marathon/ planning questions


Crazy Cat Lady
hope this hasn't been asked yet.

We are going to WDW jan 12-19th. I think the marathon is the 13th??? :shrug:

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what parks are the ones to avoid this day due to the marathon?? it is the first day we planned to go to parks (12th is travel day only) we planned on AK then MGM for Fantasmic at night. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have been training since May for the Marathon. I have lost considerable weight, though not as much as I would like becuase I am eating like a horse to keep my energy up.
The funny thing is the whole reason my wife and I are doing it, is we wanted an excuse to go to Disney again. We love the characters and heard they put out some rare ones for the event so that was the clincher.

I was allways a hiker. I can hike for hours. I can also walk the parks non-stop without getting tired. It was running that was my bane. Shin splints and side stiches. Then one day I was talking to a guy at work and he described how he had started running, just a bit, because his doctor had adivsed it. He ran about 30 minutes three times a week, and the guy he used to run with one day said "hey, lets try to train for the NYC marathon". Just as simple as that, on a whim, they did it slow and steady. That got me thinking about it again. Not pushing myself, and following a plan was the trick. No more shin splints no more side stiches. And it was great to be able to run from to bus stop to my room and back to get something I forgot and not be breathing hard afterwards. :D

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New Member
My hope for me is that a steady training pace will get me there in 2009. I plan for this to be my first marathon. I have done 2 half marathons this year have a third in Denver this weekend.

For me it is a way to get Disney on the calendar, plus I want the medal, and the feeling of accomplishment.

I will say this, the training for the second half was far better than the training for this third one!! I am looking forward to shutting it down for about 6 weeks and then building throughout 2008 for January 2009.

Looking forward to the journey.
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