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  1. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Well I was all set at CSR then this morning a preferred opened up at CBR so we booked that!! My decision is they are renovating at CSR so we will try it next year. I plan to go to the PM for lunch though to see the resort.
  2. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Thanks everyone :), this board is so helpful!!!
  3. EnchantedPrincess

    Which is worse: Pool hopping, using FPs outside the time window, ...

    :ROFLOL:Might as well pool hop while your at it. Seriously pool hopping IMO is just wrong, swim where you stay. But i'm usually having too much to worry about others. if they want to be dishonest then that is thier problem.
  4. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Yes I've looked at them and I know lots of people love the POR/FQ but I'm not crazy about the theme. POFQ is available for our dates though :veryconfu. I just like tropical themes better I guess. Thanks.
  5. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Thanks so much everyone for posting. you are all so helpful :animwink: I love reading all the different opinions. We are still divided in our house. DH wants CSR and I lean towards CBR. The kids of course don't care.
  6. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Thanks so much. I'm sad about switching from WL and want to make the right decision for my family. I love the pics of both but I'm so torn.
  7. EnchantedPrincess

    Please Vote CBR or CSR???

    Our family is going to Disney in October. We usually stay deluxe at WL or Poly. Not possible this year and we need to book a modertae resort. Our kids are DD8 and DS4. I'm having trouble deciding between CBR and CSR. I even did pros and cons and they are even :veryconfu. So please tell me...
  8. EnchantedPrincess

    Autograph books?

    Thank you!
  9. EnchantedPrincess

    Autograph books?

    Hello, I heard WDW has some new autograph books. We already have the small blue ones from 2 previous trips in 2003. Do they have room for photos? Also I heard they are much nicer than the old ones. I wasn't sure if this was true. Thanks in advance
  10. EnchantedPrincess

    How do you inform teachers of a WDW vacation?

    Dixiegirl I love that form you made it is great! My DD has learned alot at Disney. Anyway she is in kindergarten full day and I got read the riot act for taking her out. The people in the office said why can't you go during fall break? I said because it is crowded then and unless your...
  11. EnchantedPrincess

    Polynesian vs Beach Club

    I was told they closed Beaches and Cream! Anybody know If thats true or not?
  12. EnchantedPrincess

    Ride refurbs what would you do?

    I'm surprised they are putting the movie characters in it!
  13. EnchantedPrincess

    Ride refurbs what would you do?

    Bring Back 20,000 leagues under the sea (vaguley remember when I was 5 Get rid of Stitch Great Escape (hated when it was Alien Encounter too) Jungle cruise needs serious help, though I love it it's classic. Peter pan needs sprucing up!
  14. EnchantedPrincess

    Who could it have been?

    I'm from NJ and have no accent. I live in TN now and no one can tell where I'm from. Anyway Goo Goo Dolls are from NY and Bon Jovi of course NJ, no brittish accent. How about Duran Duran??
  15. EnchantedPrincess

    Princess Story book Dining??

    Hello, I booked the Princess storybook breakfast. The Cm I spoke to told me Aerial was not a princess at this meal. My friend told they had dinner there and Aerial was there dressed up in a gown. It's her DD favorite character so I don't think she is wrong. Anyone know for sure? Thanks...
  16. EnchantedPrincess

    Wilderness Lodge Room/View Questions

    We have stayed at WL twice in 2002 2003. Woods view near the otter pond on a higher floor is good as far as seeing fireworks. Some floors the trees are too tall to see. The second time we went they upgraged us to courtyard view (can't remember room#) on the side near the quiet pool. I don't...
  17. EnchantedPrincess

    May Or October??

    Thank you for posting so quickly. I really want to go in May, but Dh wants to wait so our DS will be just a bit older in October. I don't think it will make much difference though. Nichole
  18. EnchantedPrincess

    May Or October??

    Hello, We want to stay at Polynesian. We are having trouble deciding between going in MAy 1-8 or October 8-13. I don't know which would be more crowded? Also we have 2 DC, Ds will be 2 end of May and DD will be 6 soon. I don't know if 6 months would make a difference as far as DS enjoying...
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