Rude Guest In Pre-shows


Active Member
i remember the last time i went and we were queueing for POTC and a group of teenagers tried to get past my family. my dad made us all hold hands and stand in a line while we were queing. It was so funny you should have seen those kids faces especially when they tried to go underneath our arms to pass us in the line. my dad also goes made if were on its a small world and people are putting their hands in the water and splashing each other. it drives me crazy.


Active Member
Why do parents force their manic depressive teens to go to a park which they feel too cool to be at? Stick'em at a mall for a weekend with $500 and a pack of cigs and they'll be much happier and comfortable. :lol:

*This post is in reference to the teens that this thread is complaining about* ;)


Last month, I was at WDW with my boyfriend. We were in line for Splash Mountain and there were these obnoxious teens behind us. They were trying to cut in line in front of us. This one girl was trying to pass me right when I got right in front of her and blocked her path. She stayed behind us with her little boyfriends. Haha! My boyfriend cheered me on.

Another trip year ago, we were in line for Splash. I was with my brother. There was a European couple that was trying to cut in front of us and I blocked their path by sticking my arm out and kinda leaning against the wall. Ahahaha!

I always encounter annoying guests at the HM. The HM is one of my favorite rides and I always want to hear the pre-show well. But then I can't thanks to annoying guests talking over the Ghost Host.


Well-Known Member
I don't do really annoying things in line, so much as scare the crap out of them. In ToT, someone touched the bookcase in the library/pre-show, so I snuck behind him, and yelled, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" I think I unnerved the guy for the entire ride...


New Member
What irks me are the people that cut in line then pretend they don't speak English. I am sorry but speaking a foreign language does not give you the automatic privilege of pushing your way through the line.
The other trick I hate, which I have seen happen, is parents who send their kids through the line, then they push their way through to 'catch up to' the kids. I've seen it on more then one occasion. The kids push their way through the line 'we are catching up to our parents', then 5 minutes later, the parents push by 'we are catching up to our kids'. GRRRRRRR!


626 said:
I will always remember last September when I was on TOT there were a bunch of teens (Boys and girls) that all through the ride were talking loudly to each other about taking their shirts off for the big drop picture. A few other people in the car were yelling back that there were young kids in there and not to do it. I just kept silent and smiled because I knew what was coming next. Sure enough right before we entered the drop chamber the ride just stopped and a loud voice came over the PA system saying that we would not be going anywhere until everyone put their shirts back on. A few of the teens were angry and yelled things like 'how did you see us?' And 'you've ruined our vacation!' and stuff like that. Once the ride started moving again and dropped when we got to see the picture we could see a few teens trying to pull their shirts off in time for the picture. Fortunately the furthest they got was to have their shirts covering their faces. As they got off they were discussing going back on and taking them off once they were about to drop. I warned some of the CMs about this, hopefully they got thrown out of the park

These are the people that you see on the website, apparently quite a few people get away with it.


dandaman said:
I don't do really annoying things in line, so much as scare the crap out of them. In ToT, someone touched the bookcase in the library/pre-show, so I snuck behind him, and yelled, "DON'T TOUCH THAT!" I think I unnerved the guy for the entire ride...

You should go to DL and try the Indy queue. There's a room with bamboo poles "supporting" the roof. One is rigged to a sensor so if you give it a good yank there's a thunderous boom. Once there was a kid in front of me that obviously kinda sorta knew there was "something" about the poles, and was grabbing them until his mom stopped him. When I pulled the correct one, she let him have it :lol:



New Member
When we were inline for Space Mountain there was a group of ten i believe. 5 boys 5 girls, and 2 girls and 4 boys left line to go on that Monarail thing because the line for Space was 1 hour and 10 mins (IT TOOK ALL OF THAT!) Well, they went on that monarail that goes through Space due to the NO LINE. They came back when there group was about 10 mins away (they left when there was a line outside) Luckly I was talking to a CM and they rudely hit my son and told him to "Get out of the way shrimp" The CM YELLED so loud "You 6 get back here right NOW!!" When they came back the CM told them to go straight to the back of the line and NOT to give excuses. In the end ther friend were saying They deserved that and apologized to my son about their behaivor. That CM was one of the nicest gals I have met at Disney. She even gave my son some coupon for a free Ice Cream.(I think they must have them in thier pockets some where):slurp:


Well-Known Member
vikkisicky said:
When we were inline for Space Mountain there was a group of ten i believe. 5 boys 5 girls, and 2 girls and 4 boys left line to go on that Monarail thing because the line for Space was 1 hour and 10 mins (IT TOOK ALL OF THAT!) Well, they went on that monarail that goes through Space due to the NO LINE. They came back when there group was about 10 mins away (they left when there was a line outside) Luckly I was talking to a CM and they rudely hit my son and told him to "Get out of the way shrimp" The CM YELLED so loud "You 6 get back here right NOW!!" When they came back the CM told them to go straight to the back of the line and NOT to give excuses. In the end ther friend were saying They deserved that and apologized to my son about their behaivor. That CM was one of the nicest gals I have met at Disney. She even gave my son some coupon for a free Ice Cream.(I think they must have them in thier pockets some where):slurp:
Again...immaturity, but whatever. :rolleyes:

Oh, it's called the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. The Monorail is something else :wave:


New Member
There are times like Shrek 4-D for example, where the pre-show is so long it starts to get annoying and talking (which has to be done loudly so anyone can hear you) is needed to make time pass.


My favorite rude people are those that rush the doors in theater attractions (Tough to be a Bug, Honey I Shrunk..) they run in only to find they are expected to move all the way across the theater! Then they stop right in the middle. So a carefully placed heel often helps in those situations.


New Member
vikkisicky said:
When we were inline for Space Mountain there was a group of ten i believe. 5 boys 5 girls, and 2 girls and 4 boys left line to go on that Monarail thing because the line for Space was 1 hour and 10 mins (IT TOOK ALL OF THAT!) Well, they went on that monarail that goes through Space due to the NO LINE. They came back when there group was about 10 mins away (they left when there was a line outside) Luckly I was talking to a CM and they rudely hit my son and told him to "Get out of the way shrimp" The CM YELLED so loud "You 6 get back here right NOW!!" When they came back the CM told them to go straight to the back of the line and NOT to give excuses. In the end ther friend were saying They deserved that and apologized to my son about their behaivor. That CM was one of the nicest gals I have met at Disney. She even gave my son some coupon for a free Ice Cream.(I think they must have them in thier pockets some where):slurp:
Good Job CM!!!


New Member
I've seen one instance where others got cross with a group of "kids" my age (18-21-ish), and really, they were just having fun, and weren't detracting from the show. We were in line for RnRC, and the group behind us was having a good time, asking the guy working the podium outside the "studio" if Aerosmith was there, etc. etc. Once inside the studio, they sort of interacted with the show, like when the manager mentions "bringing all these people", the guys reacted with an excited "Yeah!". As we headed for the actual ride, I overheard people saying "how rude" those kids were... me, the idea is Disney making you feel like you're in the studio with Aerosmith, so if these kids, who weren't being vulgar or inappropriate, want to have some fun, why not let 'em?


Well-Known Member
ScrapIron said:
You should go to DL and try the Indy queue. There's a room with bamboo poles "supporting" the roof. One is rigged to a sensor so if you give it a good yank there's a thunderous boom. Once there was a kid in front of me that obviously kinda sorta knew there was "something" about the poles, and was grabbing them until his mom stopped him. When I pulled the correct one, she let him have it :lol:


:lol: I wouldn't bother with the ride. I'd just stay in the shadows, yank the pole, and watch their reactions. I'd do it when they were leaning on it. :)

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