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  1. bpadair32

    News Major Hurricane Dorian impacts to Walt Disney World 2019

    I find it in very bad taste to use a thread where people are trying to get useful information about a potential natural disaster to start taking shots at management. There are plenty of other threads here for those types of complaints.
  2. bpadair32


    When you say: Because of someone's opinion of a ride you are being a jerk. You owe that poster an apology.
  3. bpadair32


    Meet today's internet jerk that mocks people for having an opinion they disagree with.
  4. bpadair32


    Who decides if it fits the mission statement? The park owner. This is subjective. This is also subjective. FEA was IMO far superior to Maelstrom. SGE is IMO one of the worst attractions ever. Notice that I did not present either of those opinions as fact.
  5. bpadair32

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    I am not sure if you are trying to disagree with me, but it sounds like you agree with me.
  6. bpadair32


    Its opinion. You are free to have a different one, but my opinion is not wrong. FEA is amazing. Its beautiful to look at and the animatronics are second to none.
  7. bpadair32


    It still doesn't have to affect you, there are not parties every night. Go on days that don't have them if you don't want to participate.
  8. bpadair32


    No one came here and said that people were wrong for not liking things. People started this thread to tell people they were wrong for liking Disney now and that obviously if we just knew the history better we would see how bad things have gotten.
  9. bpadair32


    But for many of us it still is, and its insulting for people to tell us that our opinion on what we like is wrong.
  10. bpadair32


    I was there this September, and while I've seen busier times in the park there is no way I would have called it slow. I won't.
  11. bpadair32


    I do as well. Its an amazing ride! Such as? TSL is fun, SWGE looks like it is going to be amazing, new Fantasy land is also very well done. I love most of the attractions at WDW. I never understood the upcharge hate. If you don't think its worth it, don't do it. If you think its worth it, do...
  12. bpadair32

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    I don't understand why people with money shouldn't be able to buy preferential treatment. I mean we are not talking about healthcare or other necessities that I feel should be available to all. We are talking about lines in a theme park. Whats the problem?
  13. bpadair32


    Counterpoint: The numerous complaints on these forums and others that the parks are too crowded, lines are too long, and there is no slow season anymore. I have a good time. My family and friends have a good time. Thats not a con, thats me paying for entertainment and getting it. They are...
  14. bpadair32


    I saw the apology and its beside the point. My point was that the fact that the thought of comparing the two even entered your head shows your dramatic lack of perspective. Also, being a "proud snob" is just another way of saying you're a jerk and don't care.
  15. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Your personal freedom? Please, that is ridiculous hyperbole. If it bothers you that much just unplug it and move on with your life.
  16. bpadair32

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    This seems to have veered way off the original topic.
  17. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Nope. Not unreasonable as long as people can talk in facts. Most people can't. Look at earlier parts of this thread "my friend said... my family member told me..." etc. People discuss these issues with techno-panic and anecdotes instead of facts. The fact is that any technology that you carry...
  18. bpadair32

    News FPs cancelled when Hotel room cancelled

    I love it. Many others love it. We like to plan. We do not like to get to the park at RD and run around like mad people. YOU may not like that, I find that very believable. Some people do not like it. But it is ridiculous to act like people could not possibly like it just because you don't. That...
  19. bpadair32

    Peter Pan or Big Thunder as a 4th FastPass?

    I agree that its a better chance of getting BTMRR than PP. That would be fine with me, I am not a huge PP fan. I mean the ride is great, but my fear of heights kicks in and makes me not enjoy it as much, especially when the ride invariably stops for a bit with my pirate ship at an awkward angle.
  20. bpadair32

    News Disney testing smart speakers in guest rooms at Disney's Yacht and Beach Club

    Just because they say they don't keep logs doesn't mean its true. It also doesn't mean that someone can't watch traffic in real time. I am not saying that it is likely, but the point is it comes down to trust. At some point, you have to trust someone.
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