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  1. heliumalias

    Really, Why Bother ...

    It is standard for non-Costume CMs to wear Pin Lanyards while in the parks. Also, all CMs have the same style of name tag irrespective of whether they are management or entry-level. That piece is designed to be mutually beneficial. For the Sentinel it gets Disney and AK management on side...
  2. heliumalias

    Kim Possible Who?

    Perry's the only character that could really take over from Kim atm. I don't think it matters that not everyone is familiar with Kim Possible though. Lots of young kids don't know half the characters in MSEP but it doesn't prevent enjoyment of the parade.
  3. heliumalias

    WDW Blogosphere Common Beliefs That Maybe Shouldn't Have Cult Status

    I hated Alien Encounter. For me it wasn't a good fit in the Disney Parks. As a kid I found it absolutely terrifying. Yes kids like being scared but that wasn't fun scared. I won't knock the quality of the attraction because it was well done but I don't think it belonged anywhere near the Magic...
  4. heliumalias

    Shanghai is getting a new castle...why not give each resort it's own unique castle?

    I like that DLP's is Sleeping Beauty's castle. Hello...DRAGON!!! None of the other princesses at that time would have allowed for a dragon to live underneath the castle. I don't think there would have been enough of a promotional benefit to giving the castle to Belle like there potential was...
  5. heliumalias

    Disney World Lawsuit

    The lawyer appears to specifically refer to nachos and not just the nacho cheese which is why I was wondering. Could just be semantics or misquoting on the part of the reporter but it's the sort of loophole that a defence attorney might point out. It also makes a difference in the point about...
  6. heliumalias

    Disney World Lawsuit

    I just wanted to make a few observations... 1) The family apparently dined in Cosmic Rays and ate Nachos in March 2010 (According to the CBS News article). I was looking at the menus on this site and couldn't actually see that CR serves Nachos (although the same cheese is presumably used on...
  7. heliumalias

    school vs disneyworld

    In school I was a straight A student and up until I was 11 (sorry unfamiliar with US grades) they would happily pull me out of school to go to WDW. Like many parents on here, mine were not always able to take time off work during school vacation periods. I can safely say it did not affect my...
  8. heliumalias

    Internet connection in residences?If not, where?

    There is wired internet that is included in the rent. A lot of people buy a wireless hub from walmart and share the cost between roommates. Most ICPs also buy a cheap payg phone from walmart or wherever so that they can call their friends within the states. For contacting home, most people...
  9. heliumalias

    Should Disney offer Ultimate Fastpass?

    DLP currently offer this if you stay in the Disneyland Hotel. They also offer a courtesy fastpass to guests staying in the more expensive hotels in the more expensive rooms. This is a 1 pass per person per day thing where you get a fp that's good for use once on any ride that has fp at any time...
  10. heliumalias

    Odd Question for College Program participants.

    There are definite advantages to starting your CP program after you graduate. If you find you like working at Disney then its much easier for you to extend your program because you have no school requiring you to go back. I know a few people who have also applied to do a Professional Internship...
  11. heliumalias

    TSA Carry on question

    It always surprises me how many people use umbrellas at WDW in the summer. Talk about a safety hazard!
  12. heliumalias

    Beastly Kingdom Discussion

    The number of dining locations is relative. Compared to the other 3 parks there is a major lack of dining options, particularly TS ones. TDO is clearly aware of this judging by the fact that AK is the only park with discounts on QS dining.
  13. heliumalias

    Should Disney offer " Frequent Guest" Perks?

    The difference is the occasion! What time of year is it when people deserve to have things revolve around them (if only for a moment)? The answer is special occasions. Disney's magic is all about celebrating the special. I have never been able to celebrate a birthday at Disney so unlike the rest...
  14. heliumalias

    OKW "Hospitality House Category"

    There's an internal shuttle and buses that go around the property in opposing directions (usually the Downtown/typhoon bus). It's not that far to walk to the hospitality house from any of the rooms but if you plan on taking hot food back to your room it will be a lot colder by the time you get...
  15. heliumalias

    Tigger at WDW

    If Tigger had a pink nose in Florida it would get sunburn!
  16. heliumalias

    International Summer Program?

    I've just finished my ICP and loved every second of it. I highly recommend it. However I would offer the following tips: When you're asked which roles you're willing to do seriously consider each one. I know a lot of people that hated their program because they'd said ok to say QSFB without...
  17. heliumalias

    Snobbery among cast members?

    The buses do not come as often as every 10 minutes although I wish they would! There are often occasions when not everyone is able to board the bus and on july 4th I heard stories of people waiting 2+ hours for one of the buses. I can't speak for others but i can safely say that I have never...
  18. heliumalias

    MSEP will stay past Nightastic

    Spectro trumps MSEP in terms of overall quality. For many kids MSEP lacks any relevance. I can't tell you the number of "Who's that"s I've heard when Pete's Dragon comes along and a lots of people can't tell that the donkeys from Pinocchio are donkeys and not horses or something. There's no...
  19. heliumalias

    Tip Mouse Keeping?

    I was about to say this before i read your post! I know someone mentioned that the money might have to be handed to the Management team who then decide what to do with it. A little side note (although please note that this does not necessarily apply to all such establishments)... I used to...
  20. heliumalias

    Disney Ducks- Do they annoy you?

    Ducks? I thought they were bus stop entertainers.
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