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  1. B

    What have you learned from WDWMAGIC?

    What I have learned I have learned that no matter what I say there is still someone still more crazy than me about disney. (or maybe not) I also learned that with all the wonderful people here who keep me updated with tons of pics & up to the min. info this is truely the #1 WDW site out there...
  2. B

    Whats your Favorite part of TTA?

    Good Afternoon TTA Fans (the big news lol) After not posting in quite awhile because I finaly got a job this is the perfect time for me to hop back into the boards with tta being my fav. I could pick a fav. part but that is imposs. for me to do. But after my last trip in Jan I came upon a plan...
  3. B

    MK 2/18 - TTA Evac (my first!) Pics + few HM updates

    Why couldn't this happen to me? As TTA being my fav. why can't I be lucky enough to get to walk on the track in an emergancy evac.? Some people have all the luck. Hopefuly it won't happen next time i'm there which i'm hopeing will be my 21st b-day to set the one day & prob. only record for...
  4. B

    Viewing "Wishes" from the California Grill

    I was there in Jan. & could hear the music inside. I believe it was played inside but good luck hearing it inside with evryone talking. So if you don't wish to hear the music & score one of those prized window seats than sit back & enjoy.(if you can see the castle you can see Wishes) But if you...
  5. B

    FIRST CRUISE EVER - help!!!!!

    My #1 thing is to get on board AS EARLY AS YOU CAN!!!! than throw your things & head up (or down) to the "pool deck" (4 or 5..i'm a bit fuzzy) a buffet will already be available for you to feast on so there will be no need for buying a lunch that day. After you eat make reservations at the spa...
  6. B

    Killamanjaro Safaris Question...

    No its not your imagination the jeep, gunshots, & CM guard are indeed gone. I was there a few weeks ago & was surprised to have no jeep ect. The last time I was there was last feb. & for some reason remember seeing all that there then or maybe I was just imagine them being there last feb anyway...
  7. B

    Finding Nemo Musical - more details

    Nemoed Out Ok first Ellen would prob. not be doing the voice since they were even too cheap to use her voice in TTw/Crush so I don't see Disney spending the cash for her to do a full 30 min. worth of Dory for a show. Second YES TR was noisey, I loved the show but it was loud hense why they are...
  8. B

    Finding Nemo Musical - more details

    dum dum dum dum...indeed NOW who misses Tarzan when they thought it "sucked" after hearing this "wonderful" news. I know some of you say oooh as long as they use Ellen it should be great...WELL they didn't use her voice when they added Dory to TTw/Crush (correct me if im wrong but it sure as...
  9. B

    mkt's Everest AP Preview Pics

    Great pics mkt thanks for shareing them with us. It looks like you had a blast at the preview (now yesterday) I saw what the gift looked like wish I could be there to get one. All of you who get to go are very lucky so please share as many pics/reviews ect as you can for the rest of us.
  10. B

    Yeti Vision Is UP!

    Same thing here hmmmm wonder whats wrong i'll let you know if I find out what it is WELL I FOUND OUT...You Must Be Conected to the internet when you launch the game & while you play it. Now my next prob. it won't load the winning video just a black screen?!
  11. B

    Everest Attraction and Merchandise Reviews.

    True BUT!!! The person listed them as being CM patches therefore this pushed up the bidding hense he should be in big trouble for lieing about what they are. (off to report him) OK I checked out his auction again & I can't report him because he really didn't lie about them but was VERY...
  12. B

    Expedition Everest: Ride Review, que floops, Tarzan last shows, and Yeti Paint? Pics!

    Another wonderful update. As always everyone else had the luck of running into you on their visit & I didn't but oh well.LOL As for the merch I don't like every piece of merch using the white Yeti this is why I won't buy most of it but the bennie is awsome I need one. (If anyone can pick me up...
  13. B

    You've been to WDW too many times if....

    You end up hearing a gust ask a cm a question & you jump in with the answer before the cm can answer.(I did this on my last trip)
  14. B

    I have at least two tickets with days on them, How do I find out which ones ....

    Yes I recently tried to do this a few weeks ago by calling them but as everyone has said you have to be there in person to find out. (Yippie another person from wi where in wi are you..see my location above)
  15. B

    SPOILER for those who watched the EE video ONLY.

    @ 2min 27 sec (1st video) you can see his right arm swinging up & down towards you (i just paused it to check) ^^ you'll see when you ride or watch the video why he said that compaired to BTM the 80ft drop doesn't really keep its 80ft promise. :p
  16. B

    Official Everest site now live

    Must have the Yeti game, too bad i'm SURE you will have to pay for a full version after downloading a demo of it. I also wish they had some wallpaper ect. well it just goes to show you don't count on toooo much from an offical site.LOL This is why I just take pics from members & use them in a...
  17. B

    SPOILER for those who watched the EE video ONLY.

    Can anyone tell me who rode it or has a good idea. It seems to me the Yeti is hanging from the mt. from his left arm & swinging with his right. Am I right in thinking he is hanging or is he actualy standing on a platform of some sort that I couldn't see?
  18. B

    Everest Website delayed

    Well so far today I missed a late site opening & a pic of the Yeti posted that resulted in a band. I need to get on earlier LOL (yet i'm glad I missed that pic)
  19. B

    Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!

    I admit it I'm going to do it I can't stand it any I wont yes I will NO I WONT YES I WILL NO NO NO YES YES YES NOOOOOOO!!!!! *moves slowly away from the cpu*
  20. B

    Tarzan Rocks closing date...

    Barnum42 I mentioned this in the other TR topic but my poor virus filled cpu has issues w/ disney central would you do me a huge favor & send it to me attached to an e-mail I would be very greatful if you could help me out with this so I can have the video. Nicholas thanks for the link now if...
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