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    Pet peeves at WDW?

    pet peeves with forums or Disney? Well, since the first response on pet peeves was verbiage or typo's rather than what peeves us about Disney... I will follow suit. My pet peeve is people that critique every post in a forum. I mean I didn't run spell check or punctuation checker on...
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    Park deterioration article in Sun Sentinel

    DISNEY NEEDS HELP!!!!!! Look people... the hiring standards in Disney have suffered tremendously.... sure there are cutbacks and sure they have eliminated staff as well... but what about these idiots that work for disney that are total loosers? Look at the Tigger character arested recently...
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    Park deterioration article in Sun Sentinel

    I will agree and dissagree.... YES parenting has changed. AND don't get me started on the crappy parents of today... BUT that aside it is Disney's responsibility to keep a clean park... THEY just raised the prices for Gorsh sake! I thought the skyway ride was eliminated because of...
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    Park deterioration article in Sun Sentinel

    That is not what Walt would say. I remember the sun showers that caused puddles and how the Disney CM's would squeegee the road immediately... and I never saw bird droppings... and the ceiling tiles in It's a Small World were never missing or off color... That in mind, I think you are used...
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    The Tiki Gods would not be pleased

    THE ORIGINAL TIKI ROOM I was horrified when they screwed up the Tiki room, and yes it is that horrible. I have not been back since they ruined the show.... BUT I am even more horrified that they have made it seasonal. I don't have any clue who the buffoon is that decides to make the classic...
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    A New Magic Kingdom

    Just my oppinion but I am sick and tired of the "OLD RIDES" being demolished to bring in the new. Furthermore jamming new rides in the middle of the walkways and cluttering exits with gift shops is just plain UN-Disney... How about remodeling what we have and expanding the park... Stop...
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    Fort Wilderness Question

    Fort Wilderness Dude, we have not stayed in the cabins but we have camped with a pop up about 2 years ago. Fort Wilderness was one of my fondest memories as a kid, with my folks. And the memories only got better years later with my wife and 2 sons. They have a camp fire every night and play...
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