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  1. xerophilly

    video of wishes in toontown the night of closure is a link of a video that will touch every fans heart and maybe throw a tear
  2. xerophilly

    If you were at WDW right now, what would you be doing?

    probably lunch with the kidos and wife
  3. xerophilly

    SICK...INSANE Fantasmic! Video.

    such a great video
  4. xerophilly

    Super Bowl Parade

    what i think is more funny , the packers won ty Geezus. and he has not said anything since :ROFLOL:
  5. xerophilly

    How many of you have the Disney blues?

    i have the blues and i leave tomorrow! i cant wait to land at MCO hit the Magical Express and just get the tingles all over again
  6. xerophilly

    1st week of march

    sorry should have been more specific i was more or less woundering crowd levels
  7. xerophilly

    1st week of march

    im heading down there march 2nd-10th and i was curious is anyone knows what the traffic is like down there people wise? or any insight at all would love ot hear some feed
  8. xerophilly

    WDW Picture of the Day (Part 7)

    that was a great day
  9. xerophilly

    May 2010 Roll Call

    3rd-10th here
  10. xerophilly

    Honey I shrunk the Audience

    the last time i was on it.... i think feb 09, the sound and video were not in sync and it gave me a headache.
  11. xerophilly

    Sad day for a disney fan

    i just found out this morning that my work would be sending me to the orlando area for this week coming up and its the beginning of the month which means i payed bills and have no money! im so upset there is no way to get a cheap ticket for a night cause some night i dont get out till 8-9 and i...
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