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  1. S

    WDW Attractions & Claustrophobia

    I'm 5'3. I grab my 5'8 sister's shirt like I did with my mom when I was a child. I have only had to do it a handful of times, but it is especially bad when you're in a tight crowd and someone decides pushing you from behind will make everyone in front of you move faster. That tends to make me...
  2. S

    Record crowds this month?

    Thank you! I thought that was the case. I still should have looked it up myself. :lol: Like I said in my previous post, I went to WDW the first week of December last year and it was wall to wall people except for my very last day. Everywhere I went people were saying, "This was supposed to...
  3. S

    Record crowds this month?

    I should probably use some common sense (and Google) and look this up myself, but isn't there always a party on 11/1, regardless of what day of the week Halloween falls on? I know it's a money making thing (which is why there are Halloween parties in mid-September) but I like the idea of an...
  4. S

    Record crowds this month?

    I just got home from a five day trip, and I was actually surprised at how wrong the touringplans crowd predictions were. To needlessly reiterate everything everyone has been posting, we go to WDW the same week every year, and this is by far the most crowded it's ever been. It was a far cry...
  5. S

    "Must Do Disney" Being Updated?

    For what it's worth, I saw camera men filming in DHS twice last week, and they weren't part of any street performance. I know that doesn't mean much, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
  6. S

    President's Day Weekend?

    This. ^ Southern Louisiana and Mobile and Baldwin counties in Alabama shut completely down for most, if not all, of the week of Mardi Gras. While the tourists are here we go and become tourists else where. In general, we head to Disney, except for when Mardi Gras falls during President's...
  7. S

    FREE DINING at WDW for Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 is HERE!!!!

    I totally feel your pain. It is very. very frustrating. I knew our trip during Mardi Gras would be blacked out because it falls during President's Week next year, but not getting any discount in October certainly makes me wonder if maybe we should consider going somewhere else during one of...
  8. S

    FREE DINING at WDW for Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 is HERE!!!!

    Thank you! :wave: And thank you for your response. I thought it a little strange that they opted to black out for one discount and not the other. I appreciate the back up on that one. As far as bookings are concerned, as of today Cinderella's castle STILL has reservations open for...
  9. S

    FREE DINING at WDW for Fall 2011 and Winter 2012 is HERE!!!!

    Pardon me while I come out of lurking mode for a moment. :) It took me so long to log in on my BlackBerry, I wouldn't be surprised if someone asked this in the meanwhile... If so, I apologize! If I read the AP discount dates correctly, the week of my trip (10/15 - 10/21) isn't blacked out...
  10. S

    Kids Stay and Play Extended?

    My family and I are going back to WDW the week of 12/4, which is a blackout period for free dining (due to the Pop Warner tournament, I'm sure.) My niece and nephew are 3 and 7, so I wonder what the chances are Kids Stay and Play for Free will be extended through the end of the year? Thoughts?
  11. S

    Large Dark Mark on Spaceship Earth (?) or; does lightning ever strike SE?

    A Dark Mark? That's one heck of an advertising ploy by Universal. Or Voldemort is rather ticked that Wizard World isn't spelling death and doom for the Disney parks.
  12. S

    Instead of PH, maybe Neverland?

    I think Pixie Hollow was always intended to eventually be a Neverland area. They can take advantage of the Pixie Hollow brand while it's popular, and once it fades - and we all know it will - they'll be able to convert it to a Neverland meet and greet with very little trouble. Peter Pan doing...
  13. S

    Goodbye Jojo and Goliath

    I think the real issue here - and it's one that is obvious through out this thread - is that kids recycle shows like crazy these days. My 6 year old niece loved Jo Jo and Goliath, but when we did Play n Dine she was more interested in the Little Einstein characters because that's who excited her...
  14. S

    Power Ranger leave just as Marvel moves in

    Leave it to the Power Rangers to be the reason why I stopped lurking and finally registered.... Love the Rangers or hate them (I'm firmly in the love them category,) if they're being pulled it's because they'll be replaced with something else. I've always been part of an anxious crowd of kids...
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