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  1. clsteve

    MyMagic+ article from Fast Company magazine

    Hmmm... I didn't know their was vetting process for posting here. That's good to know. If you could post your list of do's and dont's, as well as what your parameters and qualifications for intelligent conversation, that would help me greatly. I'll try to stay within those "boundaries" from...
  2. clsteve

    MyMagic+ article from Fast Company magazine

    Do not at all disagree on your points about patent apps. But, in this instance, all of the data we do have point to that's exactly what the focus of the system is and what they're currently trying to do: the costs, the delays, the Partners involved, the complexity, how FP's are managed and...
  3. clsteve

    MyMagic+ article from Fast Company magazine

    @AustinC, great thread and a long one. It might be why you missed my tag and post back on page 21. But, those 2 questions are still kind of nagging at me: "So, how can this size of a Project that goes on for 2 1/2 years longer than anticipated ,with a now much larger and expensive group of...
  4. clsteve

    MyMagic+ article from Fast Company magazine

    It's unfortunate that we will never see the 2 metrics that would answer most of the questions on why, plus success or failure: Avg. Length of Ticket Sold and Avg. Length of Stay. They're the ones that really tell the full story.....
  5. clsteve

    MyMagic+ article from Fast Company magazine

    @AustinC, that's an interesting read. The first one I've seen that takes it from the beginning to now. You're the first I've seen to bring up several key things - such as the first external acknowledgement of Partners. You had some amazing access to decision makers. I've read the article...
  6. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Wow, I'm constantly amazed by how much we're become an "instant news" society. It's been what - barely 2 months since the Snyder article and the censoring? Inside of 2 months, actually, yet they still want immediate resolution and sources for (your) info....... It takes time to gather the...
  7. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    The Baccarat Table.........?
  8. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I really don't think we're that far off at all. I just think there's a piece missing which is causing the back and forth - the diff between internally developed by the company versus internally developed contractually with a Provider. With a Provider, each phase must be specifically spelled out...
  9. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    That's why I think we're mixing terminology, since I agree with you. I absolutely agree that all costs up to the acceptance of the software product (minus some of the early design, "can we actually do this" effort prior to contracts)- absolutely to capex. It's the expense post acceptance - the...
  10. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Honestly,I think you and I are just getting crossed on the difference in terminologies between acctg practices and similar usage in project terminology. Anything that's outside of the original contract is an enhancement requiring a change order to the Partner. One thing to keep in mind is that...
  11. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Hah! Too true If the true costs for major projects were always presented for approval - well, it would be hard to respond to this thread via fax and teletype....
  12. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    It's a very interesting quantification game with huge projects like these that include a large service provider. On one hand, it's very easy to quantify the transition to and from capitalization because of the contract(s). Within a majority time and materials (TM) contract, very often the actual...
  13. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Absolutely and I agree 100%. And when a corporation like Disney isn't that sophisticated to start (not saying they were bad, just not sophisticated), it's even tougher. Much of that can stem from the very top. One of the things that has concerned me for awhile about Disney is how they seem to...
  14. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    They've had some amazingly successful projects, some amazingly unsuccessful projects (like why they changed their name) , and everything in-between. Same for all of the big guns in that space - EDS, InfoSys, etc. At the base level, it's still a Buyer/Seller relationship. They're selling man...
  15. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Sorry, I wasn't clear enough on that. That response was referencing my original reply to you where I was pointing out how and why a significant portion, if not the largest portion of NextGen expense wasn't capitalized - opex and SG&A as ParentsOf4 pointed out and that those expenditures went...
  16. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Definitely large complexities on that side - you can't build a house without a strong foundation, there's no doubt about that. I just thought it was important to point out how and why a significant portion of NextGen's largest expense was not a capital expenditure which, unfortunately, caused...
  17. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Some of NextGen was most definitely capital expenditure and falls under a depreciation schedule. That even includes some of the development. But, when we decompose NextGen, very little of the "nuts and bolts" were groundbreaking or cutting edge. MB's, RFID, the underlying infrastructure...
  18. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Thanks. And I promise no posts nor threads about bathroom theme-ing nor the quality of mousekeeping towel animals....
  19. clsteve

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    It seems that Comcast sees the business for exactly what it is - a Theme Park Business - which can be very successful and profitable if run that way. Understanding that, they have the Park experience as their main driver incl revenue. Cutting edge technology, immersion and rides. Keep it...
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