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  1. thelegndofzelda

    Exclusive New Photos of Inside Everest!!

    dude thats sick that it broke all the floor bolts. if an AA can do that, its totally worth seeing. (and i was just losing hope on this ride because of only seeing it for like 5 secounds.)
  2. thelegndofzelda

    EE: The Yeti

    I really think this ride is gonna make the mummy look like it was an old ride. The Yeti's gonna destroy Imhotep, and the ride itself will be much better.
  3. thelegndofzelda

    New AK logo

    i like the the logo with everest behind the tree of life. it looks really good
  4. thelegndofzelda

    mkt's Soarin and Flower & Garden Pics

    i just dont get why there putting everest in the logo already when the thing doesnt open for a long time. its torture!
  5. thelegndofzelda

    First Photo of Inside Everest

    just cant wait to go on it. everyday we get closer and closer:lol:
  6. thelegndofzelda

    Expedition Everest after dark

    I just realized that besides the fact that there working on it in the day time, there also working on it at nightime(guessing by the pic at night) to which is very very good.
  7. thelegndofzelda

    First Photo of Inside Everest

    yeah i know i was just wondering is sid had anymore
  8. thelegndofzelda

    First Photo of Inside Everest

    Hey is there anymore pics you got of everest?
  9. thelegndofzelda

    First Photo of Inside Everest

    mmmm i want more :( i was wondering if you have inside pics do you have the yeti? and more shots inside you could share
  10. thelegndofzelda

    First Photo of Inside Everest

    awsome thanks! got anymore?
  11. thelegndofzelda

    Backstage Photos at AK

    OMG no way!? you have to post them!!! im dying to see them. thats insane if you do have them.
  12. thelegndofzelda

    New Photos of Everest and around WDW.

    id like to see the everest photo's:)
  13. thelegndofzelda

    New Photos of Everest and around WDW.

    id like the link to see them bigger. how far is the village done? that one buliding looks amazing.
  14. thelegndofzelda

    Space Mountain Rehab?

    Honestly all they really need to do is give it a little elbow greese and its good. they should really put new tracks on it though (same track design) just smoother tracks cause that ride kills my back. but i still love it.
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