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  1. C

    Animal Kingdom's next Island??????

    I'm always the Disney fan but I'm not sure I go so far as to say that Dueling Dragons is in any way a rip of BK's tower ride.
  2. C

    When will they ever add their next big thrill ride for EPCOT??

    Yeah, I'm a little disappointed with the number of "virtual" rides. And don't tell me size/space is the issue because the Mummy ride at Universal is a serious thrill ride and still fits in a relatively small space (for a coaster track anyway). Mission Space is good, and if the video could be...
  3. C

    When will they fix imagination?

    The former play area is apparently used as a rentable function hall too. Businesses can have a catered meal. So sad... It used to have the legendary rainbow tunnel (a tunnel made out of lights in the rainbow spectrum where you walk under the arches) with activities inside. You could...
  4. C

    When will they fix imagination?

    I keep reading the refurb new attractions schedule and wonder when Journey (or Institute of Imagination or whatever it's called now) will get an overhaul (refurb isn't the right word). Does anyone think it will be soon or will they just stick with what they have? I'm sure they must notice...
  5. C

    They Conquered Everest!!

    Yeah, the iron workers union usually has a tree planted on the top of big projects.
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    Rebellion in the Magic Kingdom

    They are knocking on the wrong door for the money IMO. Ovitz was overpaid for the brief period he spent there, there isn't any question, but it was all approved by the board. Why aren't people banging their doors down instead? The board needs to stop approving 200+ million dollar contracts...
  7. C

    Anyone with any 411 on the PotC rehab?

    OK now I feel better about this. I'm all for it now, Jack or no Jack, if the old scenes remain, I won't complain about new ones.
  8. C

    Mission Space/Mission To Mars/Horizons

    Yeah baby! Mission to Mars was the best ride! Ok, not the best but something anyway. I remember so well the old rocket that you climbed inside and then they would slowly lift the front of it and make you pretend that you were in a space rocket... the video quality was terrible.
  9. C

    Disney Competing with WDWMagic????

    Man, sounds like everyone wants to get on the Massive Multiplayer bandwagon. However, I think Disney should note how many companies have gone under doing the massive virtual world thing. As a plus on their side, this has a much wider appeal than a video game like Everquest but I think they...
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