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  1. donnybisme33

    How Many trips to WDW (or Disneyparks) ?

    i live in new jersey and very fortunately have driven to wdw between 15 and 18 times, and im only 21. my family and i are very lucky
  2. donnybisme33

    If you could ride only one extinct WDW attraction...

    mr. toads, horizons, and journey into imagination. its also too bad alien encouter is gone. i also pray carousel of progress never leaves
  3. donnybisme33

    Chicken Strips Gone from the World?

    ive been to disney 15 of the 20 years of my life and chicken strips were my diet every time. i was in disney last week and strips were off EVERY menu that i saw. and we went to a lot of places. the nuggets are like a small version of the strips and still good, but they just arent the same. very...
  4. donnybisme33

    Hybrid busses.

    they should just trade the buses in for helicopters. that would be quite a way to get around.
  5. donnybisme33

    Hybrid busses.

    i skipped a lot of the replys on this post because they were like lessons in fuel efficiency. back to the main topic though. i was in disney last week and they were running the wachovia bus from NYC, which was an electric hybrid, throughout DW. it came through key west multiple times and i dont...
  6. donnybisme33

    cool hotel ideas

    - hollywood tower hotel -honey: i shrunk the tourists!-it would look as though you were shrunken down to the size of a mouse. the hotel buildings could be like shoeboxes or something, tables made out of toothpicks and doors that were playing cards. things along these lines.
  7. donnybisme33

    just back from disney

    the magic hours are worth it. it doesnt make the lines disappear completely though. they were still a little long after fantasmic and illuminations. this was during the week. we were done with the parks before the busy weekend started, so it might be a bit busier on fri, sat, and sun
  8. donnybisme33

    just back from disney

    it was the first time ive been since 2004 and disney never ceases to amaze me. just a few things i noticed: -soaring is pretty amazing. the front row is the best spot on the ride. -new spaceship earth is awesome. i like the interactive touch screens in each car. they photoshop your face into a...
  9. donnybisme33

    going to DW February 9-16

    thanks everyone. im kinda bummed splash mt will be closed, but ill survive.
  10. donnybisme33

    going to DW February 9-16

    Im going to Disney with my family from February 9th to the 16th. Anyone know of anything cool going on this week or anything that will be closed down this week? Also, we always stay at fort wilderness, but we are staying at old key west this time. How is Old Key West?
  11. donnybisme33

    Monorail Expansion!!!!!

    wow some people really take message boards seriously. ya'll need ta chill.
  12. donnybisme33

    Family Guy and Disney World

    hilarious Family Guy was ridiculously funny. New family guy dvd in nine days.:D
  13. donnybisme33

    help me out

    therefore i should be entiled to my opinion or a response to an opinion. i did not mean to criticize.
  14. donnybisme33

    help me out

    well thanks for nothing. i though maybe it'd be cool for people to give suggestions. i wasnt going to use the info to cheat. i know enough about both places. sorry for wasting your time.
  15. donnybisme33

    help me out

    i am writing a compare and contrast paper between disney world and disneyland for english. help me out with some similarites and differences. thanks.
  16. donnybisme33

    Fate of River Country

    River Country and Discovery Island have been closed down for a while now. Does anyone know why theyre still closed. And does anyone know what will become of these places, because they both seem like theyre not worth reopening.
  17. donnybisme33

    Behind River Country

    a couple of years ago, in february, i was staying at fort wilderness. me and a couple of my friends went for a bike ride and we ended up behind river country in some restricted area. near the woods we saw a cage with chickens in it. the cage had a sign on it which said "DO NOT DISTURB VIRUS "A"...
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