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  1. bearboysnc

    Extreme Closer Look at Fantasyland Expansion

    And the Jungle Cruise.
  2. bearboysnc

    The Hidden Horror of the Haunted Mansion Queue

    The plan with Fastpass, since the day it was invented was to add this as a perk or an "upcharge" to your park visit. Disney is watching the other top theme parks (Universal, Busch) adding a front of the line pass option to line their pockets with great success. Universal was adding it for free...
  3. bearboysnc

    Studio Backlot Tour closing for refurbishment in January 2011

    I think they close these rides down to save on labor hours during the "slower months". Each park has certain low capacity attractions go down for "refurbishment" they usually return just before Easter. Sure, they'll do some routine clean up. But it's not truely a refurb.
  4. bearboysnc

    Small World Re-opening Wednesday

    I'm surprised they didn't try to cram a gift shop or add on board photo op.
  5. bearboysnc

    Yeti news

    If this park were in CA, this would have never happened. This animatronic is the tentpole of a crappy park, designed & built during a time when less was acceptable(DCA, WDS Paris). WDI should be CRAWLING all over this problem until a fix or a "plus" and built. Essentially the cost isn't...
  6. bearboysnc

    Help Me To Stay Calm & Not Overplan

    When I was a kid I used to "overplan" or get SO excited, I couldn't concentrate, or sleep. I would make lists, draw pictures. I would also take an old park guide and DRAW a line of the route I planned to take. Then when things didn't pan out the way I anticipated, I'd get discouraged. To...
  7. bearboysnc

    SW Mine Train = Grizzly Gulch? CircusLand = TSL?

    I'm picturing Heimlich's Chew Chew(DCA) with repurposed figures from the attraction. Anything better than that would just be gravy.
  8. bearboysnc

    Disney considering making more themed mod resort rooms (with pics and proof)

    I would kill for that comforter with the wallpaper pattern from the hallway.
  9. bearboysnc

    What fee does the refrigerator at the Pop cost?

    Just tell them you're diabetic and you need it to store your Insulin, and it's free.
  10. bearboysnc

    Via Napoli construction scrim now completely removed

    I'm dissapointed. Of all the amazing architecture in Italy...they nearly duplicated the building next door. Nearly the same trim around the windows, "jars" on the roof line. Same colors, same scale. (no forced perspective.) And I don't know if anyone has been in Italy around dinner time, but...
  11. bearboysnc

    Save the Adventurers Club

    Uh... have you been on Ripshaw falls? Jurrasic park? Cat in the Hat? Spiderman? Sure they can build great attractions, but FAIL when it come to maintaining them. I give them til the end of summer before the video monitors are projecting test patterns, or the windows reset screen, or just...
  12. bearboysnc

    DHS Villains in Vogue Store sadly on it's way out...

    If they're so unpopular, why is MAC Cosmetics starting a line based on the villians this fall? "Magic Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?" The Evil Queen probably didn't think her immortal words would match up with makeup when she scared the pants off kids in Disney's...
  13. bearboysnc

    Magic Carpets of Aladdin will be converted into what!?!

    Two things no one has mentioned... Disney Seas in Japan has posted artwork for "Jasmin's flying carpets" next to the Sinbad attraction, coming in 2011. Hopefully they're moving it to Japan? I also...
  14. bearboysnc

    Save the Wonders of Life Pavillion

    Die! Let the thread and the pavilion die. Both are a waste of time.
  15. bearboysnc

    Fantasyland expasion phase III - move IASW????

    The interiors of IASM are vaslty different. Florida's is much shorter in length. I wish they would gut and rebuild Pirates. I find it interesting that they have Gastons Restaurant so close to the Village Haus. Hopefully if they bulldoze IASW they take VH with it.
  16. bearboysnc

    SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!

    They aren't blinking red, just glowing red in a dimly lit room. Theres the ring of red lights around the camera, and then theres an addition rectangle panel of red lights them sitting just below the camera. There in several straight-aways near the end, they're hard to miss as the rocket heads...
  17. bearboysnc

    SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!

    We finally were able to ride the recently reopened SM, and besides the station and the video games in the queue, the only new thing I noticed on the ride was the IR cameras staring me in the face throughout the ride. There had to be at least 7 of them, mostly towards the lower levels on the...
  18. bearboysnc

    Tiana's Showboat Jubilee opens today

    Yuk It looks and sounds like a number from "Best little w#orehouse in Texas"
  19. bearboysnc

    Loosing a tooth while in Disney

    Never Assume Why does everyone assume Tinker Bell and Tooth Fairy know each other. Thats like assuming all Canadians know each other. :animwink:
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