

Account Suspended
DisneyInsider--I couldn't have said it better myself. Our current trip is being built around AK and the AK Lodge. If it just wasn't so blessed hot in that park! But I know the reason--it's built down in a sort of gulley and with all of the tropical plants it adds about 10 degrees to the temps there.



Well-Known Member
Well, AK does have some striking similarities with the best zoos in the world. It's AZA accredited, of course, and attractions like Gorilla Falls or the Maharajah Jungle Trek are pretty similar to some of the best zoos around, that don't use cages or enclosures any more, but let guests actually explore surroundings that they would find those animals living in if they were in the wild. Furthermore, anyone who has taken the Backstage Safari knows that the entire north side of the park is where the traditional zoo is really located, out of the public eye. There, you find the traditional cages with bars that you would think of with traditional zoos. They are, however, the best facilities I have ever seen. If you want proof, you need only look at Animal Kingdom's breeding program, which is outstanding...the baby elephant born a few weeks back is the first baby elephant that has been born and lived in a zoological facility in America in years...But, regardless, while we can see those similarities, as Evan stated, at least from the every-day guest's perspective, this is nothing like a normal zoo, with its completely immersive the best zoos in America, while there are exhibits themed like the animals' true surroundings, they are never continuous throughout all of the walking paths and such like they are at Animal Kingdom. Combined with outstanding music, some of Disney's greatest rides, and the best daytime parade in any of Disney's domestic parks, the overall guest experience is not at all like you find at a zoo. The theming makes it distinctly-Disney, a theme park with nature and animals as the theme, nahtazu. I would say that from the zoologist's standpoint, this is the greatest zoological facility on the planet, and from the guest perspective, it is the most immersively and incredibly themed park built to date.


Well-Known Member
this is the greatest zoological facility on the planet, and from the guest perspective, it is the most immersively and incredibly themed park built to date.

I agree. Also when u combine Disney chracters and a Zoo kids will learn without even knowing it. Always a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by civileng68
Well just to tell you how much of an idiot I am, it took me the full two weeks of watching this commercial for Animal Kingdom at our resort to realize what that meant, Nahtahzu = Not A Zoo.

My question is, they really pound this word into your head, obviously they're not wanting to be associated with as a Zoo. Why not? As far as I see it, they are A ZOO! on Steroids.

Actually Animal Kingdom is nice but has a long ways to go. They have plans to build a big rollercoaster in there and in a few years it will be better but in my opinion, it's boring right now.

I belive they want you to feel its MORE than a zoo.. Its a Theme Park with Animals. Thats all I get out of it. :)

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
in the commercial they the say

There is one thing it's not, Nahtazu!

isnt that a double negative, which would mean it is a zoo

Man, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed that. I can't tell you the times I saw that thing and was just left thinking "It's not not a zoo?" :confused: :lol:
Originally posted by DAKTOLCMM
On a Side note the Nahtazu guy, he is direct from the Festival of the Lion least he was when i worked there. He is such a cool cool guy! And if you listen to him when all the floats are coming out you will hear him say this phrase...i laughed so hard the first time i heard it.
just a tid bit for ya.

Catch him soon in an upcoming sequal to a Miami cop film starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence!

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by civileng68
As far as I see it, they are A ZOO! on Steroids.
...... it's boring right now.

Wow, you must be missing a lot.

It takes nearly 2 days to see and do all of the attractions at AK. And before you say "I did everything in 4 hours and then left," let me say this: No you didn't. If you think you did this, like I said, you missed A LOT.


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Original Poster
oh i can assure you I did.

i can assure you that I DID in fact tour Animal Kingdom in half a day. Maybe it wasnt four hours exactly but I'm figuratively speaking. I did tour it in half a day. In fact I have bought two touring guide books to WDW and they both speak of the same thing that I'm telling you. If you know exactly where to go and what order to do things, you can knock it out in half a day.

The best guide I feel is : The Unofficial Guide to WDW. You should check it out.


New Member
According to the dictionary....

I just pulled this from the Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary -

Main Entry: zoo
Pronunciation: 'zü
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural zoos
Etymology: short for zoological garden
Date: circa 1847
1 a : ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN b : a collection of living animals usually for public display
2 : a place, situation, or group marked by crowding, confusion, or unrestrained behavior

Using that definition, Animal Kingdom is definitely both!


great dictionary explanation however.....

I think that is confined to a place to view animals. I think Animal Kingdom is a bit more than that!!!!! That's why it's not a zoo. If you want to say a small part of it (that the public sees) might be zoo like but it has a hell of a lot more than viewing animals.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Re: oh i can assure you I did.

Originally posted by civileng68
If you know exactly where to go and what order to do things, you can knock it out in half a day.

Do you jog or run, to obtain this target viewing rate? Good going especilally as the theatre shows must take a good hour plus to fit in.

I once did the Heineken Brewery in Amsterdam in under 10 mins, I visited every piece of production but learnt nothing about beer except how to sample at the end. Horses for courses.


Meega, nala kwishta!
Re: oh i can assure you I did.

Originally posted by civileng68
i can assure you that I DID in fact tour Animal Kingdom in half a day. Maybe it wasnt four hours exactly but I'm figuratively speaking. I did tour it in half a day. In fact I have bought two touring guide books to WDW and they both speak of the same thing that I'm telling you. If you know exactly where to go and what order to do things, you can knock it out in half a day.

I just can't see how you got anything out of it at that rate. Why just the two walking tours and the two live shows (Lion King and Tarzan) can take 3-4 hours depending upon how crowded the place is. And zipping throught the walking trails and not spending at least 5 min in each different animal area is NOT seeing these attraction in my book.

How you could do all of that plus TTBG, Dino Land (all of its attractions and rides), the raft ride, the saffari ride, Planet Watch (again, stopping to take the time to observe each exibit), Discovery Island, plus all the shops, and lets not forget the bird show or the parade.

How in the world can you do that in 4 hours? What could you possiable get out of it other than the memory of a few rides. Some of these shows take 30-45 min or more with getting in and out. Plus, what about eating.

I'm not comming down on you, but it just can't be much of an experience in 4 hours. I could do Epcot and WS in less, but I doubt I'd remeber one thing about it then.

And all of this leads to my point of why would you want to rush through the park like that. You did go for a vacation, not boot camp right? :lol:


Well-Known Member
How in the world can you do that in 4 hours? What could you possiable get out of it other than the memory of a few rides. Some of these shows take 30-45 min or more with getting in and out. Plus, what about eating.

Honestly it takes us about 4 hours also. We arent really into the Bird and Tarzan show so we skip that. We also dont do Kali so YES it will only take us 4 hours.....

They need a darkride and Everest will help, although I dont like coasters at all :(

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blackride
Honestly it takes us about 4 hours also. We arent really into the Bird and Tarzan show so we skip that. We also dont do Kali so YES it will only take us 4 hours.....

Well, see, then neither of you who said you did it in half a day actually did it in half a day. Go back to Rafiki's Planet watch and check out all of the cool exhibits, that'll take you a couple of hours. I'm assuming, if either of you even went back there, that you just walked through and then left. These small things are the things I was talking about. There are a ton of them.

I never take a guide book. I use the park map when I need it, and that's it.

If you left after a half a day, then you missed many things. Heck you both mentioned a bunch of things in your own posts. You say, "I did it!" But, then in the next breath you openly admit that you didn't. Just because whatever the attraction is doesn't suit your taste, doesn't mean it isn't there. If that were the case then it's possible for anyone to do all 4 parks in one day. It would go like this:

"I only like 2 rides at MK, so I went on them and then left. So I did MK in less than an hour!!!" And so on...

This certainly doesn't mean there are a lack of attractions at MK. Same way at AK, it hasn't been around all that long, and with that being the case, there are at least a day and a half worth of activities there.:)


Well-Known Member
Heck you both mentioned a bunch of things in your own posts. You say, "I did it!" But, then in the next breath you openly admit that you didn't. Just because whatever the attraction is doesn't suit your taste, doesn't mean it isn't there

I dont think you are referencing anything I was saying here. I never stated I did something and then said I DID IT....

We also get there right in the morning and pretty much just walked onto the Safari and Dinosaur which saved us a ton of time.


New Member
Originally posted by blackride
Honestly it takes us about 4 hours also. We arent really into the Bird and Tarzan show so we skip that. We also dont do Kali so YES it will only take us 4 hours.....

They need a darkride and Everest will help, although I dont like coasters at all :(

Um....It takes you 4 hours to do part of the park. You skip two very good shows and one of the biggest rides/draws for the park.

I don't see how you can say you've done an entire park unless you've done every ride (unless medically unable), and show in each park.


Sorry, I agree

I can also do parks in a half a day, any of them, if I don't do all the attractions! That's not doing it in half a day, I'm sorry. I do things in half a day when I just do the things I want to re see. I don't consider it a half day park, If I plan and do it all. If you did it all, it's not a half day park, sorry to disagree but it just isn't!


Well-Known Member
I don't see how you can say you've done an entire park unless you've done every ride (unless medically unable), and show in each park.

Where im my posts do I say I do the ENTIRE park? People keep saying this and I was just saying that when I go to AK I am out of there at 4 hours.....

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by blackride
Where im my posts do I say I do the ENTIRE park? People keep saying this and I was just saying that when I go to AK I am out of there at 4 hours.....

Well done. I always appreciate those who make the effort to leave MY trip as congestion free as possible.

Its a bit like using the toilet, some people visit just to carry out their ablutions. Others see it as the opportunity to read, smoke or make work for idle hands. We are after all individuals, wither we be thrill seekers or those who take time to explore the majesty of the living world.

After all Animal Kingdom has only 4 proper rides so it must be cr@p.

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