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  1. D

    Question about QuickSilver

    Another question Just wondering about taxes, and how it it calculated when the gratuity is added to your total? Thanks DDF
  2. D

    Question about QuickSilver

    O okay, so do you know how much it would cost, ball park figure, to take a cab from a MK resort to the Belz factory outlet mall, and then return after shopping! As for the two hotel issue, That make total sense! Thank you for your quick reply DDF
  3. D

    Question about QuickSilver

    Hi there, I have been checking out Quicksilver’s web page out a lot! A couple questions about them 1. On their Web Page they have what they call a "3 WAY TRIP", what is that? Will they take you to one of the factory outlet malls? Is it usually on your arrival or departure date, or will...
  4. D

    Mears Transportation

    does anyone know if mears will take you to the disney outlet mall or not? and how much would it cost? DDF
  5. D

    Dream maker package extra's

    Great everyone thanks for the input! IF you don't mind me asking, what was the poster of, did you get a choice or was that it? Thanks again! DDF
  6. D

    Dream maker package extra's

    Hi there We just booked our trip, with the Dream maker Package, and was wondering when you get those little extras. At check in ot... If someone could help that would be great, thanks in advance DDF
  7. D

    Have any picture requests

    Hi there a couple picture requests a picture of the upstairs windows, on mainstreet USA, apparently Walt's Name is on one of the Side Streets facing the castle. I would really like to see His. As well in Epcot the picture of the Ice Station, or what ever it is called, where you can...
  8. D

    Going to WDW, and questions on booking

    Hello, we have decided our dates, and which Hotel we want to stay at. I would like to go ahead and make our ressies, but before I do I have a couple of questions. 1. When you book, do you book just a "room" or do you add the package on too? I have heard that it is easier to add discount...
  9. D

    Do the Fantasmic dinner package or not?

    Hi There, I am also new to this Forum! Fantasmic is awesome, however you do it, you will enjoy it. We did the resturant pass thing. They have three resturants to choose from $ $$ $$$ we did the moderate one. It was awesome. Great food. . We had a choice of entres, it was...
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