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    Journey Into Imagination 2007

    I'm glad to hear they are replacing HISTA, although I like it, it is time for a change... besides when you see the signs for HISTA on sale at there must be change in the air.:wave:
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    you KNOW you're a Disney snob when...

    And when I go to the local amusment parks I think to myself, "Disney is so much better." Fireworks... I don't even go to see local fireworks any more since Disney spoiled me. LOL :hammer: :lol:
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    Little soggy Epcot update

    It would appear that the money Siemens saved when they laid me off in 2005 is being put to good use at SSE. I guess when I get back on my feet I'll have to plan a trip to WDW to see the results of our plant closure. :lol: :sohappy:
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    The NEW theme for October!!!!

    Here is a link to the new theme coming in October... Looks interesting... Hope you enjoy...
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    Happiest Celebration on Earth

    The new celebration...
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    wilderness campground-yeah or nay?

    In my book it is a big YEAH !!!! I have stayed at both the campground and the cabins and I love both. Of course there are other factors to think about... if you have kids they will love it... Staying there in the summer months can be quite hot but if you are use to that sort of thing not a...
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    It's Official- Mcdonald's not renewing their contract

    Makes you wonder how much of these recent changes/ rumors of change have been influenced by the new CEO. McDonalds, Kodak, Disney Quest, Timekeeper, etc....
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