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  1. V

    Whats the latest on Disney & Harry Potter

    ummmm..... uhhhhh..... Wow.... Im not even going to begin listing the things wrong with that statement.
  2. V

    Is Wonders open today/tomorrow?

    hahahahahahahahahaha.... yeah... its called A,B and C evac plans... and its pretty universal as long as you know the general area.
  3. V

    Another Troubling New Disney Bio

    ummm I use and have heard used these words quite a bit...
  4. V

    "Adios" El Rio del Tiempo!

    Wow, see what the product of our jaded, soulless, aimless society is... witness it in its full glory, for this is why the "future" and died. Walt Disney was the last great futurist. EPCOT in it's original non-theme park form, was a dream/obsession of Walt's... a Utopian society on the bleeding...
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