Search results

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    Just booked Discovery Cove

    We can't wait:D :D I don't care if it's chilly - as long as we don't need thermals-lol Plus - my 2 daughters have no idea that we are going- we are not going to tell them until Christmas day morning:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Just booked Discovery Cove

    for Christmas Day:D :D We are going to have one magical trip:cool: :cool:
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    Question for UK Broadband users

    Thanks Steve:D
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    Question for UK Broadband users

    Most of the time it's fine- sometimes find it a little bit slower at night though. Thanks for the link- off to check it out:)
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    CAPT. HOOKS trip report

    Great report Captain Hook. Hoping to do The Dine with Shamu ourselves and also DC if I can persuade my other half to part with the cash-lol
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    MVMCP Tickets

    Just got off the phone from booking ours for the 16th December:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Question for UK Broadband users

    I'm cyrrently with BT Openworld, but can now change provider. Who can you recommend and have any of you had any problems ie downtime if you've swapped from one company to another - don't want to be without my internet connection!! Thanks
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    What do YOU do ?

    We're not going until December - and I'm re reading the guidebooks and having great fun planning what to do:D :D
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    Question for everyone!

    Never stayed on- site - so would love AKL!! Part time secretary - fits round looking after family
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    Has anyone used this site for tickets??

    I keep seeing on nearly every site I visit. Has anyone any experience of using them to buy tickets?? Are there any places I can do a "customer search" on this company to see if it is trustworthy?? Or am I better just buying from a site such as Pam's that I have...
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    How is the overall experince at Sea World?

    We're going to visit Seaworld for our first time in december and are really looking forward to it. Plan on getting the Funcard - may as well get unlimited admission for the same price as a single ticket:D :D
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    How much more waiting do you have until your WDW vacation

    289 days for us..........too long - but HEY we've got 3 weeks there:sohappy: :sohappy:
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    Birthdays at WDW

    Sounds like a magical birthday Disneyanna. Hoop- dee- doo sounds like fun as does the Birthday Cake Hat - although whether she would wear that is another matter - probably not "cool" enough. Chef Mickeys sounds like fun as well. Just looking forward to being in such a magical place for...
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    Birthdays at WDW

    Thanks for the ideas. Never heard of the Hoop- Dee-Doo-Review. What is it - sorry if this is a silly question.
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    Birthdays at WDW

    My daughter will be 13 while be are there- any idea on anything special to do? Had wondered about a character breakfast - which is a good one as we have never done any character meals. Thanks :)
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    Anyone flown with British Midland??

    Yes- seems such a long way off though:( Gives us more time to try and save up though:animwink:
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    Anyone flown with British Midland??

    Hope its better on transatlantic flights:veryconfu Will definately be packing snacks just in case.
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    Anyone flown with British Midland??

    Excellent - theres a long queue of people wanting to get in the cases-LOL Just found out as well, that they do a premium economy for £120 extra - like the sound of that:D
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    Which tickets to buy

    Hi Galaxy - the link is here Not convinced that I'm going to brave enough to try all the big coasters, once I see them -LOL
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    Which tickets to buy

    Sounds great Galaxy:) Are you getting the Fun Card ticket for SW/Busch - think its the same as a daily ticket- but gives unlimited admission. We're probably getting this.
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