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  1. NHBelongsToMe

    January 1st – 6th Trip (With my longwinded engagement story)

    It's WAY too early for me to even be thinking about marriage down the line, but by god, if it comes to that, the ideas are racing...Congratulations, and the best of luck to the both of you. :sohappy:
  2. NHBelongsToMe

    Rude Guest In Pre-shows

    I've seen one instance where others got cross with a group of "kids" my age (18-21-ish), and really, they were just having fun, and weren't detracting from the show. We were in line for RnRC, and the group behind us was having a good time, asking the guy working the podium outside the "studio"...
  3. NHBelongsToMe

    What's the Funniest Thing You've Ever Seen?

    Just this past week, my girlfriend and I had just had dinner with my parents at Planet Hollywood and we were heading out into Downtown Disney, going in between PH and the big AMC. My girlfriend (having never been to Disney til then) stopped at the fountain to throw a penny in, and that's when we...
  4. NHBelongsToMe

    Getting into the hot seat

    Is this attraction still there? I'm leaving tomorrow with my girlfriend who's never been to Disney but loves trivia stuff..., I've gotten into the number 2 spot, but never the hot seat. Bummer...
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