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  1. mightduck748

    When is the Haunted Mansion closing?

    I plan on going to Disneyworld in May of 2006 and I heard that the Haunted Mansion was going to be closed for a year. When will it close and open can anyone help. And is Its a small world open?
  2. mightduck748

    Disneyland weddings?

    im looking for someone thats had a wedding at disneyresort I been on the web site it dont give the right info
  3. mightduck748

    Disneyland weddings?

    I would like to know if anyone knows anything about weddings at disneyland? Like if your a cast member do you get a discount? If anyone had a wedding at disneyland can you please share with me how much it really cost. Im looking to have one with 150 guest.
  4. mightduck748


    what about at the park? I know at disneyland the ask me once to open my cell phone case?
  5. mightduck748


    Im going to propose to my GF on monday, we are leaving tomorrow...
  6. mightduck748


    does anyone have any ideas how to take a engament ring on board a plane without pulling it out or checking it? Also at Disneyworld checkpoints?
  7. mightduck748

    How long to check in

    How long does it take to get from the airport to disneyworld, and how long does check in take?
  8. mightduck748

    Tip on Disneyworld needed

    Can anyone help and tell me some tips on staying at disneyworld. Im going for the 1st time June 6 and will be there 6 nights. I want to make the most out of my trip. Any help?
  9. mightduck748

    What is weather like

    Thanks I was scared. I was thinking its like in So. Cal. when it says it will be Isolated it pours for a long time uselly night. I hope it wont mess up my plans.
  10. mightduck748

    What is weather like

    Im going to Disneyworld for the first time June 6 to the 12th. I checked the and it says Isolated T-Storms. Im just comeing off a cold and I want to propose to my GF, during Fantasmic! So is there a good chance that it will rain? Help needed please
  11. mightduck748

    Barbershop on Main street?

    When is the Barbershop open til?
  12. mightduck748

    dream maker package + Romance Plan vouchers?

    I am going to disneyworld on dream maker package + Romance Plan what vouchers do we get at check in and how do we use them? Do anyone know?
  13. mightduck748

    June Hours?

    I checked the June hours 2 weeks ago and June 6-12 the Magic Kingdom hours were 9am to 10pm everynight. and SpectroMagic wasnt showing. Now SpectroMagic is and June 7 its open till 11pm do they change the hours alot after posting them?
  14. mightduck748

    Runaway brain

    Are they selling any Runaway Brain stuff now since its now on DVD in disneyworld?
  15. mightduck748

    u know what DCA needs?

    just go to and see where it takes you. We still might get it.
  16. mightduck748

    Run away brian mickey?

    They should make a new cartoon with the evil mickey it would had been cool to see a new cartoon with him. But I still would love to get a doll or something. It would had been cool if he would been in the Share a Dream Come True Parade I have seen pics of the It Was All Started By A Mouse float...
  17. mightduck748

    Run away brian mickey?

    I really would like to know why the dont sell any of Runaway Brain stuff in the USA. People would buy it.
  18. mightduck748

    Run away brian mickey?

    You can get to watch it starting May 18, 2004, thats when it is going to be release on DVD.heres the info
  19. mightduck748

    Run away brian mickey?

    Runaway Brian will be on the next MickeyMouse In living Color Disney Trusures it should be out this month. Its only 10 mins long and it was only released as the opening of a movie in the theaters. I was never released in the USA on video I had to download it off Kazaam. I hope the release...
  20. mightduck748

    Run away brian mickey?

    Does Disneyworld sell any run away brian stuff, I think it would be cool to get a Mickey doll or even a poster. Its hard to find anything that has him.
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