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  1. joshwill

    Police Arrest 5 for Allegedly Jumping Deputy at Disney World

    oh, thats just sad. whats next? jaywalking a terrorist act? not to excuse battery on a police officer, but calling it an act of terrorism?
  2. joshwill

    New Maps for All Stars with smoking sections!

    how can you fine someone a room recovery fee for smoking on a balcony or patio? will they have housekeeping on their knees with magnifying glasses looking for ashes? maybe theyll have their own labs to send samples to for analysis. sheesh
  3. joshwill sucks - Tell them!

    i work with a brit who uses the term "rotter" in a negative way.
  4. joshwill

    Stan Lee signs with Disney!!!

    im not sure, but id guess that contract is with marvel, not lee himself. lee is not with marvel anymore.
  5. joshwill

    Stan Lee signs with Disney!!!

    silver surfer would have been great for the blizzard beach
  6. joshwill

    Stan Lee signs with Disney!!!

    um..striperella??? :)
  7. joshwill

    Stan Lee signs with Disney!!!;_ylt=AqTcAVtiAo6N0YS.rApoBLxxFb8C sorry to the thread cops if its been mentioned before. its a shame hes still not with marvel.
  8. joshwill

    PLEASE tell me it isn't so!!!!

    for 2 hours??????????? :eek: i remeber doing it years ago in Dl when they actually had bb guns, that was kinda fun. i tried it a number of years ago at wdw and i was bored before my time was up. havent been back to the arcade since.
  9. joshwill

    PLEASE tell me it isn't so!!!!

    sitting there sitting there, or sitting there shooting in the arcade?
  10. joshwill

    Post your Gran Fiesta reviews here

    i found its a small mexico, er...el rio del tiempo the be the singular most boring, inane ride ive ever had the misfortune of riding. gran fiesta was barely tolerable to me only because im a donald fan. it is still a complete wast of time and space. WDI could do so much more will mexican...
  11. joshwill

    No pastries after Noon!

    is it a gingerbread man or mickey?
  12. joshwill

    No pastries after Noon!

    im just curious, do you work or anything, or do you just spend every day at epcot or another park? just wondering.
  13. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    ok, so we shouldnt say any negative things at all? i dont think even disney wants that. its called feedback. not everyone is going to like everything disney does.
  14. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    which is really, really sad
  15. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    you must wear glasses if your always looking down your nose like that
  16. joshwill

    sounds dangerous final performance?

    make it 8 people. i too enjoy it and would miss it when its gone.
  17. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    i dont like SGE at all, ill never go on it again. when i was at wdw last weekend i got a dream fastpass and thats the only one i didnt use. as for MILF (hey, thats got a double meaning too!! :) ) all i have to say about that is meh.
  18. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    i know, the post before from hummer (yeah i know its a car but it can also be a lewd act) asked what nexus was.
  19. joshwill

    "The Nexus of suck" LOL!

    again from websters: Main Entry: nex·us Pronunciation: 'nek-s&s Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural nex·us·es /-s&-s&z /; or nex·us /-s&s, -"süs/ Etymology: Latin, from nectere to bind 1 : CONNECTION, LINK; also : a causal link 2 : a connected group or series 3 : CENTER, FOCUS
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