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  1. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I like the prequel and original trilogy scenes. I also don’t dislike the sequels but they have an entire section.
  2. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    That’s true. The video message. Maybe a scene with the ice spiders. That could be creepy.
  3. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I mean Mando hasn’t been to Batuu either. :p Yet.... I totally expect someone to go to Batuu at some point in one of these shows.
  4. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I’m surprised they haven’t added Mando elements to Star Tours. It seems like a much easier undertaking.
  5. DocHoliday

    Guardians of the Galaxy coming to Energy Pavilion at Epcot

    Rocket Raccoon and Groot AA?? I'm down with that. I would prefer it in a different park though.
  6. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    The more diverse and distinct the attractions, the better. In my mind the Falcon's appeal will be to control the ship in a action sequence, Battle Escape's will be to experience the ground level battles and Star Tours' appeal will continue to be to experience all of the cool locales in previous...
  7. DocHoliday

    Feb. 21st Star Wars land preview on ABC

    I'm hoping they nail this one.A fitting book end that was as good as the first. Not Disney's albatross but it's the same thing that happened with The Matrix. It just deserves a better film to go out on.
  8. DocHoliday

    Star Wars Land announced for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I am just curious how they will maintain the illusion of the guest being in the Falcon. I'm guessing you enter through a facade and maybe the cockpit closes off and detaches?
  9. DocHoliday

    Feb. 21st Star Wars land preview on ABC

    For me, you can overdue things and leave a bad taste in people's mouth. I am not saying that Disney will with Star Wars, just that it's possible. For me the first Pirates was an awesome experience while the sequels were not (Davey Jones aside). While I am looking forward to another Pirates film...
  10. DocHoliday

    Feb. 21st Star Wars land preview on ABC

    Hoping the resistance ride has tangible elements. I'm all for screens as a backdrop but would prefer AA's and physical sets as well. The fact that you have an astromech on the ride vehicle with you is pretty darn cool.
  11. DocHoliday

    Potterland - What it means to me

    I liked The Wind in the Willows, yes. I am not huge on Potter. I have watched maybe three of the movies (the new one was good) and have not read any of the books but am excited about WWoHP. I think any objective person would look at the stuff they are building (exteriors) and have to have some...
  12. DocHoliday

    Star Tours 2: Now Filming?

    Can't wait for this...The Fett man!
  13. DocHoliday

    Earthquake - The Big One closed

    The pre-show for Earthquake was underwhelming to say the least. Very repetitive.
  14. DocHoliday

    No Tortuga Restaurant After All?

    I was looking forward to this actually.
  15. DocHoliday

    Disney's Hollyday/Horrorwood Studios?

    I'd love a Nitemare BC ride. It could be like the Cat in th Hat ride at IOA.
  16. DocHoliday

    GMR Info.

    Because Alien is awesome!! ;)
  17. DocHoliday

    GMR Info.

    The Western and Noir scenes should stay. They are FAR to important to the early years of film.
  18. DocHoliday

    Haunted mansion has reopened!

    Anyway...I really dug the new bride.
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