: so far. We have talked about arriving around 6...
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    5 more nights.

    I'm 31 and I can't remember the last time i was so restless. I'm as excited as my kids would be if they knew where we were going for spring break. If it wasn't for my DW's friends wedding on a Monday we would have gone for the whole week. We are going to a wedding on Monday at 5:30pm in SC then...
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    More Surprises!

    Just got an email on some gifts that I could buy and have them placed in the room. Are they worth it. The email doesn't give much detail. If any of you have purchased these please let me know what you have thought. We are taking DD 13 and DS 9 for the first time on April 12 staying at the POP...
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    Travel Package

    Normally about 4 weeks out.
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    ROLL CALL; Whos going to WDW in April?

    We have 9 more days. Our kids first time going. Staying at the POP. Kids still don't know where we are going!!:sohappy:
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    Where can you register early?

    I have seen you can chick in online at, but haven't seen where the link is. Thanks in advance for your help. We check in on the 12th. So close.
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    Thoughts on/Accuracy of Undercover Tourist Droid App

    I was wondering myself. We arrive on the 12 of next month. I look at it several times daily and try to set a pattern for our trip.
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    April 2011 Roll Call!!!!

    We are taking our kids of 13 and 9 for the first time on April 12th thru the 17th. Staying at the POP.
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    NO vacation packet yet :(

    We check in on the 12th and we got ours this past saturday.
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    Should we or Shouldn't we????

    Well we are still 31 days away. We havne't told them yet. We are leaving for a wedding on Monday the 11th. They know that we are going some where fun but still don't know where. They think it is a indoor water park. daughter is 13 and son is 9. Luckly when all the mail has arrived it has been my...
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    Hitchhiking Ghosts?

    Have they said when it will be up and running with all the new additions?
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    Camera Questions?

    Can you carry camera bags on all the rides?
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    Ice Machines at the POP?

    I couldn't find it on the website. I'm hoping their are some, or do we walk to the food court? Thanks
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    Camera Questions?

    This is our first trip in almost 20 years. We have a 13 and 9 year old, so we want to take alot of pictures. We have a DSLR camera and several Point n Shoots. What do you do on some of the rides with your DSLR? I would be afraid to have it around my neck on the Aero Roller Coaster. Should we...
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    Packet from WDW

    Thanks, I bet your ready for some warm weather! Have a fun trip.:sohappy:
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    Packet from WDW

    How far out are they sent? We are 37 days out from our trip.:eek:
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    Which is the Best route to take?

    Which rides do you see first? What Fast Pass do you get? Do you stick to a certain plan?
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    Fast Pass ?

    Thanks for the Post. Lots of good information.
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    Passholder rates

    How much is it for the Annual Passholder?
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    Fast Pass ?

    I was wondering, if your one of the firsts in the park what time slots are the first? Can I get a fast pass for a ride, then go straight in to the ride and then ride it again using the fast pass? Is there a website that details more about a fast pass? Thanks in advance. April 12th can't get here...
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