How is the overall experince at Sea World?


New Member
if you like a lot of rides you might be dissapointed, the rides Sea World has are good but there's very few of them. but if you like shows and especially if you like marine animals you should have a great time. busch gardens is a lot better though, in my opinion.

Epcot is my fav

Active Member
Original Poster
ive been to tampa.....ummm i meant like specific things that are both good and what is "so and so" like???? please help me


New Member
I went last year to SEAWorld with my 2 kids, 5 and 7 last year. Seaworld is very large and very spread out. You have to do lots of walking in the very hot sun. I felt that it was really not much better than a good aquarium at 10x the price. Go to Coney Island instead!


Well-Known Member
We went for a day last fall and had a very nice time. We got there when it opened at 9:00 and we were gone by 4:30. My daughter wants to be a veternarian when she grows up, so she really enjoyed seeing all the animals and getting to interact with and feed the dolphins. The shows are good and you can go from show to show to show if you plan your schedule out correctly. Kraken and Journey to Atlantis are the two big rides there and they are side by side. I think it depends on what time you hit these rides for line lengths--we rode JtA with no wait, went back to immediately ride again and there was a 30 minute wait. BTW, you will get wet on JtA--possibly soaked. It was hot too in October, so take advantage of the shade in the shows if you can.

Here is my biggest beef with Sea World and will probably keep me from going back: cigarette smoke. I'm not trying to open up a can of worms on whether or not people should smoke or not smoke; my wife is allergic to cigarette smoke and Sea World's smoking policy is to allow smoking anywhere but stadiums and inside buildings. We were forever dodging smoke and it got to be tiresome. I really appreciated Disney's smoking policy once the day was over! People have the right to smoke if they want to and no one was in violation of their policy that we saw, but for our own health situation it wasn't a lot of fun.

Overall, it was a good experience and I'm especially glad that my daughter got to see these animals up close. We'll probably go again, but it's gonna be awhile before we go back.


New Member
I had been to SeaWorld when I was little with my parents and we liked it very much. Then I went back while I lived in Orlando and liked it a lot too!

I think we went there in October or so, it was hot but not unbearable. We decided to take a "behind the scenes tour" to pet the penguins, and they took us to see the polar bears and petting the penguins was the most awesome thing! I highly recommend taking that little tour. It only cost us $6.00

Then we saw Shamu of course, Seymour and Clyde, and other shows. As I said it was very relaxed... We also did Journey to Atlantis twice and got soaked!, petted dolphins, and touched a stingray -eeew-. Kraken was not open yet :( so I have to go back some day! :D

Another plus was the "Budweiser´s Hospitality Center" where you can have samples of their beers. You are not supposed to get more than one sample, but we managed to get one or more of each beer they had, and fought seaguls for our delicious pretzels! We had a blast at SeaWorld! :D


New Member
The Clyde and Seamore (sp) show is can't miss funny. Kracken (the coaster) and Journey to Atlantis (water-coaster) are excellent if you like that sort of thing. Of Course the Shamu shows are awesome (both of them). I highly suggest buying fish to feed the dolphins and the seal lions. The Wild Artic exhibit is great, the ride is so-so, but appears to be the only way in. You can skip the Swan paddle boats and some of the minor exhibits. The Manatee exhibit is OK if you have time. Shark Encounter is great unless you have been to Aquariums with the Underwater tunnels, if so hold off... you get the same experience. We did the Dine with Shamu, and if you can get past the price ($60 a person) you will find it a once in a lifetime experience well worth trying. I heard that the Cirque de la Mer show is great, but we did not have time for it :( . Which reminds me, this park has more then you can do in a day, so plan a must see list before going and basically stick to it. There are so many shows, that you must head to the next one almost right after leaving one to see them. The Dolphin show is above average, and the penguin encounter is So-So. Hope this helps.

We did not have time for the Tropical Reef or the Pet Show either.


New Member
We're going to visit Seaworld for our first time in december and are really looking forward to it.

Plan on getting the Funcard - may as well get unlimited admission for the same price as a single ticket:D :D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man
The Wild Artic exhibit is great, the ride is so-so, but appears to be the only way in.

Just to say that you can miss the ride and just go to the exhibit. There is a 'walking' entrance.



Active Member
On our most recent trip to Disney (last October) we decided to take a trip to Sea World. I enjoyed it, but I must admit, the entire day I was thinking, "I'd rather be at Disney!" My son had wanted to go to SW and get soaked by Shamu, which we did. Kraken was fun, and the crowds were nothing compared to WDW, so I rode it about 4 times, one right after the other.
I am a big Disney fan, though, and as much as I enjoyed some of the rides at SeaWorld and on other trips at Universal, I just enjoy the Disney experience so much more! But to each his own. Try it once, anyway.


Well-Known Member

SW is probably the most relaxed of all the Orlando parks - it works as a mainly educational experience with entertainment and a couple of rides thrown in.
Must see :-
Shamu - both the day time and Shamu Rocks America (night show)
Clyde & Seymour - arrive in plenty of time for the mime artist
Dolphins - nursery, feeding area and the dolphin show
Budwieser - hospitality area (free beer !!!)
Kraken and Journey To Atlantis.



New Member
I forgot to say that we did it in two days... maybe that´s why I found it relaxing. We had a promotional ticket that allowed you to go two days within a week. :animwink:

....and yeah, that mime is worth getting early to the C&S show! :)


New Member
Originally posted by Brooke
if you like a lot of rides you might be dissapointed, the rides Sea World has are good but there's very few of them. but if you like shows and especially if you like marine animals you should have a great time. busch gardens is a lot better though, in my opinion.

Your right there is very few rides in Sea World.I looked at the Bush Gardens website and it has a lot of rides.:p


New Member
If you like Marine life, you should definitely go to Sea World. When my husband and I went down to Orlando for our honeymoon, we decided to do a special tour of Sea World, since we had been several times before.. It was $50 per person, and 2 other people ended up joining us (funny - we had never met, but were from the same area and even knew some of the same people). Anyway, our tour guide was great, gave us some great info on the animals and the parks. The favorite part though was that he got us into the Shamu show! It was awesome! We all got to pet Shamu and give him commands and the guys got soaked! (Literally - not a dry spot on them!) We also got to go "backstage" and pet a penguin and learn about how they are cared for.

SeaWorld also allows you to feed the dolphins, stingrays (you can touch both of them) and you can toss fish to the sea lions. (There may be some more feeding areas, but those are the only ones we did.) There is a lot to do, the shows are great... (as others have already mentioned)... and if I remember correctly, there is even a water playground, not for swimming but kind of a giant play structure that involves water, for the kids to cool off in.. (we don't have kids so didn't explore that too much.. someone else may need to correct me if i am mistaken on this one....)

the rides are few but the experience is definitely worthwhile...

go and enjoy - i can't imagine you would be dissappointed!

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