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  1. J

    Character Dining changes coming

    I wonder whether DDP might have something to do with this. Now that virtually every resort guest needs to use a sit-down dinner "entitlement" every night, I can imagine that they are looking for ways to push the DDP people into eating at various RESORTS. I would bet we will see more character...
  2. J

    Chief Namee

    Our KEYS tour guide told us that the name Chief Namee came from an early Skipper script that had circulated prior to the writers actually coming up with a name. The script was written "Chief NAME", as a placeholder, with the intention that once a clever name was developed, they would go back...
  3. J

    Chief Namee

    We were at MK last week, and Chief Namee was not at his post. Neither was the tiger in the temple. We asked, and the Skipper told us that Namee was "with the Pirates" (since POTC was also closed last week), apparently being refurbed. Although POTC was supposed to re-open on the 18th, our...
  4. J

    You might be a redneck at WDW if...

    True Story . . . When my secretary took her four year old son to Disney for the first time a few years ago, he wasn't sure what to expect. When they pulled into the parking lot, he was still confused about what experiences would lie ahead. In an attempt to define things in a manner he...
  5. J

    Your Pictures From Kodak

    The same thing happened to us last week. Only a little more "twilight zone" that kind of freaked me out. . . We were there in June for a week long vacation. We always do Imagination b/c my kids love it (they never got to see the original version, ages 8, 5, 4, & 9 mos.). We took pictures...
  6. J


    An idea I have had for a long time along the same lines. . . Rather than building some new park, like the often rumored coaster kingdom or villans park, why not build a NEW magic kingdom, with some of the same rides, or similar rides, with updated technology, and with other new rides. Just...
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