Funny story about this...
When we were at Columbia Harbor House in August, a girl working the upstairs condiment station (an obvious CPer) asked us out of nowhere if we'd ridden the steam ship.
I was caught a little off guard, but replied with, "Yeah....but not this trip." Her response was, "Oh. That's cool. I've never ridden it but I see it from here a lot. Did you know that it runs on the oil from this restaurant? It's funny that I know that about the boat but I've never been on it."
I'm honestly not sure how I reacted or responded. But I'm pretty sure my wife was ready to kick me if I snickered or giggled.
Not to poke fun or be a jerk but how is that funny?
The steam boat has a boiler that burns diesel fuel (which could use vegetable oil as a substitute) which creates the steam, used to power the pistons. The pistons turn the paddle wheel.
It could be true.