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  1. Yert3

    Poll: It's a Small World load area?

    I'm not sure why they felt the need to make it look like the original in California. It had it's own unique identity. Colorful and very appealing fountains. Those fountains are not only some of my earliest Disney memories, but some of my earliest memories I have of my life, as I was two years...
  2. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    Floyd Norman gives his opinion of Song of the South https:///2020/07/black-animator-defends-song-of-the-south-ne1/ keep in mind this is Inside the Magic and they have been trash for years. But I thought I’d share nonetheless.
  3. Yert3

    What wouldnt be built today?

    Why? I thought it was a pretty clever commercial. A cast member doing the tram spiel referenced it when I was at AK last year.
  4. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    I have no idea. I know nothing of SeaWorld. All I’m saying is because of the publicity of this change, people are more aware of Song of the South than before. The announcement of this change made national news. The Streisand effect in full.
  5. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    They don’t need to defend it. I’ve learned over the years that damage control is worse than actually staying silent and ignoring criticism, as the criticism fades over time. More often than not, damage control makes everything worse. As they say, There’s no such thing as bad publicity. If Disney...
  6. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    Louis Armstrong is a white supremacist?
  7. Yert3

    What wouldnt be built today?

    Animal Kingdom isn't a zoo though. Remember this? 😆
  8. Yert3

    Have you seen Song of the south in its entirety

    I feel like most of the people that have problems with it haven’t even seen it. I had a friend who said it was racist but hadn’t actually seen it. I showed it to him and he said “That was it?”
  9. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    How about an original story? We haven’t had an original attraction since 2006. It’s time for one.
  10. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    They know less than nothing. I saw several (at least 20 so far) people disappointed they aren’t re-theming it to The Emperors New Groove. How that fits into Frontierland in any way, shape, or form, I don’t know. This is the average Disney guest, everyone.
  11. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    I guess you’re through debating with me. I’m finished too. Been a long day. I do have to say, while we disagree immensely, thanks for keeping it civil. I’m always down for a civil debate.
  12. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    So I’ll ask you this. Do you want every Disney movie on Disney+ with problematic stereotypes to be removed? Or is the disclaimer they have good enough for you personally?
  13. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    I have before but that’s irrelevant. The fact that it’s there is what’s important. I would have never even known the disclaimer on Disney+ was there if the media didn’t report on it, as it’s in a tiny font. My question still stands. If it’s good enough for movies, why not attractions?
  14. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    Still don’t get why Disney can’t put up a disclaimer at the ride entrance next to the safety information explaining how Splash Mountain and Song of the South no longer reflect the current views of the company. It would safe them boatloads of money, and it would make both camps happy. They do it...
  15. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    There are others, but this is one of the worse ones. Makes Song of the South look quite tame in comparison. I realize this is the 1930s, but this would be pretty much pass for KKK propaganda if it was made today.
  16. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    And? Doesn’t negate the fact Mexican audiences didn’t have a problem with the portrayal of their culture when the movie came out.
  17. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    You know me quite well then! Joking aside, no classic Disney fan (which a lot of these imagineers are) were excited for that change. I was far from the first person to make that repugnant joke. You should see the like to dislike ratio on that video. Here it is if you don’t believe me:
  18. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    Exactly. Doubt he’s happy about it . Just when they got Rohde on video to say how great GotG taking over ToT was. Probably at gunpoint by the cameraman.
  19. Yert3

    Splash Mountain re-theme announced

    I’ve seen it thrown around here and there. Nothing major, but I’ve definitely seen a few people say it.
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