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  1. S

    Unable to book for January 2010? Is this normal?

    Thank you very much! This will definitely help.
  2. S

    Unable to book for January 2010? Is this normal?

    Thanks for the heads up. I was really just curious what late January rates would be like. Probably tough to do online at this point.
  3. S

    Unable to book for January 2010? Is this normal?

    This was online at Disney's own resort booking site. I was really just trying to get some prices at this point, didn't want to go through an agent at this stage. I was just surprised that you couldn't book with them 6 months in advance.
  4. S

    Unable to book for January 2010? Is this normal?

    Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought you could book Disney resorts over 6 months in advance usually. Right now when I try to get prices for January 2010 it says that they aren't taking any reservations past Dec. 31st. Is this unusual?
  5. S

    HQ Pic of Castle with Christmas Lights

    Here are a few...
  6. S

    Citricos vs Narcosse's?

    Victoria & Alberts! Then just don't eat the next day and your food budget should be fine. :)
  7. S

    Band-Aid blister relief?

    Yeah, that's not true actually. The wife and I each took a pair of Crocs to WDW last November. Her feet were sore, but blister free. I however got very large blisters on both feet from the Crocs by day 2. Days 3 and 4 were not fun. Next time I'm going to try Crocs with that Band Aid...
  8. S

    Beware Croc Wearers...They Are Dangerous

    I understand why people may not want to wear these themselves, but why on earth would anyone care what other people are wearing around on their feet at a theme park? This is a park where employees walk around in large fuzzy/foam costumes. If it's much more comfortable for some people to wear...
  9. S

    Haunted Mansion refurb/Missing canopy

    This reminded me of this "rumor" from back in March. Are we assuming that the canopy coming down has anything to do with this? Has anyone debunked any of this yet? The bit about the ballroom seems out of place from recent rumors doesn't it? Maybe I've missed it but I haven't read anything...
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