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    Discovery Island

    For More Info Check out Widen Your World for more info on the island - Treasure Island / Discovery Island Enjoy!
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    Port Orleans - Riverside

    My Thoughts Just returned from Port Orleans in April of this year, and my wife and I loved the place! Here’s a few things to keep in mind – [list=1] Do not bother with a water view room! Save the money! Why? Well, the landscaping is extremely lush in places, and while you may get a room...
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    According to the dictionary.... I just pulled this from the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary - Main Entry: zoo Pronunciation: 'zü Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural zoos Etymology: short for zoological garden Date: circa 1847 1 a : ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN b : a collection of living...
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    epcot to mgm

    Don't Forget The Shortcut! If you do walk..... As you come upon the Boardwalk Inn, cut across the sidewalk/grass on your right to the Boardwalk parking lot, then walk to the main entrance of the Boardwalk. To the right of the main entrence is a set of stairs that goes down to the...
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    epcot to mgm

    Yes - I think walking is the quickest way. It's just over a mile, and can be done in about 15 minutes if you keep a nice and steady pace. My wife and I walked from MGM after Fantasmic to Epcot for a 7:20 PS, and made it with about five minutes to spare! Have fun!
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    La Nouba Seating

    Yes - You will be on either the left or right side (I think the numbers go from right to left as you look at the seats), and since one of your seats is on the end, your party will not be broken apart. Congrats on the seats! My wife and I sat in the same section (but a few rows up) and...
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    Construction behind Carinbean Beach?

    I seem to recall... Someone will need to back me up on this one. I seem to recall reading in one of the WDW history books that try as hard as he could, Walt was not %100 successful in keeping his land purchases a secret. Despite the fact that he was using dummy names (which appear on the...
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    Construction behind Carinbean Beach?

    While on a backstage tour, I asked our tour guide pretty much the same question – “Was Disney forced to grant access?” The answer was yes. Apparently, the original owners of the property didn’t force the issue. When the property was sold and plans for a resort were proposed, Disney denied...
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    Construction behind Carinbean Beach?

    Even more info There are two great threads on these boards about Bonnet Creek Resort - check them out! Bonnet Creek Resort?? - this one has a great aerial shot of the property in question. What's also neat is that in the first picture by DonickCo you can see in the green outline another...
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    Construction behind Carinbean Beach?

    Yep - This was the one piece of property Walt was not able to purchase. Forgot who owned it before Fairfield. Anyway, here are some links to what is being built - Bonnet Creek Resort Fairfield Resorts Reaches Definitive Agreement for Orlando Bonnet Creek Purchase - Lodging News...
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    Need airfare advice ASAP (FOUND A GOOD ONE)

    If you don't mind going this summer... Southwest Airlines is running their Friends Fly Free promotion, and it is a steal! My wife and I are using this promotion to go to WDW the last week of April. Our package includes two round-trip tickets from Baltimore to Orlando (non-stop), a mid-size...
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    Disney Horror Stories

    Why is it..... While on our honeymoon, my wife and I rode Splash Mountain in the third row. The first row were two young kids, and their parents were in the second row. On the way down the hill I was pointing and laughing at my wife, so much so that the couple in the fourth row were laughing...
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    Mission: Space photo

    I hear that Sea World is now planning a new attraction to counter the new Epcot adventure. It's called "Swim With The Ladders", and will allow guests to see ladders in their natural environment. Looks like another winner! :D
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    Mission: Space photo

    Coming this summer to Cedar Point - Top Thrill Ladder! Be thrilled as you go from 0 to 120 in four seconds, clinging to your ladder for dear life! Gasp in awe as you soar 426 feet perched atop your ladder! Do you have what it takes to ride Top Thrill Ladder!?!?!?
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    Mission: Space photo

    And since the ladder is portable, we could have have..... Mission: Ladder - The Road Tour Coming to a city near you, now you can enjoy all of the excitement of Walt Disney World without having to deal with all of the hassle! Heck - Mission:Ladder could even make an appearence on...
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    Mission: Space photo

    True, but..... True, but keep in mind they (WDW) had to first demolish the old Horizons building, then build a new foundation before they could start work on the building. I believe that part alone took at least a year, if not longer. :animwink:
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    Funniest boarding or exiting stories

    Here's One! A long time ago while visiting the MK on a high school trip, myself and three of my friends decided to ride Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. Two of my friends were in the car in front of us, and they started goofing off – trying to throw stuff at us and such. When they got off the ride, WDW...
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    Funniest Things To Do During Ride Photos.

    That reminds me.... Captain Hook's remarks made me remember that when I talked to a CM about our "incident" with the family hogging the picture, we were told that the WDW policy for all on-ride pictures is that if someone does something obscene, the picture will not be displayed or...
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    Funniest Things To Do During Ride Photos.

    Excellent Point! Excellent point. While on our honeymoon, my wife and I rode Splash Mountain in the third row. The first row were two young kids, and their parents were in the second row. On the way down the hill I was pointing and laughing at my wife, so much so that the couple in the...
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    $172 drop in WDW vacation package!!!

    Yep - good point! Yep, when we saw the price, our jaws hit the floor! Wow! And you are very right about the park passes - we are not getting any passes. We are going to the two Universal Parks because when we were in WDW for our 10 day honeymoon in Nov 2001, we didn't make it to...
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