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  1. Desperad07

    Best time for Cali Grill Reservations/Fireworks

    Looking to book dinner at either California Grill or Narcoose's and timing it for a fireworks viewing. Anyone know what the best time to do the reservation is (for October)?
  2. Desperad07

    Star Tours closing date confirmed? or just the start of the close-down

    I'm curious too since i will be there in October and had thought i would get a chance to see it one more time. They originally had said closing October 2010. A much as I want to see it change, I was hoping to have one last ride on one of my all time favorites.
  3. Desperad07

    Disney on tv thread

    Anyone know if there is a Torrent for Great Hotels - Yacht Club. I could swear that I had it but cannot track it down. Searched online and can't find it anywhere (I believe i downloaded from Mousebits). Looked in official circles like iTunes (nothing) and Amazon (there's a DVD for the episode...
  4. Desperad07

    When at Disney: Head Left or Right?

    Check out my latest blog article on Disney...specifically the art of heading left vs. right at all the theme parks. Drop a comment about your directional inclinations while you're there :)
  5. Desperad07

    Bus collision near Contemporary?

    Two completely unrelated accidents within two weeks, one causing a fatality, another causing injuries and both endangering guests. But under the umbrella of transportation, like it or not this is going to put a lot of pressure on Disney to explain what the heck is going on with their management...
  6. Desperad07

    Article about the magic of arriving at Disney...

    Check out my blog post on the magical nostalgia of arriving at Disney World (and Disneyland), before you even step foot inside the gates of the parks.
  7. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    So have you ever used a PC before?
  8. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    There's no doubt that the monorail has been the safest mode of transportation in the entire country. 38 years before having its first death via accident? Tell me you know of any ferry, train, subway, plane or automobile system that has even gone a few years before having to register a death. Not...
  9. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    Nobody is "trashing this kid's name"...people are wondering how it could happen. This is a basic human condition. People whisper at the wakes of loved ones who die mysteriously. We're here just trying to figure out how a system that has so many checks against this type of thing happening could...
  10. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    Right but far greater tragedies have occurred in the public transportation sector (i.e. DC MetroTrains, Staten Island ferry, plane crashes all the time, including 9/11) and these all got up and running in a shockingly quick manner.
  11. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    The crazy thing is that you are more likely to get into a crash flying to WDW, taxiing or bussing to the resort, driving around the resort, and even ferrying or boating around the lagoons, then every get into a monorail accident like this. Yet people won't think about the risks in those other...
  12. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    I 100% agree with you but i think the issue is not of what HAPPENED but the sensitivity of what might happen, which typically comes from parenting (and I don't speak as a parent). All it takes is one thing to happen to make a lot of people fear that it will happen with their family or their...
  13. Desperad07

    Monorail Accident

    Re: I don't mean this to sound insensitive but the subject is up in the air, so I'll put my two cents in. I don't know how Disney could shut the monorail down for an extended period of time (some have noted a year or other long intervals). It was a one-time accident that should be investigated...
  14. Desperad07

    Bengal BBQ and Royal St Veranda

    Check out my blog!
  15. Desperad07

    Visiting Hotels without Reservations/Passes

    Okay...bear with me here: My wife and I may be visiting Disney World in March 2010 as an extension to a conference trip she is attending in Miami. However, I'm thinking of also shooting over to Orlando during our Miami stay. I understand that the drive from Miami to Orlando isn't quick but...
  16. Desperad07

    Horizons - 25 years old today

    Happy Birthday'll always be my favorite!
  17. Desperad07

    October 1st 1971 and 1983:Anniversaries

    Happy Birthday's a tragedy you didn't live to see your 25th birthday. I hope you are hanging around theme park heaven with World of Motion :) Thanks to WDWMagic for being a great community to visit and enjoy...I just put up a Horizons post on my blog and used some info scooped...
  18. Desperad07

    Horizons in the '80s

    the blog As requested....the link to my blog about Horizons is up. It's Enjoy!
  19. Desperad07

    Horizons in the '80s

    I have a blog ( which covers all sorts of pop culture of the '80s (in a non-ironic way). I'm currently working in a piece about Horizons and my experiences there. Unfortunately I don't have any personal photos of it to scan in. If anyone has any pictures of Horizons...
  20. Desperad07

    You get to make a Magic Kingdom ride and resturant.

    The Attraction: Virtual Disney (tentative) - A mid-sized complex, like Innoventions in Disneyland or DisneyQuest, where guests are able to revisit old attractions that have since been removed. Utilizing a state of the art combination of old film and computer graphics, a guest can take a trip...
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