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  1. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    This is why I really wonder if Disney might have done better to say: “we aren’t doing DAS anymore. For anyone. DAS is gone… If you need accommodations do the interview and tell us what your challenges are and we will tell you how we can assist you with your needs while in the parks” This way...
  2. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    It does seem as though this is a really chaotic roll out for a change that can seriously impact people’s lives… I sort of wonder if perhaps it would have been better if they announced the entire program was changing? Like if they just announced DAS was going away… and then tell people they will...
  3. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Agreed. If Disney had capped the party size, they probably would have been able to control the program better.
  4. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Agreed. Without a disability what was posted (which is possible) … would be abuse. But then I guess they are already abusing the system because they have the pass they shouldn’t have to begin with….I truly hope Disney makes good on the promise to bam those who are caught lying.
  5. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    This is where it gets so complicated for me.. as someone with a person who has a family member with extreme special needs… I see him suffer every day and I see my sister and her husband fear for his future and who will take care of him when they are gone… and all these other issues and...
  6. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    That makes sense, and that is a good point… that is one way that the non DAS guest is at a disadvantage. I guess it might be challenging to make that work with the genie plus system and return times? But you are right, that would be one way to make it much less attractive to those willing to lie...
  7. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    😆🤣 oh the visual images lol
  8. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I don’t think it’s wrong, because Disney encouraged it on their website. But I do understand why some people feel a little frustrated by it since those in the standby line can’t also be riding something else. And while I don’t think that it’s wrong, it does make DAS more attractive to those...
  9. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I’m not sure that they could prevent DAS users from holding a genie return while waiting for a DAS time… Only because the DAS is the “standby” for those who need it. And standby guests can be in line and have a Genie return time. I’m not saying they couldn’t do it, but it might get a little...
  10. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    That’s a good point… this is sort of off topic but I do think that Disney (as magical and fun as it is) is unique in that it forces it’s guests to compete with each other for so many things (dinning reservations, LLs, disability accommodations ect) I really don’t know how to fix it, but it’s...
  11. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    I agree they are going to be confronted with angry people… but I would respectfully push back on calling it a “line skip” implying front of the line access… Ive been in a DAS group and non DAS group and Those using the DAS don’t skip the wait… But they do skip the wait “in” the standby line… the...
  12. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    That’s true, they might want to make sure it’s not overused since it would be a logistical headache to have tons of people leaving and returning to lines… BUT…, they do need to be careful to make accommodations accessible. So while they might want to make sure people only come and go as needed…...
  13. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    That’s true… I guess the challenge they had is gracefully communicating that simply being diagnosed with autism, doesn’t guarantee a DAS. I’ve got two family members with autism and it truly is a spectrum. The older member (now a young adult) struggles with social anxiety and certain sensory...
  14. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Wow… for some people there just are not words (well there are words…. But not nice ones lol). But in all seriousness, I do hope that since they plan to have a lot of folks leaving and entering lines, they also have cast members accessible to prevent these sort of scenarios.
  15. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Agreed. Since they really have always insisted they don’t want a diagnosis… they just need to know what the person struggles with that is relevant to their ability to wait in traditional lines… I feel that as long as people can communicate what the (non mobility related) challenges are with...
  16. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Agreed, that’s going to be a challenge. I imagine a guest who has always been accommodated with DAS but no longer qualify… most likely won’t take “well remember, waiting in line is part of a theme park” very well. I do feel for those who need it though, and I hope that the new accommodations...
  17. K

    New DAS System at Walt Disney World 2024

    Agreed. As someone who has toured the parks with family that needed the DAS (severely autistic young nephew) and then toured the parks without a DAS user in the party… It is a skip the “line” access… but I think those who need it bristle at that statement because it’s not a skip the “wait”...
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