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  1. Carling

    theme park merchandise

    Have a lookie at - There are a few things there....dvd's and vids of the parks, t-shirts and stuff..... Wow this is my first post in AGES! - my wife and I had a baby girl on Christmas day 2003, can't WAIT to take her to Disney!!!!.....she's 3 weeks old and she's...
  2. Carling

    Spaceship Earth narrator

    How about Eric Cartman from SouthPark?................lolol:animwink: :sohappy: :animwink:
  3. Carling

    When is your next visit?

    The wife and I leave sunny UK for Orlando next Wednesday (13th June) !!!! CANT WAIT! YAY! :lol: :lol: :sohappy: :sohappy: :lol: :lol:
  4. Carling

    Which All- Star?

    All Star Music I've stayed at all 3 resorts over the years, and think that music is the best. I don't do sports or anything active like that......but I like there ya go! The movies seemed a lot bigger than the others, especially the food court area - This was mayhem at busy...
  5. Carling

    leave a legacy

    My wife and I had our picture done for LAL in May 2002, on our last day before we left to go to Clearwater for a week...(that involved the coming together of husband and wife......eekkkk!!!)....They gave us the details with the wesbite addy. When we got back, the URL didnt work so we emailed...
  6. Carling

    May 9 - 11

    I was in WDW May 5th to 12th last year - the weather was great, and the lines even better - rode TOT continuously 6 times...., and RNR 4 in a row.....oh fun!....... I'm going June 13th till 20th this year - never been there around that time - any know what its like for the weather and lines...
  7. Carling

    Behind the scenes at Magic Kingdom?

    I've been to DisneyWorld every year for the past six years and each time I go, I intend to find out if there is a way to "get behind the scenes" or go underneath the magic kingdom to see all the "workings"!!....I've seen pictures of part of the underneath on the cd-rom that was marketed by...
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