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  1. D

    May 21st - 25th

    For my kids, that's their first full week off. For other counties in the greater WDW area, the last day of school ranges from that Tuesday to that Thursday. For Florida public universities and most community colleges, spring semester will have ended by the first week of May. CMs have to come...
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    Four days at WDW?

    Wow, great news! Thanks for the info. I haven't been there for nearly 20 years, and had been really looking forward to eating there again, and was really disappointed to hear it might be history. I now have visions of elbowing Snow White out of the way to get to the pickled herring. ;)
  3. D

    Staying at Animal Kingdom in May

    Not picking a fight either. My viewpoint is colored by the prospect of collecting and herding several families from the lobby of a given hotel and depositing all of them into a given park with the least possible effort and time. I bow to your experience as a former guest vs. my one-shot scouting...
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    Staying at Animal Kingdom in May

    Not "completely" untrue--maybe just needs to be qualified. I did a dry run while checking out hotels for an upcoming Magical Gatherings, and starting from my wait standing outside the lobby for the next available bus to MK until I was deposited at the TTC was 35 minutes. Admittedly a small...
  5. D

    May 21st - 25th

    Actually, area schools will be getting out just around then. My kids are already counting the days. :D
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    Staying at Animal Kingdom in May

    One thing to note about AKL, just as a heads up, is that it is the least accessible resort on property, with no boat or monorail access. You will be facing a good half hour bus trip to get to any park. But it is indeed probably the neatest hotel at WDW. :)
  7. D

    Four days at WDW?

    Isn't Akershus an all-day character dining place now? Does anybody know if you can still get the regular Norwegian food there?
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    Check Your Disney Reward Points!!

    Disney Rewards brochure online Reward answers here:
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    $How do u save money?$

    Disney Credit Card 1% of purchases made with a Disney Credit Card builds up as bonus dollars, or magic dollars, or whatever they're called. We pay with the card wherever and whenever we can get away with it, instead of cash. Needless to say, this will work only if you pay your balance in full...
  10. D

    planning on first trip 2006....

    The least expensive place to stay on property is Fort Wilderness. The cabins there are really nice, and they come with kitchens, so you can save money by preparing your own breakfast and dinner (assuming you'll be busy at a park during the day at lunchtime). An even cheaper option is to tent...
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    Question for Magical Gatherings veterans (and reunions in general)

    Thank you all for your input I think you hit it polynesiangirl. She does seem to have her own idea of WDW, even though she's never been there. I am hoping she'll lighten up after a day or two. Thank you all for your ideas. We have sketched out an itinerary that includes a lot of apart time...
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    Question for Magical Gatherings veterans (and reunions in general)

    Part question, part venting. Any suggestions for dealing with that one (or more) family member who is coming to the reunion, but is too cynical about the Disney experience? I'm talking about an adult who is taking a teen-like "painfully hip" attitude about partaking in "prepackaged...
  13. D

    March 5-9?

    That's one of my favorite times to be there: just before the spring break crowds hit, and just when the weather is more consistently pleasant.
  14. D

    A visit in June?

    Both times of year are miserably hot and humid--it would be like me trying to decide whether to visit Shetland in January or February. The upside of visiting in July is that the hurricane season doesn't start in earnest until mid-August, especially if this year is anything like last year.
  15. D

    Reviews of Boardwalk Concierge

    I was there a few weeks ago, scouting for an upcoming Magical Gatherings for this summer. I'm not aware of any significant changes from the info in the link ogryn posted. IIRC, the difference between the standard and deluxe reflected only the room size.
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