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  1. K

    Please help ID cast member

    I was very impressed with the cast member who played Aurra Sing at Star Wars Weekends. The one at the Studios, not the one in the movie (to clarify). Anyone have any info on her? Is she regular cast or model brought in for the occassion? Website? Any info is appreciated? Thanks in advance.
  2. K

    New Biergarten Chef

    This information is coming to me second hand. Remember, it was my parents who ate there and usually do twice per month and sometimes more. The "cheese" happens to be my father's favorite. He realizes he could get it anywhere, but chooses to enjoy it in the biergarten ambiance. The cheese...
  3. K

    New Biergarten Chef

    My folks went to Epcot tonight and ate at their favorite Biergarten. Much to their disappointment, the restaurant has a new chef. Apparently, he has changed the menu considerably and several of their favorites are gone, including Muenster cheese (replaced with nothing). They heard others in...
  4. K

    Job Help PLEASE

    Does anyone know the official title of the "escort" that guides families/celebs around at the parks? Also, do you apply for that through the usual Casting or is it a special position? Lastly, how much does it pay? Thanks in advance for any input.
  5. K

    Song of the South may get released

    Or the less well known, Gone With The Wind.
  6. K

    PotD Spinoff - you and a character / castmember

    Look at they way Timon is looking at Tigger! Is Tigger trying to put Timon in an armlock?!?!? And he's winding up for the infamous face slap!!!! Or maybe the hooked arm and outstretched paw is a standard pose and Timon was being mischevious and got caught, only to be accidentally slapped when...
  7. K

    Memories from the old days ........

    Tangaroa Terrace waffles. Coral Isle Cafe. Mr. Toad. 20K Leagues. Near POTC, there was a shop where you could pay to dress up like a pirate and have your picture taken. Like an Old Time Photos shop. Pirates chasing women in POTC. The drum totems NOT spraying water in front of Jungle...
  8. K

    Magic Kingdom Issues on President's Day

    I like seeing the crowds, it takes me back to the WDW of my childhood. That doesn't mean I like standing in a 45 min line. Mom, you're right. Usually, the wait time is anywhere from 5 to 10 shorter than the posted time. That was why I was surprised to see the wait times so far off. My OP...
  9. K

    Magic Kingdom Issues on President's Day

    No, my first clue was not typing a post that makes me seem like a jerk. You got that covered for me. In fact, I like to see the crowds. It gives me a sense of nostalgia when POTC is out the door. It means that WDW is not on its way to being Universal. No one has spoken to my issue of why the...
  10. K

    Magic Kingdom Issues on President's Day

    Took the kids down to MK for the day since they were out of school. Man, it was packed! It seemed like alot of the posted wait times were WAY off. HM was switch-backed in the old FP area, but the sign said 20 min. POTC was switch-backed all the way out (even behind the hidden courtyard), but...
  11. K

    Raglan Road Stinks

    Even for WDW, these prices are high. C'mon $8.95 for a KID'S meal?!?! I agree, but we were there at 11:30 AM. I forgot to mention the guy smoking at the bar. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought smoking in restaurants was against Florida Law. I've been around a few bars and recognized...
  12. K

    Raglan Road Stinks

    Seriously, the bar/main dining area reaks of stale booze and there was an unidentifiable smell in the men's room. I have four kids, so I know smells and the new ones I experienced today were beyond horrible. It didn't help that we were shoved in a dark booth and had poor service. The food...
  13. K

    Alert: Avoid WDW This Weekend; Other Updates

    "We were all teenagers once." Actually, according to my parents I went from 8 directly to 30. Now, according to my wife, I'm holding at 5. So, luckily, no teen years for me. We were there on Sunday. Some highlights: HM completely shut down for "technical difficulties". Splash stopped...
  14. K

    Star Wars Weekends announced

    The page I'm looking at on WDW says: Monthly June Calendar SPECIAL EVENTS Star Wars™ Weekends - 05/19/2006 - 06/24/2007 That's a big typo, but taken literally means it started last May and should run for a year! I know that's not true as I know how SWW works. But if it is supposed to...
  15. K

    The HM ring/piece of an old gate is back.

    Wouldn't it be interesting, with so much debate, that people don't even have a consensus as to where the ring is? Maybe peopel are looking in two or more different spots and thinking they are seeing the same thing? Those are clearly two different spots. The joint pattern doesn't match. The...
  16. K

    Ring removed from pavement at Haunted Mansion

    Only yesterday as I was exiting HM, I discovered a nice young couple searching for the "ring". They heard it had been removed. They knew it was not actually a ring. They did not know the story of the old gate. They simply liked the extra dimension that the urban legend brought to the...
  17. K

    Ring removed from pavement at Haunted Mansion

    :brick: OK. This is what I heard.... Eddie Murphy was at WDW with his family a few weeks ago. He heard about the ring and really only wanted his movie to be the official story. So Mr. Mushu had to be wrestled to the ground by several cast members and security in the act of attempting to pry...
  18. K

    Help with Fireworks

    Thanks!!!:sohappy: :xmas:
  19. K

    Help with Fireworks

    Which location (including PI) has the best New Years display?
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