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  1. mrerk

    I don't have a catchy title September 2011 anniversary trip report

    Pineapple Princess is correct. The Kona Coffee bar is only open during certain hours, then switches to a sushi bar at night. If you are coming from the monorail, it is on your left as you enter the building next to Kona Cafe. As to your deleted pictures. If you haven't used the card since...
  2. mrerk

    Fish and Chips joint at Epcot question

    This past July was the first time I had ever seen the cashier outside, and we have been there many times at various times of the year. :shrug:
  3. mrerk

    Best On Property Breakfast for Adults

    Kona Cafe or room service for me. It looks like I'll have to try Boma though, based on all the postive reviews.
  4. mrerk

    Suggested Tip

    Every time this subject comes up I am reminded of this story: This is from an old story, back in the '30s, in the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less. A 10 year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him. "How much is...
  5. mrerk

    Our salute to all things Disney – but mostly Wilderness Lodge!

    The only thing better than a Dolewhip Float is a Dolewhip Float with a shot of Malibu. :slurp: Great trip report. Keep it coming!
  6. mrerk

    Polynesian Buildings

    It does happen. We had booked a theme park view and ended up in Tuvalu. My sister booked garden view and ended up two doors down from us with a theme park view. I was really surprised because it was just before the 4th of July.
  7. mrerk

    How do you do it?!???

    DVC and annual passes are what works for us. The hard part was laying out the initial investment into DVC. The $100 month dues we treat like any other bill. It's amazing how much more palatable a trip can be when you only have to worry about airfare.
  8. mrerk

    Bus Fire- Magic Kingdom

    Does a Water Mouse (SeaRaycer) into a ferry count? We had one of those a year or two ago. A British woman IIRC.
  9. mrerk

    How do you do it?!???

    I'm not sure if I am following this correctly. Are you saying your parents are cast members and live in their motorhome at Fort Wilderness? How cool is that? Are there other cast member that live in FW? Is there a time limit as to how long you can stay at FW?
  10. mrerk

    Remember The Who Framed Roger Rabbit area?

    I think you are right about that.
  11. mrerk

    Bus Fire- Magic Kingdom

    I can't imagine the amount of cooking oil they convert to biofuel would even put a small dent in their fuel bill. I am surprised they don't do more in the way of CNG, electric or a hybrid.
  12. mrerk

    AdvntureLand Patio/Verandah/Bridge Area to Be Demolished???

    I wish they would just reopen it. Every time I go near Pecos or Cosmic Ray's they are packed. Seems like they could use another QS.
  13. mrerk

    1st Trip as a DVC Owner with Questions

    Evan was basically correct, but because your stay is longer than 7 nights you will get your full cleaning on your 4th day. If you were staying more than 8 nights you would get a full clean on day 4, trash & towel on day 8, full clean on day 12, etc. If your stay is 7 nights or less you get a...
  14. mrerk

    Who holds the title of longest drive?

    Not quite. Google maps says: 2786 miles Google maps says: 2809 miles I'm kind of surprised Spokane is further than Edmonton.
  15. mrerk

    PeoplemoverTTAs August 2011 Pre-Trip Report

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your mom. I hope you had a wonderful trip.
  16. mrerk

    Old Key West Room Questions??

    [/B] Actually, the OKW studios are about 40 square feet bigger. I think it was something like 390 square feet for OKW and 350 for the others.
  17. mrerk

    Old Key West Room Questions??

    All the studios I have stayed in have been basically the same. They are either oriented left or right, but otherwise the same. I've only had a dedicated 2 bedroom once, and from what I recall the 2nd bedroom was quite a bit different than a studio. There was a closet where the outside door would...
  18. mrerk

    WDW - Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. – My August 2011 Trip Report

    Great job on the PTR and the TR. Looking forward to your opinion of the BCV. I think you'll love it.
  19. mrerk

    DVC Grand Floridian

    I'm holding out for the Poly DVC.
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