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  1. mgraef

    Scattered ashes in POTC ride

    What about in the front seat on Expedition Everest, just let em go in the air as you go down the big hill. That would be classy and give all whole train a chance to share in your moment. Please people.
  2. mgraef

    MY feet hurt -- walking around WDW and then some

    You should not have worn the Crocks with Socks.
  3. mgraef

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Three weeks, three weeks, three weeks. I am now getting excited.
  4. mgraef

    If you feel all hot and steamy -- Do MILF!!!!

    I am a POFQ guy. Sounds like a private moment in the loo.
  5. mgraef

    Going Alone!

    There will be lots of people there with you, you just won't know them until you arrive.
  6. mgraef

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Four weeks from this minute I will be plopping on my bed at SSR dreaming of dinner and a cold one!!! mg
  7. mgraef

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    31 baby, I consider that one month.
  8. mgraef

    Magical Express Tags

    5 weeks out, received mine yesterday. Woohoo mg
  9. mgraef

    DME Envelope Arrived!!

    Nothing like receiving the Magical Express tags in the mail to bring home the fact that we will actually be going to WDW soon!!! We always book so far in advance that I tend to forget the excitement, now 5 weeks out. Woohoo.
  10. mgraef

    How Far Out? First Timer needs help!!

    I recommend constantly checking for better deals, AAA, etc. We did this last year in October and ended up saving around $600 so we added the meal plan. And yes, we were able to make most of the ADRs we wanted too. mg
  11. mgraef

    2008 WDW Marathon Weekend Roll Call

    Worst case is you have an 8 hour walk. Good luck, I am sure you will have a great time.
  12. mgraef

    Don't Go In September

    I may be crazy but when the parks are really empty it is kind of weird.
  13. mgraef

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    Down to 50 days!!! I remember posting at about 280.
  14. mgraef

    marathon/ planning questions

    My hope for me is that a steady training pace will get me there in 2009. I plan for this to be my first marathon. I have done 2 half marathons this year have a third in Denver this weekend. For me it is a way to get Disney on the calendar, plus I want the medal, and the feeling of...
  15. mgraef

    2008 WDW Marathon Weekend Roll Call

    I am getting ready to book for the 2009 Marathon if my calves can stand the training. Good luck in the half this year. mg
  16. mgraef

    Disney Resort Hawaii

    Now I am really glad to be a DVCer.
  17. mgraef

    14yo alone for a while at WDW

    my opinion is leave the 14 yo in the hotel room. Disney is a big place. and call often... mg
  18. mgraef

    The kids can't go. Help needed.

    Did someone once say "Honesty is the best policy?" Good job putting the education first, I would even use this as "motivation" for your kids to start pulling some grades too. mg
  19. mgraef

    Spaceship Earth area landscaping update photos 20 Sep

    Still waiting for the two balls on top to turn the big ball into a hidden Mickey....Can't wait.:D
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