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  1. wonderboyjohnny

    Those dang kids with those Heelez!!!

    I haven't been recently enough to say if I've noticed a trend at WDW, but I work at Toys R Us.. and let me tell ya.. those things drive me absolutely nuts. We don't carry them (well, we have one pair and they have the disney princesses on them.. go figure) but kids are constantly gliding around...
  2. wonderboyjohnny

    Ouch! New Universal Commerical Takes shot at Disney

    I guess I don't see the problem with the ad... I don't see it as being a blow, I mean it's the truth. They did say "...not your thing?.. visit us..". They weren't implying that they did it any better, in fact that leaves us with the idea that pixie dust and fairy tales are to be found not too...
  3. wonderboyjohnny

    MK Updates from Saturday (Photos)

    I believe there are walls up now that say something like "dead men tell new tales" and show jack sparrow kneeling in the jail scene trying to convince the dog to give him the key.
  4. wonderboyjohnny

    Peter Pan's Flight

    I kind of wish Peter would replace Tink but... I bet no one else does. Not quite as magical, hm? :animwink: It would be impressive though. (notice the large peter tattoo on my arm.. bit of a fan heh)
  5. wonderboyjohnny

    Great Movie Ride Question

    I have never had a girl as a guide, only guys. Also, in all the times I've ridden I've never been through the cowboy scene. I've never asked, just because I keep hoping to happen upon it. Maybe next time I'll ask...
  6. wonderboyjohnny

    Redo Haunted Mansion?

    I agree that the classic elements should be retained, including the soundtrack, but yeah the sound system itself could use some work. You just can't hear much. And yes, there are some effects that just seem way cheesey now, and not in that good way. Of course they shouldn't be done away with...
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